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Everything posted by lwilliams1922

  1. I'm not sure if this has been posted before but I just saw it on another list I'm on.... This is a great site that has daily download freebies. Sign up to get the "heads up" on Monday and you'll see what is offered each day. The freebie is only available that day though, so I put it on my calendar if it is one I might use. We have enjoyed the MP3's of living books that are so well done. www.HomeschoolFreebieOfTheDay.com here is another link i found if that one doesnt work: http://homeschoolfreebie.wholesomechildhood.com/ Lara
  2. how have you been doing with this? I JUST posted a similar post today! I would love to chat with you or others that would like to share stories. email if you like. Lara
  3. DH is really sweet. He WANTS to help more but doesn't realize all that goes on to keep things neat and everyone fed. I guess I really need to make more of an effort to get to know people here. something I need to work on. It seems to get harder the older I get.
  4. Do the dishes pile? Does the floor just not get cleaned? would laundry not get washed? I don't get sick often (since we've been eating healthy the last few years). I could probably count on my hand and that would include the days following the birth of the last two babies. Late Friday i came down with an ear infection (I used the get them a lot). Things are just hard. I feel dizzy, my head aches and my ear hurts. I want to stay in bed but,... I can't We don't have any family in the area nor any friends in the area (we spend all our time with the kids and don't get out much) SIGH... I guess I'm just wondering what happens in other homes.
  5. I'm just wondering if there are any parents that recently started or working on finding a med for themselves? MY dd has been dx'ed since she was 4 but we stopped meds a year ago (side effects were greater than the benefits). Now i've been told in the past I had it but I didn't follow up after I did not like the two meds the dr tried me on. I never got a chance to go back (distraction/procrastination). that was over 5 years ago. Now I married to a GREAT DH (who probably has it as well). I have the 12 yr old home schooling for the first year and my 3 and 1 yr olds at home. I am overwhelmed. My chronic disorganization was a struggle but now i am buried with trying to keep things together for everyone one in the house. I want/need to have the house clean and organized but I find myself mad more days than not because I feel like the hamster in the metal wheel trying to catch up. I have a copy of driven from distraction. I just tripped over it next to my bed. i've never been able to read more than a hand full of pages at a time though (distraction/procrastination). Today I'm wondering if with all that is going on or not going on lately, perhaps I should find a dr and look into trying out meds again. I would rather something natural but (while I was working and had money) I tired many natural things that didn't work. any thoughts suggestions? anything new that I haven't heard about? thanks
  6. i've always wanted to make my own. I'm glad to hear others are out there too. MY DH is pretty cool about trying new stuff, it's my dd12 that thinks we are weirdos when I come up with some natural. This recipe sounds good and easy. I'm think I will try it. thanks! (wishing I had more rep today)
  7. I'm LOL not becase it's funny but because my dd would say the same thing if i asked her. We are doing school year round july 1-june 30 this year. It gives me more days to get things done and i can cover any days that something comes up. good luck Lara
  8. that is so cool. Hey I just moved from Northern VA. Where are you? Perhaps I can find someone that may be able to help with a ride. email me if you havent found one yet.
  9. THANKS FOR posting this. hey, did anyone get instant results? it says for me to wait 8 to 10 weeks for them to research. is it because I just moved out of the state?
  10. very well said. Sometimes I feel bad though, When I find posts I really want to rep I'm out. :( wouldn't it be cool if there were a rep meter to let you know how many you had to give at any time? I THINK it's 6 a day but I've got too much I'm trying to keep up with to count. My 16 month old wants to potty train like her older sister. I think it's to early but she keeps taking off her diaper! So Now I am counting her BM's. If i havent seen one in the last few hrs i chase her to put another diaper back on. eeesh now i forgot when the last BM was AND how many reps i just gave out. mommy brains (fried on many days).
  11. I use coconut for 95% of all our oil needs. I'll use a mix of coconut oil and butter on popcorn :) DH likes salad dressing but I've been lining the plates with salad so we dont really need it. ie) either the meat or a side item will top the salad.
  12. We should be. 12, 2 and 1 in the house and we're both close to 40. Since DH and I are both making 1/4 of what we were, finantially it's just not a good idea. but if there were another surprise....
