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Everything posted by Rosie_0801

  1. He loves auto cad, he's good at auto cad and people will pay him to do auto cad jobs? Getting a job would allow him to: Move out (which he wants to do) Do one class of a degree each semester (which will mean he hasn't dropped out and he can pay upfront, avoiding student loans) Save money for a house (which his father should value)
  2. If someone wanted to create AI that wrote novels of its own accord, there'd have to be some sort of response to praise built in, no? Identity is formed, in a great measure, from our relationships with others. For a robot to choose to write, it would have to have motivation. It would have to have some programming to make it care.
  3. I suppose it depends how much amusement is defined by biology. Does AI have dopamine hits programmed in?
  4. Oh woe. I just started reading this. I hope it doesn't take me *that* long! I've been reading books on real estate over the past few months, pretending I will one day climb a few rungs up the economic ladder. To save you all the trouble of reading these books, I can summarise for you: Buy property, any property, 30 years ago. Great advice, huh? :lol:
  5. That all sound plausible to me. Teachers use a lot of pre-made technology, psychology uses a lot of formulae. I'm not sure diagnosing mental health conditions wouldn't be more accurate if done by a machine. I've suffered the consequences of humans deciding I probably had various conditions I didn't have. At least a robot would have to administer the diagnostic tests before it could pronounce judgement!
  6. My mother is much better now she's drinking kombucha regularly. It can often stave off and attack.
  7. They come in handy, and I don't see why you'd need a huge one. You can work in batches.
  8. If it is going to damage your reputation, yes, it absolutely does.
  9. A Chiro visit usually clears them up quickly.
  10. That's a whole lot easier when you don't already know their stories off by heart. Especially when those stories are about criminal relatives you're glad you've never met. :lol:
  11. I think some of it depends on what relation you are to the older person. There are some things I can talk my mother into that others can't because I'm her daughter, and there are some things anyone but me could talk her into because, again, I'm her daughter. When I lived with my grandmother, I could tell which of her children was calling by the tone of voice she used. My mother was the only one she spoke to with her normal voice. With some of the others, she and them were trapped in dysfunctional patterns that neither of them enjoyed. Both sides would complain about it to me at times, but neither of them would change it.
  12. The Parker readers? They're on Elizabeth's site somewhere.
  13. Ignore it. All that tells you is what is fashionable and not fashionable to confess to. That's useful for staying out of arguments you can't be bothered with, but It tells you nothing about what anyone is doing when no one is watching.
  14. If I don't see my Chiro on a semi-regular basis, I pms like Medusa. It's an expensive cure, but I'd rather not do without.
  15. Have any of you used the beeswax wraps? My mother is big on plastic wrap and I wondered if these would be an acceptable alternative for her.
  16. Some looms are no bigger than a loaf of bread.
  17. People do have dog related careers. If she likes admin, she might work for the organisation that trains guide dogs, or something like that. Bills don't have to be paid by the one employer either. She might work for the Guide Dog association, teach the police how to train their dogs and train assistance dogs for people with special needs. The happiest women I know work a few days a week for an organisation that pays them a regular wage and work their own businesses during the other days.
  18. Why? It sounds like her real passion is the dogs. She's running a dog related charity in her spare time, not chairing meetings for the local historical society. Her intelligence isn't something she owes anyone. There are lots of people who have the intelligence for high prestige jobs, but the personality for lower prestige jobs. Student loans bite though, so practicalities are important. How can she monetise those dogs?
  19. There are jobs for history majors because being able to think and write is handy in an employee. What's more important than the degree is how well those skills translate into skill in interviewing. If she wants to continue with history, I'd also recommend a double major in a different faculty. Perhaps event management or something, since that ties into her hobby.
  20. One of these days I'm going to learn naalbinding.
  21. I don't feel the need to abolish any of them, since no one harasses me on April Fool's day any more. I would like to change the date of Australia Day and I would like to abolish snow themes during Christmas. This is the Southern Hemisphere. It isn't going to snow! There will be no open fires to roast chestnuts on! Chestnuts are out of season and there are fire restrictions on! If Santa comes here, he's going to change into stubby shorts and a singlet long before he reaches the equator!
  22. Put it out there and see what happens. :)
  23. I don't think you are stupid. I think you like the world to be tidier than it is.
  24. It's always been less about time than energy for me. It doesn't matter how much time I have if I'm too exhausted to use it.
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