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Everything posted by Spryte

  1. On the advice of our allergist, we started with a 2 week trial, then added it back in large amounts to confirm that any changes were due to the (lack of) dairy. Benefits to no dairy here: less asthma; less eczema; behavioral (related to asthma, as asthma creates anxiety which creates behavior issues, etc.). FTR, DS has an actual allergy to dairy (according to bloodwork) thus the trial with no dairy. We were inclined to keep dairy in his diet, till we saw clear results from the elimination diet. Since he's not anaphylactic to dairy, we do not avoid trace amounts of dairy or "may contains" - we just avoid it as an actual ingredient. Also on the advice of our allergist. YMMV. ETA: Oh! I just remembered - chronic constipation cleared up, too. :)
  2. I haven't noticed specifically, but every time we take a child to the pediatrician, we've noticed that within a few days - we have a sick child. This doesn't happen when the kids go with me to my doc, a family doc, and I even let them play with the toys in the waiting room. We are just finishing up a solid month of illness here - a viral infection turned to bronchitis and sinusitis, complicated by asthma. And now as a result of a visit to the doc's office, one of the kids (so far) has Hand Foot and Mouth. Has to be the doc's office, we haven't been anywhere else. So, yeh, I haven't seen a lack of handwashing, but clearly there is a lack of sanitizing!
  3. I'm looking at grammar for 5th, too. We've used FLL 1 & 2 (we burned out on those, too repetitive, but we got a lot out of them) plus MCT Island level. But DS really wants to just *get it done* quickly this year. I'll be watching to see what you find in this thread. I've been looking at Winston Grammar, based on some old threads here, but that might not be a good fit for you.
  4. I love the 2 pm workout, too. It's the prime time, for me. Anything earlier or later doesn't work as well. Not that I always fit it in, but hopefully we can make it work with our schedules this year.
  5. ...Now I want to beg for a picture of the view. :)
  6. Thanks for the update. And now I'll be singing along with your siggie all day. :D
  7. film-making science kits experiments (seconding physics experiments) drawing architecture kit DIY.org will give lots of ideas - maybe get him involved in that - it's screen time followed by real life work
  8. Just reading your post made me feel grumpy and out of sorts. I'm not a morning person, and I'm going to be bad and suggest you try working out at a different time of day also. I have tried to change my body's schedule more times than I can count, and it always feels just as you describe. Even when I keep it going for months at a time (in college, I'd schedule early morning work out classes, so I'd have to get up!)... Nothing worked permanently. Now I embrace the dark side, and sleep in.
  9. Not what you're looking for, but has your mom seen a good headache doc? My neurologist is a headache specialist, and has really helped with prevention. If she's a born skeptic, perhaps an approach that's firmly in the Western medicine camp might help. Good luck! Migraines are terrible, it must be hard to see her suffer.
  10. I'm in. I just joined the group linked. :) I'm not much help on holiday gifts, though I love seeing what others do.
  11. So glad to read the good news! I think he'll be fine heading home tonight, too. What a scary situation, glad he went in when he did.
  12. Dana gave great advice. I'd want hourly contact with him for at least 10 hours after the reaction because of the risk of biphasic reaction, and if you don't hear back within 10 minutes have the hotel check on him. He should tell the desk he's having issues and that it's okay. :grouphug: So stressful, I'm so sorry! I hope he's okay.
  13. We love our stylist. We tip between 20 - 30%. She charges about $200 for 4 of us, and that's with highlights for me. That is a good deal in our area. (Highlights and a cut around here would be around $180 before a tip.)
  14. I have to second this one: http://www.tinasdynamichomeschoolplus.com/free-printables/7-step-curriculum-planner/ Loved it last year. Pick and choose what you need. I love the editable PDFs.
  15. I wanted to like this 500 times. "I don't negotiate with bigots." Perfect way to sum it up.
  16. I posted earlier in this thread (about primary resources and not limiting my child - I think learning cursive is important), but thought I'd come back and add a few thoughts: Dropping cursive is not completely new. My recent college grad did not learn cursive. He's 22, so obviously it's been some time since he was in elementary school and we'd expect that cursive would have been taught. He attended PS, in a county ranked as one of the very best in the US. He's recently graduated university, and still cannot read/write cursive. (May I add that this was not my choice? I'm stepmom, not mom, and did not make educational choices.) He still has to ask someone else to translate when his grandmother sends him a card! Aaaarrrrghhhh!
  17. You said you use Amazon S & S? They have sunbutter. We order 2 5 lb tubs at a time, and order it so we get the 20% discount. Sunbutter here is $8 a jar, and this works out better for us. You might check to see if it will be a savings for you, too. Just one thought.
  18. Good list. Add extra umbrellas for shade, if shade is at a premium and it's hot out. Extra sets of clothes, maybe?
  19. Thank you. :) I am wasting too much time on looking at printers now. Time suck. Ironically, DH's office just gave away several, and we didn't take them. Oops. Didn't know ours would bite the dust.
  20. You are making me want to try Relish! I have not enjoyed e-meals, and plan to cancel. We have a 3 month membership, only because I thought it was worth a try. But it's not thrilling. I would not say we've saved money, though it is a good reminder to meal plan every week. That's good in itself.
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