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Everything posted by lwilliams1922

  1. the amy pac figures have 2 options/sizes, one for wall sized time lines about 2x3 MAYBE) and one for book time lines that is smaller. I havent printed any of these though.
  2. I havent seen the figures in vol 4. we use the amy pac CD. It's GREAT!! We even make a few for our own (from google images) when we run into things we'd like to include.
  3. The time line is a lot of fun. Me and my dd/12 really enjoy it! we are doing the acients so our time line goes from the start of time to around 500 AD. It spans the length of the living room wall. We used posterboard (about 2 ft by 3ft each) and secured them together with packing tape. i'm not sure what type/size time line your thinking about but I would say by all means GO FOR IT! I don't think it would be a problem to start now as you only do one per year anyway. next year just go back to the ancients and do a time line for that was well. hth
  4. sorry i dont have any help/ :( but I thought i would share... my 12 yr old is TOO regular _> every 21 days. :( and we're still working on preventing leaks
  5. can you make a game to find various errors in writing pieces (that are not hers)? Give out point for each error found. MY dd has many issues with attention to detail but for some reason editing is the ONLY thing she does focus on and HYPER focus. She goes to the point of finding mistakes with everyone elses writing. sigh.... I think it stems from her reading so much. Do you do copy work with her?
  6. when my 12 yr old was young I always took her to a harvest festival sponsored by a church. We never seem to live on a street with door knockers but I keep candy on hand that day just in case. Last year the 3yr old wore angel wings but it wasn't a 'real' costume. The 12 yr old had them and put them on her. '
  7. Just received this and thought I would pass along the information: You may enroll your homeschooled children that are between K-6th grade at the following web site: http://www.bookitprogram.com/enrollment/homeschool.asp Students may only participate in the program where they attend school. Thanks.
  8. my dd 12 took the SAT last year and got into CTY, at least on the verbal side. We're still new.
  9. I REALLY wish I could!!! I suppose that would be better than planning a trip to visit William and Mary and hoping we accidentally bump into you. :0 We moved from VA to Northern NY. So if you have ANY plans further Noth PLEASE let me know. :auto:
  10. Pure Shea butter! I buy it by the pound so it's not that much and it lasts a LONG time. I get it whipped so it's easy to apply then I'll ad in a couple drops of essential oil. I love that soft feeling right out of a hot shower!
  11. yeah banks are tough on everyone these days. esentially one of the reasons I do it is to help people that need it. If they pay me ON TIME each month I report it to the lender who can boost thier credit worthyness. I also give them a modest rent credit for each on time payment. ie)every month pmt is made on time I credit them $50 towards closing. bottom line you will have some that work out and some that start creating excuses.
  12. I've done many lease option transactions. it can open doors to many buyers when you're in a bind. Keep in mind that about half of people with lease option can actually buy the property at the end of the term. There are a variety of reasons: 'sure thing' money never came in couldn't get financed they just stopped making payments for one reason or another they move in 6-7 adtl people into the house and you start seeing damage With all that I still do it. I think you just need to go in with your eyes open. AND make sure you get a NON refundable option payment as well as security deposit that is refundable if they don't buy and end up leaving. ie) I have a small house I put a guy in on lease option for 1 yr. House is worth 75k I charged him 1500 option payment 500 security deposit at the end of one year he said he was not quite ready to get financing. i let him stay without raisning the pmts. Last month he said he was leaving cause his wife was having another baby and they wanted a larger place. I need the cash now so i'm going to sell on the MLS this time. I'll just lower the price a bit every 2 weeks till i can find a traditional buyer. Are you sure your house it priced right? Has your agent reviewed the comps with you? (DH is a Real estate agent full time now) I am big on lowering the price at regular intervals. EVEN if it's only $50! Your agent might not like having to do it but it puts your property on the 'hot sheet' again. In most cases it will cause a bunch or agents and buyers to see your house again. It's a numbers game. The more people that see your house the better. you can email me if you'd like more tips to protect yourself in a lease option. HTH
  13. LOL!!! my 3 yr old will pull 30 books out and look at EACH one. The one yr old pulls ALL the books just for the SPORT of it. Hey, they can be the michael phelps of book pulling. 2010 olympics!!
  14. I bag the legos at the end of the day. If the kids don't help put them in the bag then i put the bags in the closet where they cant reach them. This worked for a few days.... i THOUGHT DH was sneaking them the blocks back, till I saw the 1 yr old and the 3ry old push chairs to the closet and climb up to get them out. sigh.... I guess it's good experience at team work?? And yes I put books up where the kids cant get them. :( I KNOW they know all the not so secret anymore places. It's less than a day before they find a way to find and pull out 30 of them.
  15. :lurk5: You don't want to know how many books we have here. :( Why do some of the kitchen and linen closets also have shelves full of books?? 3yr old LOVES books. So we keep buying them. sigh... but oh the joy when we remember a shelf of books we've havent read in a while! DH wants a library in the house some day. I'm afraid because i already feel like i pick up books all day.
  16. thanks! just for my own goal setting, can you tell me apx how many points they increased from year to year? I'm wondering if it's realistic to shoot for 100 point inc each year at least in the reading and writing for dd. Math is another story at the moment. I'd like to get high enough in those 2 to compensate for her math side.
  17. he he he there have been times i wished i sent DH with a photo on his phone to make sure we get what we need from the store :) dd has problems with dairy. I did some reasearch and found that we really dont need milk. there are plenty of other places to get calcium. DD does love the taste of it so i also found that raw milk (google weston price) or cultured milk products she toleratees just fine. http://users.sa.chariot.net.au/~dna/kefirpage.html
  18. sorry to hear about your neighbors. :(

    wish we were closer. I'd love to learn more about soap.

  19. hmmm the dreaded gang up. so sorry they did this to you. I wish i knew what their intention was? did they want something from you other than an apology? were they jealous that you are a SAHM? I have to admit while I was working I did not think highly of SAHM's Now that I've been home for a couple years I think it was more of a protection thing i had going on... It's not possible for me to not work so I need to find things wrong with people that can. :grouphug: to you and your son hey we live on a block with NO ONE else. just 2 new homes that are avail. I'd love to have ya
  20. the only answer I give is... Making excuses doesnt change the fact that we should/should not ____fill in the blank_________. I only respond once without getting into a debate about it. once I fall into a dialog it gives crediblity to the diversion. I used to feel for her but I had to realize, if she is motivated to do something she wants she has no problem following rules to get what she wants. She just needs to be in the habit of following the rules when there isn't a carrot dangling over her head.
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