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Everything posted by Spryte

  1. We adopted from foster care without technically being foster parents. We were an approved foster family, and there was a newborn that came into care with TPR signed. What we have is an open adoption essentially, but it went through DSS. Interestingly, with regard to being foster parents till the adoption is finalized - that's what we expected but our social worker was adamant that we had a different legal standing, and were Prospective Adoptive Parents instead. There's a distinction in our state. I can't answer anything about subsidies. We did not receive any.
  2. We've had a Wii for years, and it's rarely used. The only time we use it is when friends are over, if they see it. DS just isn't into it on his own. I'd like to buy some new games, but I have no idea what might be fun. Can someone suggest some games? For the 8 - 10 year old crowd, please?
  3. Yes, and they still make it. I currently have pink streaks. DS has blue. Apparently we are going back to my 80s roots. (We put our streaks in to go see Katy Perry, but they've been fun!)
  4. No. Late 80s teen here. Post punk, anyone? (Thank you, Luther.) I guess you could call it pre-Goth. We weren't looking for Izod, but did it come from Smash? Commander Salamander? Is that Manic Panic in your hair? Grunge was so much easier. What a relief. First concert? Billy Idol in 7th grade. [hangs head in shame] ...And, yes, met my DH at a Depeche Mode concert, one of many.
  5. Water play? Small baby pool to refill lots of water squirters? We get the kind that don't look like guns. Water balloons? Anything with water has been a big hit around here lately. Keva planks, rube goldberg machine making supplies and kits, lego, playmobil, fort kits. Maybe put some effort into organizing some games? My kids don't play board games, so that's never a big thing here. We have them, they just don't get used. But the kids always seem to entertain each other. Food. Lots of snacks. :)
  6. We don't seem to need much this year. I tend to shop as needed, and miss sales, silly me. But we'll probably go and grab some fun binders (are the Better Binders ever going to go on sale??), and crayons for the little one. I did buy a student planner, and am disproportionately excited about it: it was one of these if anyone wants to see what a nerd I am! Oh, and for the PP whose kiddo is interested in architecture: this looks like fun! Maybe you could find a deeper discount somewhere else, not sure.
  7. My father always has pumpkin pie, too - another Nov bday. DH is a chocolate cheesecake man. And I'm all about pie, any fruit pie really, but I usually have cake - whatever someone else makes for me is good. I'm not too picky. This thread makes me want Key Lime Pie though!
  8. For the brownies: Betty Crocker Gluten Free Brownie Mix! WalMart carries it, along with lots of grocery stores. Prime Pantry has it for $2 plus change. It's easy, quick, and yummy. In fact, we like all the Betty Crocker gluten free mixes. :)
  9. And if you feel the need to spice that up a teensy bit, use the Good Seasons packets... We used to love those. Can't eat them now, due to gluten issues, but we do something similar with our own spices. DH hated summer squash till he tried this. Slice lengthwise, soak in Good Seasons, grill right on the grill. Yum.
  10. Everything goes on the smartphone here. I rarely have even a pen, but that's more because someone, ahem - DS! - usually swipes it. The only time I make notes on paper are at the doc's office. My doc is lightning fast with her thoughts, and there's just too much info flying too fast for me to get it all down on the smartphone. DH can do it, but I need paper/pen. Luckily, she has it available. Once I leave the office - the info is transcribed into ... the smartphone. :D Other than that - smartphone for everything.
  11. Does this work over multiple devices, or do we have to pay for each device separately? Anyone know? I could not quite figure it out.
  12. Is it locked with a password? Maybe change your password, moving forward?
  13. So when you play your game of Hunky Joe the Manager and the Saucy Wench who Steals Fruit, you can follow up with a game of Ivy League CFO and the Naughty Expense Report Filer... :D Fun! Glad you talked to your DH. Bet you feel better about the whole thing.
  14. Hmmmm. I really thought it meant the last time it was open!
  15. Yuck! That's horrible. I'd be freaked out, too, even knowing nothing would likely come of it. Would it feel better to do some immune boosting? And take some supplements to help detox? I'd probably do that, just to feel better. :)
  16. Lisa, I have been watching this thread, and want to say this as gently as possible... You must know that this, right now, is the The Most Dangerous Time in a domestic violence situation. I know that helping her is difficult, and worrying, and in some ways all-consuming. And that you need support. Posting here may seem like a safe way to get that support, but it is so easily searched, and her husband is likely searching. May I suggest, also, that you take down the posts about it? Even leaving them up for a short time heightens the danger for both the family in question, and your own family. Through college and after, I worked at a domestic violence shelter. The stories we lived there are frightening, and very, very real. We were trained not to discuss the situations, and for good reason. If we needed support, a trusted friend, in person, was the way to go - but putting anything on the internet would be considered very dangerous. I'm very concerned for the family involved, and also for your family. Retaliation is not unheard of. You are at risk as well. Your children are at risk. Unfortunately, you are very recognizable through your posts, and, through you, this friend will be as well, especially with some of the details posted. Not trying to offend at all, and I hope you take this in the spirit it's intended: concern for the safety of all. Hoping for the very best outcome possible, and that everyone is safe soon. :grouphug:
  17. I think it might be a stretch to compare Mmudd84, whose only post on this forum - ever - was to revive this thread and specifically argue with Moira, to Boethius or Thomas Aquinas. In this case it is a very recent loss, and there are friends here who are still grieving that loss. Not that the thread is not worthwhile, as it clearly is. Simply that it is disconcerting to see it suddenly revived.
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