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Everything posted by lwilliams1922

  1. eeeesh! do you have a link regarding this? I thought i heard some schools make it madatory for 10th graders to practice before taking it for real in 11th grade?? I wanted her to take the psat for practice but NOT if she cant do it for real/awards in 11th grade. thanks!
  2. What age range is your book targeted to? thanks so much! -feeling overwhelmled as I learn all the things I didn't know, that I didn't know. sigh...
  3. hang out on chat boards :) really. I have 3 kids (one of which is ALWAYS climbing on the table). I just dont have the time to get out unless it's shopping or taking the kids to the library. So I've been sitting here for an hour or so making 'friends' in between reading stories to my littles ones. I guess i find it easier to be open and transparent over the net. perhaps that makes me a social misfit. In real life I feel like people are always judging me and I have to prove something. People here aren't likely to raise an eye brow when they find out I home school or home birth.
  4. Very interesting. We've had a HUGE gap between verbal and math in ALL the tests she's ever taken. apx 4-5 yrs above grade level compared to 1 yr below in math. We just started math u see so I hope we can learn all the math that she just didn't get while she was in school.
  5. i was thinking that as well. On facebook and myspace you can include a message when you send an invitation. I guess I miss my 2 little green squares so i spent some time today (avoiding mopping the floor) looking for friends. I've got soooo many things on my mind that i cant keep track of all the people I've had conversatons with here. I just looked trhough some old threads and sent requests to some people that said things that i really agreee with or have things in common. It's not likely I'll be able to get brownies to their doors but I thought they were people I'd like if we lived close enough. KWIM? i haven't found many (any) classical hs'er in this new county we live in so it really helps to have 'friends' that are doing similar things. In my barney voice.... I like you and you like me we're a happy family...
  6. i read (I think on the SAT site) that they dont save the scores of the younger testers past the end of the year. DD saw things on the reading and writing sections that she's never been taught. I think it's made her a bit more interested in learning those things.
  7. and I thought with friends replacing the (neg) rep everyone was getting along.... I still try to avoid the politics though
  8. I found out last spring that there is no age requirement for these test so I had DD 12 take the SAT this past June. I told her it was just to see what it's like. She's good at test taking and didn't mind. She did well enough to qualify for John's Hopkins CTY Center for talented Youth (at least in the reading and writing portions). I told her she could skip the math sections as we still have work to do in math. So now she's in 8th grade and I just registered her for the PSAT next month. When she took the SAT last year she was a little nervous but this time when I asked about the PSAT she said 'COOL' I think she met a girl at the test that was her age and also a little book worm (They put all the 7th and 8th graders together). We did a mini practice test from a web site but haven't done any real test prep. I wanted to know if anyone else had their kids start on these test early? How many points do kids usually increase from year to year?
  9. i would like dd to join but there is no local chapter within 6 hrs from here. I contacted the national org and they said I could start a chap but should have at least 4 other qualified students. I cant find any hs'er around here that are interested or qualified. :(
  10. I make kefir at home. More benficail bacteria than you can ever buy in a store. http://users.sa.chariot.net.au/~dna/kefirpage.html
  11. Clairol Herbal Essences Hello Hydration Conditioner. I use a bit as a leave in as well
  12. That is really scary! I'm soooo sorry this happned to you guys :grouphug::grouphug:
  13. My name is Lara and I’ve been married to Todd for almost 5 years. He retired last year after 20 years active duty army. We also moved last year from Northern VA to his last duty station in Northern NY.


    We have 2 little ones ages 1 and 3. I have a 12 year old dd here and he has 2 boys 13 and 15 that live in CA.


    I went from a high paying software job to heeding the call 3 years ago to raise my little ones. It’s been a big adjustment financially but the daily joys far outweigh the loss of income. Now that DH retired from the army we are both doing real estate from home. He has a license and I support his contacts and put together creative investment deals where traditional solutions don’t fit.


    Since dd was born 3 years ago I’ve been leaning toward a more natural life style.

    My meals changed from take out and microwave to cooking from scratch. I’ve taken more of a pro active role in the health of the family. We even had dd#3 as a home birth. I’m blessed to have such a supportive DH.




    My 12 year old was always in private school. She is ADHD and has always tested very high on standardized test but struggled with organizational issues. When we moved last year I was spending more time trying to coordinate with her teachers and school to get work turned in. As much as they felt she should be responsible it just wasn’t going to happen at the rate they expected. I saw her self esteem and confidence drop even further. She’s a prolific reader and retains a lot of information but all of the focus was on her lack of organization.



    My 3 year old is an inquisitive little book worm so I had started looking in to homeschooling when I came across the WTM. A light when on and I knew I was on to something. I thought I was planning ahead and had over a year to get rammped up before starting with the 3 year old.




    It became evident that is what the 12 yr old needed ASAP. Over spring break in 2007 we began homeschooling.


    I’m just starting a blog to document our journey. I will be updating soon…



    feel free to email me for any reason. I haven’t met a lot of home school families in the area and I’d love to chat with other WTM hs’ers.


    Looking forward to talking to you



  14. hmmm... I need to write this one on my board (as well as my journal, blog, dash board, fridge,front door, post it notes,PDA, bathroom mirror, back of my hand,...)
  15. Oh how much there is that i don't know. Can anyone help? I found 2 different stories for Gilgamesh. I just got a copy of adam and his kin. here the story has him describing a flood story (before Noah) WTM has it described as a creature that comes and ends up fighting with then befriending Gilgamesh, - no mention of flood- the story takes place AFTER Noah. Can anyone shed some light? thanks!
  16. does SHE have kids??? I'd like to be put together as much as possible but my first priority is taking care of my kids. It could have been just TMI for her??? I have to stop myself at times as not every one finds humor in my mom stories. She needs to get over it.
  17. no problemo. I think it will be good at teaching patience.

    That reminds me... Tiffany wanted me to get a photo for her to send.

    I will soon.



  18. does SHE have kids??? I'd like to be put together as much as possible but my first priority is taking care of my kids. It could have been just TMI for her??? I have to stop myself at times as not every one finds humor in my mom stories. She needs to get over it.
  19. I am a HUGE fan of natural treatments/non medicinal. That is what i was doing for the last year while she was off meds. It just not possible to pay out of pocket for these things. sigh.... Have you looked at finding another dr that will evaluate him for ADHD? I know my ins did pay for a full battery of testing that took 2 days. It was clearly evident what her issues were. when dd was 8 I paid out of pocket for one of these. I forgot how much it was but I was working at the time and things werent as tight. I found out 2 yrs later that the new ins plan covered it so they did one and came to the same DX. can you find a pysch around your home or his school that treats ADHD and accepts your ins? They should be more likely to order any necessary testing.
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