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Everything posted by ChiMomNP

  1. He had an affair with a married woman(HER sister), he has continued that contact and then he asks his former affair partner for relationship advice? (we call that bait) and the new fiancee knowing all about this is insecure? She did the right thing although getting rid of him completely would of been the better bet. It sounds like there is still something going on there. Does her husband know they have continued contact? That would be my first and immediate phone call. What a tangled web we weave...
  2. I keep my nursing license current in 5 states. It is a cost every few years but I firmly believe you never know what can happen. I worked really hard to qualify for my license, I plan to keep it. I'd encourage anyone with a professional license in any field to keep it current.
  3. I enrolled my son in Seton and am using their program exclusively. I never thought I would go back to an "open and go" curriculum. I do wish I had known about Seton two years ago and wish we had started with them from day one. I feel so much better. I'm getting more studying done, my house is clean, the boy hardly complains a lick about the work and my DH is thrilled that it is rigorous and very catholic. I feel at peace.
  4. Thank you! It looks like that may be a possibility, it may be a "form" issue. That would be so wonderful! I'm going to look into it.
  5. I sympathize. My DH and I were both raised catholic and neither of us can receive communion because I was married before. I was not married in the catholic church, I was married in a civil ceremony. I would still need an annulment because my ex-husband and I were both baptized catholics. I have thought about trying for an annulment but I don't think my ex would go for it. Best of luck to you!
  6. When my son was on meds he took zoloft and risperdal. We tried a lot of different combos but that worked best for him. The risperdal curbed the agitation/rigidity of the aspergers and the zoloft eased the anxiety/ocd type symptoms. He has been off meds for a year now and doing great but those were the top choices for him when he needed them.
  7. Thank you all so much. The exam was not that bad. The sky is brighter today!
  8. Sorry! Been a rough afternoon. He has 60 days and then they are going to terminate him that is about all I can say. I feel better at least now we know and have a little bit of time to prep. We have enough savings to live on for quite a while if need be. I just enrolled my son in Seton so curriculum is taken care of. If worse comes to worse I can always go back to work. I'm a nurse with an MSN and I'm working on my DNP so if I have to do so, I will. My DH has a JD and a MBA. He has years and years in his industry so hopefully he will find something even better. I understand it is business, it is the bottom line, all about shareholder profits, but it still bites. Thank you for all the thoughts and hugs! I'm still trying to prep for this exam tomorrow morning too.
  9. Hi everyone, I could really use some good vibes and thoughts. My DH has been summoned to a meeting tomorrow morning with his boss and the two bosses above him. I'm freaking out. We know it is not good news, his boss won't even take his calls. This is the pits. He is one of the highest paid in his position and they have been facing hard times. They laid off several hundred people in December right before the holidays. We believe they are going to let him go. I'm so stressed out right now. I have a huge exam on Friday morning and need to be studying but I can't even focus. I have been deeply concerned this would happen but he has always been highly regarded there and was convinced his job was not in jeopardy. :(
  10. I'm sure they do. We are here temporarily while I do my doctorate and I have zero involvement in the area. The area is poor, minority and forgotten. I'm sure the teachers try but there is only so much you can do when so many social problems weigh on these children everyday.
  11. The high school is a 2. The middle school is a 3. This is in the Chicago suburbs. Our former school in Newport Beach, CA is a 10 as is the middle and high school.
  12. I would of been steamed. Blech. Having survived my spouses repeated infidelities, I can assure her that is pure unadulterated BS. My DH wanted "tea" everyday and got "tea" everyday and he was still stopping at lots of different tea houses for a different cup of "brew...all the time". It is nonsense and you handled her better than I would have. Seriously.
  13. I'm working on my doctorate in nursing. I'm also adding a new NP speciality. I feel like my son is being raised by wolves right now. My DH jokes that it is digital wolves since he is on the computer all the time. I'm so busy and I can't cut down or that will just drag this out and I want it to be done before he hits high school. I try to do 2 math lesson 3 x a week, grammar worksheet everyday, reading, and he is on his own with world history and science right now. He enjoys both so I know science and history are getting down almost every day. I spend between 4-8 hours a day on school work. This is how it has to be right now. You are so not alone!
