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Everything posted by ChiMomNP

  1. I am in AZ, the Phoenix metro area. There are TONS of single family rentals here. The outer burbs have homes without pools from $750+ a month, with a pool is from $1,095+ a month. East valley costs more, most decent rental houses are over $1300+ a month. Houses prices soared out here in the last 2 years, but things are leveling off, houses are starting to sit on the market again. House across the street from us has been on the market since last October, completely re-done on the inside...nothing, no bites at all.
  2. I take Lopressor for my hyperthyroid symptoms. It makes me really tired. My B/P is low anyway and the Lopressor wipes me out when I take it. Since they can't figure out why I am hyperthyroid (it has been 7 months), they are keeping me on the med as needed for symptoms.
  3. Nothing. I don't think they do a terrible job now. They just are not the right fit for out family. We really value our time and our freedom to come and go as we please. Public school would limit our ability to travel and to move around. Homeschooling makes our life easier.
  4. It would be the East coast for me. I'm trapped here in the Phoenix metro until September 30, 2014 and then I am out of here! I can not handle the heat. It drives me crazy and the electric bills....ugh. We are going to try North Carolina, it isn't New England, but it is closer and it is cooler than Phoenix. I need 4 seasons. I really need a fall season.
  5. Yes! We used to take snow days (when we lived in places that received snow).
  6. My 14 year old plays with a group a kids and they all do that. He types it because I yell at him when he acts like that towards other people ... :glare:. He types like 9000 words a minute so he can get a lot in. The language makes my hair curl when I hear it, but it is nothing different than my peers did at that age...in fact these kids are home where we can see them and playing a harmless game online. I won't say what I was doing at almost 15 not at home with my friends :). :blush5:
  7. The simple start looks like a good lead into the program. I'm in maintenance and I still track. I overeat on simply filling. My eat to satisfaction means I gain.. :thumbdown:. I have to weigh, measure, and track pretty much every morsel. I eat breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner too. That helps me stay on track. I'd graze all day if I could.
  8. Yes! Right now I have the a/c set to come on in the middle of the night to cool me down. The family freezes all night, but I can't take the "hot" feeling. I put the heat on in the morning to warm the house back up again. It is even worse in the summer! I have a fan that blows right on me as well. I have been this way for years and years.
  9. I have an ipad 2 with 3G. I do keep a data plan on it. It is $30 a month. I don't know how much data I get for that (I don't remember). We are on grandfathered at&t unlimited data plans on our smart phones so I tend to use the phone when no wifi is available. My DH just got Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet with just wifi and he has no problem finding wifi spots when he travels for work.
  10. We are going to Boston for Christmas. I want to bring cookies with us. I want to give some to my parents and to my son's other grandparents. I know I can freeze them, but we fly Monday. We are leaving our house at 4 AM (MST) and not getting into Boston until 5 PM (EST). My son won't see his other grandparents until Wednesday the 25th...What can I do to make these cookies last? I'm making chocolate chip, oatmeal scotchies, oatmeal raisin, peanut butter/heath, and christmas crack. The crack is already made and in the freezer. I was going to make the cookies tomorrow. Is there anyway I can get these cookies to last? Can I re-freeze or re-refrigerate them until the 25th once I get there? Thank you for your help!
  11. I think it is all about boosting ratings and boosting sales of DD stuff. I read an article a few months ago that Phil was planning on leaving the show. I think this is about publicity and fanning the flames of outrage to get the season 5 off to a "hot" start. Phil has made these type of comments before in other articles. The Robertsons are shrewd business people. You don't build a multi-million dollar company (before the show even started) not being shrewd and smart. I think they knew and know exactly what they are doing. I'm a fan from a business perspective. I like and enjoy the show. They have built an amazing company from nothing (the duck call and hunting related business, not the TV show) and their base customers don't care about their religious views. They just want to go out and hunt. I'm betting sales soar on this. If the show went away tomorrow, they would still be running a multi-million dollar company. They would still be growing and expanding the company. The show is in season 5, they knew the show didn't have a long life span. So now they have a big controversy going into season 5.... one week before Christmas? When the stores are filled with DD stuff? They will sell out of Phil stuff and probably lots of other stuff. Maybe I am just cynical, but it all seems a little too perfectly timed. I don't fault the Robertson family for that. That's business. I think A&E has created a lot more interest in the show, the network and the merchandise with this.
  12. Yeah!! What great news! Enjoy your holidays and have a relaxed start to the new year!
  13. Yes!! Both dogs gets a wrapped stuffed toy to rip open (they love opening presents) and both get stocking filled with treats. The cats each get a stocking filled with a cat toy and temptations cat treats (their favorite). They love Christmas. They know which presents are for them. Even the cats come running to see what they received.
  14. Wow! Congrats! I turn 42 in January so I can understand your surprise! I would tell the kids on Christmas too! Hope you have a nice and easy pregnancy!
  15. My recovery was a month. Two weeks after surgery I was re-admitted with horrible pain and vomiting. Nothing came of that. They did 48 hours of morphine and zofran and I did get better. I was annoyed because my doctor and surgeon had assured me I'd be back to work inside a week....yeah right! Take it easy. The shoulder pain is usually from the gas they inject when they do the surgery. You can try Gas-X that did help relieve my pain.
  16. We will hopefully have one in the Boston area. We will be home visiting family. There is a really good chance it will be green. It does seem colder this year so maybe it will be white. Here in the Phoenix metro the chances are zero. Glad we won't be here.
  17. I'm sorry. I hope your night is going better. Try to have a good weekend. :grouphug:
  18. Awwwww puppy breath! She is adorable! Enjoy her!
  19. Holidays should be joyous times. Life is way too short. I would make other plans. I'm sorry for your in-laws, but forcing people who do not like one another to be together on the holidays is a recipe for disaster and heartburn.
  20. I'm 41 and my DH is 55. My first husband was 32 when I met him. I was almost 19. I still find 16/33 a little creepy, which is weird considering the age difference between DH and I. He would -never- have dated me at 16 or 18 for that matter. He says early 20s would have been a stretch for him. Now when I was in my 30s it felt fine to him.
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