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Everything posted by lwilliams1922

  1. wow that sounds like it was fun. When is the WTM East Coast social?
  2. I'm looking for suggestions from anyone that can give me any info on scholarships, the process and sources. I have a few years, but I would like any tips you've learned along the way. I haven't been able to save up as much as I hoped but I academically she's very talented and tests well. Her verbal SAT scores will be attractive. I'm not sure about her math score however. She's only in 8th grade now. I don't know what she will want to study, but I think it will be a case where she chooses from those schools offering the best financial aid package. Where should I start looking for info? thanks!
  3. :iagree: my 12 year old has always avoided math like the plague. We just started homeschooling 6 months ago but every teacher she ever had said she just didn't get it, even with all the years of private tutoring. We're using MUS and she's not crying any more. I took her back to start with delta to get the basics. I wish i would have found it years ago.
  4. I guess I would have loved the alphabet thing. I get really excited when the kids do something educational. DD's very bright and inquisitive but I perhaps I wasn't expecting to see them for art work and insulation. :confused:
  5. To top it off, we moved to a new place a few months back. There's no storage space above her reach! I guess I need to send DH out for cabinet locks
  6. feminine products.... Are my children the only ones that are fascinated by these?! I've learned the hard way (several times) it's easier to just stop buying panty liners. Oh I should have taken a photo they day my 1 and (almost) 3 yr old dd's decorated their room with an entire pack. I thought they were taking a nap. I thought maybe we were done with the curiosity for a while. Then today I found a maxi pad wrapper on the floor in my bathroom. i knew i did not leave it there and it was only a matter of time till I found 'something'. Sure enough I was reading stories for nap time and saw the missing item next to her bed. I don't want to laugh, nor do i want to squash her curiosity. so I calmly ask why she had it. She said her butt was cold and we all needed one, well everyone except daddy. I don't know if I can have any more of these 'serious' conversations. :willy_nilly:
  7. I tend to worry about this more than i probably should. dd 12 has been hs almost 6 months now. She is 3-4 year below grade level in Math (other subjects are above grade level). I actuallyly have more problems with people telling her she is not having enough fun and that I am too hard on her. Well, the fact that we raise our children differently is not a bad thing. Here we dont watch TV every day. BUT they children LOVE the books we get to read together The preteen does not have video games, she no longer gets computer or cell phone time. Up until she started junior high she didn't care about these things. Then when she did I saw her start to be influenced by negative things we don't care to have in our home (foul lang, disrespect, laziness, sense of entitlement,...) we hs year round BUT she has a short attention span and she would never get anything completed if i scheduled long days and long breaks. Someone on the board had a signature that said the following... I've seen the village, and I don't want it raising my kids. I LOVE that saying. so thank you to who ever has it. I don't have as much money as I'd like for her college education but I will do all I can to prepare her academically and give her a work ethic and self discipline.
  8. when I purchased my copy it came with a teachers guide and test packet. Here is the isbn for the teachers guide 0890510288 hth
  9. we're doing gift baskets this year. I'm about to make my first batch of homemade soap. Each basket will also have a candle, bath salt, bath oil, and what ever else I find between now and then.
  10. :lurk5: Can you tell me where to find Jen's SOTW & Kingfisher schedule? thanks
  11. I've got 2 dd's that are biracial (3 and 1) The 3 year old refers to herself has brown but she says the one year old is white (like daddy). The one year old is actully paler than her daddy.
  12. :lurk5: I'd like to hear from others as well. I dont use candles though (I have little ones) When my house was for sale I put a pot of water on very low heat. I added a bit of cin and vanilla. The house smelled like baked apples for hours.
  13. Has anyone found an Amish person with Autism? i read they found THREE, (but those 3 received shots)
  14. EEESH! I would have been LIVID to put it mildly. I think I will add that to the list of why we homebirthed the last baby. Now days NO ONE touches my babies or me without answering questions.
  15. I've been working on this off and on for years. some times its easier to to it right than to listen to the whining. :( Then last year dd/12 was in a new school. She ran in to a lot of privledged friends. One mom even said it was her responsiblity to clean up after her kids. For various reaosns we homeschool now.
  16. a couple days ago I read this interesting piece from AIG... http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/nab/are-there-different-races As a result of Darwinian evolution, many people started thinking in terms of the different people groups around the world representing different “races,†but within the context of evolutionary philosophy. This has resulted in many people today, consciously or unconsciously, having ingrained prejudices against certain other groups of people.9 However, all human beings in the world today are classified as Homo sapiens sapiens. Scientists today admit that, biologically, there really is only one race of humans. For instance, a scientist at the Advancement of Science Convention in Atlanta stated, “Race is a social construct derived mainly from perceptions conditioned by events of recorded history, and it has no basic biological reality.†This person went on to say, “Curiously enough, the idea comes very close to being of American manufacture.â€10 Reporting on research conducted on the concept of race, ABC News stated, “More and more scientists find that the differences that set us apart are cultural, not racial. Some even say that the word race should be abandoned because it’s meaningless.†The article went on to say that “we accept the idea of race because it’s a convenient way of putting people into broad categories, frequently to suppress them—the most hideous example was provided by Hitler’s Germany. And racial prejudice remains common throughout the world.â€11 But some people think there must be different races of people because there appear to be major differences between various groups, such as skin color and eye shape. The truth, though, is that these so-called “racial characteristics†are only minor variations among people groups. If one were to take any two people anywhere in the world, scientists have found that the basic genetic differences between these two people would typically be around 0.2 percent—even if they came from the same people group.19 But these so-called “racial†characteristics that people think are major differences (skin color, eye shape, etc.) “account for only 0.012 percent of human biological variation.â€20
  17. I used both the hypnosis programs with my last 2 babies. They work but you really need to practice. With my last pregnancy my dd was 1 so that made practice time difficult. I had no pain meds with any of my births and the nurses were almost laughing when I told them i didnt want any. They said there was no way i would make it since they were setting up pitocin. I could feel the pressure but I was able to relax enough to be with it. hth
  18. you could always have him test now and see where he is. It was an easy decision for me because dd doesn't seem to mind standardized tests.
  19. I've had laser jet all iin ones for years. I didn't like the cost of replacing the ink but it did the job. The printer usually need be reaplaced about every 18 months. I had been spending from 100 to 200 on each. Our last one starting dying a coulple of weeks ago. I finally jumped and went laser. We really need the all in 1 and I LIKE to print in color but i couldnt afford both ($500). I ended up getting a laser black and white all in one from ebay for around $125. So far it works GREAT and i can see the toner level --> which is a huge help. I don't think I would go back to an ink jet. good luck
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