  13. now this is making me want to do it here. I've always been reluctant as I have plenty on my plate.
  14. thanks for sharing the book link. I went to amazon and i saw the paperback comes out in oct but the hard cover came out a year ago. Lara
  15. I second the menu mailer! Have you talked to Kerry Ann? we are NT now (still havent gotten to the organ meat yet). I did ww a couple of years ago. i felt terrible. Now i look back and see all the chemicals, bad fats and sugar. It helps a lot of people but personally, for me it wasnt worth it. I could stand to loose a good 20 lbs but my yougest is still nursing. When she stops i'm going to look into the master cleanse but I will not be counting calories, starving or taking away the HEALTHY coconut oil. kerry Ann helped me out quite a bit. When I first started I found that I lost a little bit but DH had a bigger weight loss (which he does not need or want). She suggested I add in extra grains and carbs to his meals as side dishes. Since then things have been great. good luck! email me if you want to chat
  16. :confused: Have you met my dd? I have the queen of procrastination. at first I thought some of you must have seen us today from a hidden camera... I HAVE to be RIGHT next to her as she does the problems or she will panic and forget eVERYTHIING just staring into space. Or I will get the 20 min trip to the rest room. This morning she wanted to go out with my husband. She was lagging all morning on ONE math lesson, staring at the book/complaining one of the kids touched the manipulatives/telling me how she just didn't get it/whining,... 8:00 to 10:30 AM. DH had to leave so he was putting his shoes on. In an instant she zooming through all the problems. Got a few wrong but fixed them without complaint (this time). ...sigh... I have to try really hard not to get frustrated. usually I break her work down in to small bits and that is helpful. Then I also tie them into things that she has to do. If dinner is ready and your 30 min assignment is still not completed after 2 hrs of staring at it, your dinner will wait for you to get done. I also will let her send txt msgs from an extra cell phone if she gets work done with out me prodding. I also pull out the timer on some days. I 'll set it for 30 mins for her to complete a portion of work. If she does before the timer goes off she gets bonus time before the next section of work. some good days and some, uhh... well.... challenging days.
  17. I'm not adicted.... I just don't want to miss anything. ;) besides.. I need somewhere to run to when I'm procrastinating.
  18. sorry to hear about that. How is ds taking it? I'm in upstate NY as well. I moved and called the hs coordinator of the new district to let him know I was here. He asked he to call the other hs district (the next town over) and have her records sent over. I explained we only started hs 6 months ago and i have records of all communication with them. He was friendly and still asked that I make the request. This morning I call over and the not at all friendly receptionist says, as always that the coordinator isn't there (even thought she IS there most of the time). It's not a big deal because that is why she has a receptionsit but why be dishonest AND hire someone that is so bitter?? I very politely explain that the other coordinator requested I ask you to send him what you have. She gets VERY frustrated that I would even suggest such a thing. eessh.... I did find it odd that in speaking with both the hs coordinator and the guidance counselor (I was asking about what standardized tests they give) both keep asking me if i would consider enrolling dd in their school. Seemed like when i mentioned what classes we were doing (Latin, logic, geography,advanced English,...) they became eager to get me to enroll her. I politely thanked each of them for the offers but inside I was scratching my head. Why would I abandon all the opportunity and freedom to have her sit and not be able to take those classes because she's an 8th grader?? hope things work out with your district
  19. ditto DH and I were appart for a year two times. The only reason was because we had a strong commitment to complete his 20 years military service. I didn't like it but when I married hiim 5 years ago he was already in the military and i supported him and his career. When retirement came up last year I think he wanted to stay in but the separation was something neither of us wanted to deal with if we didn't HAVE to. Personally I think you can WANT him to ask you to move, but why should he if you dont clearly tell him what you want or need? Your house is paid for? What could possbily keep you from sellilng it or renting it out in order to keep your family together? I LOVE DH and I want to be together. I don't think there is a reason to not WANT to be with your mate. just my opinion hugs and prayers to you
  20. have you looked into coconut oil? your body/brain needs fat but it should be healthy fat
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