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Everything posted by lwilliams1922

  1. google the board or realtors in your county ask them for the listing info as well as the status of offers. No shady realtor wants their board asking questions if they are doing something unethical.
  2. google the board of realtors for your county. Ask them to to check the status of the listings and offers. No crooked agent wants to know someone may catch them in unethecial practices.
  3. this is my first full year. I am starting with the ancients for my 8th grader. It would be really cool to have a bit more in the way of a chronological reading list. I'm not entirely clear. :(
  4. (baked) french fries oatmeal cookies brownies potato salad refried beans enchiladas enchilada sauce I also make soap and deoderant now as well
  5. DH is a relator and often times he spends days weeks and months driving people around that never buy houses or cant qualify. That's part of the business. he says it's unethical to contact someone on your behalf without your request, consent or signed buyers agreement. I know how hard it is to tell someone a situation is not working for you. In this case I think you really need to stand your ground. Not in an offensive way as I dont THINK she meant any harm. If you are working with the builider to make the numbers work than so be it. Personally if it were someone in the same church in a similar situation I think DH and I would assist them without a commision to help them get in. We need the money but a happy home owner could provide a referal later on, who knows?. I think it works out in the end... reaping what you sow. tell the builder she is not representing you so he is not obligated to pay her as you do not have a signed ageny form. He has a house he wants to sell. you would like to buy a house. He doesnt have to pay if she did not bring you to him or you did not request her help. sorry for the typos.
  6. I'm all late here but I wanted to chime in.... I really enjoy drinking tea with DH, especially when we finish at the same time. :) We usually enjoy our tea together most of the time. But every now and again one person will finish their tea before the other. I'm always left wondering.... If I drink mine first I'm always there till DH is done. If he drinks his first the tea party is over. :( Is it just biological??
  7. :lurk5: I'd love to chime it...Howver it's Thursday and dd 12 is still working on TUEDSAYs work! I try to give her some space at the start of the week. Once she falls behind (stating into space, long bathroom breaks,whispering to the 1 yr old, whining about the 3 yr old ,rambling about ANY and EVERYTHING, ...) little by little I have to turn into the warden. :( Someone PLEASE tell me that responsiblity will kick in.
  8. my DH just retrired (thank GOD). He used to do all the stuff on post since he was there at work. Now that he's not there I've been trying to schedule medical stuff. Boy, trying to get a live person on the phone is like trying to win the lottery.
  9. Harbor Haven Academy it's the name of our development I've been thinking if I should add classical in there, but the jury is still out
  10. I havent been able to get scince off the ground yet. I didn't realize it would take as much oversight. I stopped stressing about it and will try again in a couple weeks when everything else is established. I'm glad to read about this (I was having doubts about being a bad teacher) Lara
  11. 60 Easy Recipes for Body & Bath (PDF ebook) - Want to save some money or make a bit of extra money this fall? Thinking about some “homemade†gifts you might be able to give this Christmas? Or do you just want to pamper yourself a bit? In this exclusive “cookbook†of pampering products, expert soap and fragrance maker Maria Vowell shares 60+ of her proven customer favorite recipes for soaps, lotions, bath salts, lip balms, scrubs, facials, and other delightful products you can make as gifts, to sell, or just to use for your family! Her simple, straightforward recipes and instructions make these products a breeze to make.
  12. have you looked into candida? Do you notice any changes in your symptoms with what you eat? pehapts and elimination diet to see if it's food related?
  13. I recently found out it's not that much to have ebooks bound. Staples did one for me a couple weeks ago for around $3.
  14. hmmm does anyone have a link to really easy and detailed steps for fermented vegs? I tired a few times and i tossed it up to user error (mine) :)
  15. I lost my kefir so I don't have whey right now ;( DH loves kimchee so I really SHOULD figure it out.
  16. I've got one of those in my house as well. 12 yr old dd. 2 days ago whined for 3 hours over a math assignment. Said it was too hard, said she needed more help (someone to do it for her) said it was a waste of time. Ithink the key is not to argue or re-negoitiate. Then she wanted to go somewhere with DH. Once she realized mom was not changing or debating she finnished it in 15 mins. It;s not that i don't help her but i let her know she has to make an effort and take some responsiblity for her own work before I step in to assist (not do it for her). I can talk about it now but belive me I waanted to pull my hair out that day
  17. We are NT (mostly) here. I don't ferment veg's very well but when I have some time i'd like to figure it out. I agree with the raw milk is better but it's hard to get here. Once in a while I will buy orgainc milk for a recipe but for the most part i only buy it when I'm making kefir. We've done both milk and water kefir but I took a break a month ago (neglected it) :( I use the menu mailer. Kerryann's on the boards now. she's a great source of info.
  18. today's freebie.. The Story Book of Science by Jean Henri Fabre (PDF ebook) - The wonders of plant and animal life are told with rare literary charm by Uncle Paul in conversations with three children in this classic “living book†of science stories brought to us today by Yesterday’s Classics. Besides such stories as the ants’ subterranean city, the spider’s suspension bridge, and the caterpillars’ processing, he unlocks the mystery behind thunder and lightning, clouds and rain, the year and its seasons, and volcanoes and earthquakes. Ages 9-12, 432 pages, PDF format
  19. yup maple syrup is pretty pricy, just when I wanted to STOP using the fake stuff. I do find now that by searching amazon i can usually buy it much cheaper then other places.
  20. i've scheduled to go year round. I have given us (dd doesnt know) I week a month of float time. 12 weeks. We can use it when things come up, trips, sickness, holidays or between the next grades. it works much better for us when dd has a week off than a month!
  21. nope DH and i think on the same lines on almost areas BUT voting. He's 20 yr military and I think the culture has him on one side. I support and respect DH and the military but I differ on some of the larger social issues.
  22. try this one... http://homeschoolfreebie.wholesomechildhood.com/
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