  14. I'm less rules-based. I'm developing an agent-based morality. I don't automatically default to following the rules anymore. I'm not nearly as rigid or strict. The world is many shades of gray not just black or white. I'm far more flexible and at ease.
  15. Day-off here. We are taking the long weekend and Tuesday is my birthday so Tuesday is a day off too. We school year round so it isn't a big deal.
  16. I was an only until I was 15 so I really consider that being an only as I moved out right at the stroke of 18. My brother and I get along but are not close. We talk probably 3-4 times a year on Holidays. My son is an only and will always be one unless his dad gets remarried and has more children but since his serious g/f is 48 and has grown children in their 20's I doubt it. We are perfectly happy as a family of 3. In fact we are really enjoying him getting older, it allows us more adult time together. I think the time we spend with him is more enjoyable too. We do occasionally get comments from people who just meet us and find out we only have one. We just blow it off.
  17. Congrats!!! I'm doing my DNP right now and just ordered my books for the upcoming semester. Good luck! Are you doing your RN to BSN online? That is how I did mine.
  18. I was able to sell some curriculum so I had some money to buy him stuff he wouldn't have to know about. I picked him up couple gift cards to restaurants he likes, some really hot smelling shower gel, I made his grandmother's panettone(he is going to flip!I found the recipe in a box in the basement where he stored the stuff from his parents house). The most personal gift I already gave to him. I asked him to change his passwords to all his email accounts, facebook and so on to something I didn't need to have. I re-arranged his home office so that he has his privacy again and I can't immediately see his computer screens. For 20 months he has been under lock-down because of his infidelity but it was time to let the past go and start 2011 off anew. I need that and so does he. I think this is going to be the best Christmas we have ever had!
  19. Christmas Crack 1 sleeve saltine crackers 3/4 cup brown sugar 1 cup butter 1 package chocolate chips 3/4 cup chopped pecans (optional) Preheat the oven to 400 degrees, and line a 10" x 15" cookie sheet with foil (the kind of sheet that has raised edges!). Spray with Pam, or grease VERY lightly with butter. Cover the cookie sheet with a single layer of saltines. Bring butter and brown sugar to a boil. Boil for 3 minutes, stirring with a whisk. Pour over the saltines, and try to spread it as evenly as possible. Place in the oven and bake for 5 minutes. When you remove it, the caramel mixture will be molten and boiling; allow to cool about 3 min, or until you can see the crackers distinctly, which will have shifted while baking. Push them back into order with a fork or knife. Sprinkle the chocolate chips over the toffee and let sit for about 5 minutes to melt. Once melted spread chocolate evenly. If desired, sprinkle on pecans and press lightly into the chocolate. Let cool a bit and then transfer to fridge to harden. Once hard, break the candy into small pieces and place in containers.
  20. Yes, the two dogs and two cats have a mountain of presents under the tree and they each will get a stocking stuffed with toys and treats on Christmas morning. We went a little hog wild this year on the kid, the animals and ourselves :).
  21. My DH is a full-time professor and he is under extreme pressure from administration to "pass" students. If he has more than 2-3 students out of 40 fail a course, he will lose his job. He is constantly doing outreach, calling students at home, letting them re-do assignments after he walks them through each and every step. You name it, he has to do it to ensure "student success". They believe if students are failing it is the fault of the professor. My professors in my doctorate program scale grades too. I'm not surprised it is happening in high schools. Everybody wants to keep their job these days.
  22. I spend about $150 a month for 2 adults, 1 child, 2 dogs and 2 cats. That includes everything. I rarely use coupons. I shop the sales and live in an area with at least 7 grocery stores that compete with one another for the lowest prices. It is about the only + to living here.
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