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Everything posted by iquilt

  1. I saw this last night and loved it! I went because of Helen Mirren but everyone was truly impressive in this movie.
  2. Yorktown is very cool, in our opinion. Not nearly as commercial as Williamsburg but just as cool. They fire the cannons and have very nice programs. I think you would really enjoy some time in Yorktown. HTH!
  3. When I'm looking for a healthy snack I usually have yogurt and granola, with or without fruit. Other choices can be toast (usually on homemade bread), cheese or pretzels. I wish I liked nuts, they would be a perfect snack.
  4. I post a daily schedule the night before but it's not time specific unless the activity requires a time (i.e. gym class at 4:30). The daily schedule shows all of the work for each child that needs to be done before anything else like computer time. My older two write down the individual assignments into assignment books while my youngest does everything with me anyway as a fairly new reader. This way they know if we have friends coming over after school and will need to finish all of their work by a certain time or if they have more leisure to complete assignments. For my oldest she will frequently do a page or two ahead in a subject on Monday or Tuesday so that she can be done a little earlier at the end of the week. HTH
  5. I'm very sorry for your loss. I had both of my D&C's in the OR and was completely under for both. I did find that part to be relatively easy, as long as you have someone to drive you and take care of you for a bit.
  6. Ours recently changed to add groceries but didn't add space to the store so they changed around everything to make it happen. They are located on the same block as 5 other grocery stores so I was not too excited about yet another grocery store. If I needed to make one stop for a few things I would go to Target over Walmart but for grocery shopping I would not head to Target. One thing that I find annoying about the change is they still don't ever have enough check outs open so now you have to wait behind people with more items in their carts for the same few aisles.
  7. I've used regular crayons before to help kids create quilt squares for a wall quilt project. If you use a hot iron (with a pressing cloth in between your fabric and the iron) the iron will set the wax right into the fabric. It's actually pretty cool and easy. HTH
  8. It's a much longer day for us this year and we are still adjusting; we are in the middle of week 4. For us I think it's partly because of new tools that we have to figure out and figuring out a good order of things. Plus last year I had all three combined for many subjects but this year I just had to split them up on more tasks. The only thing left all together is art, and of course even that is different for each kid but at least I can present the same lesson to them together. We added in Latin this week for dd10 and she is still chugging away at her work while dd7 and ds6 are done. I'm hoping we will adjust next week!
  9. :iagree: Who are we to say how someone else spends his/her money? Just because my family holds certain beliefs about money doesn't mean they are the only correct beliefs.
  10. :party: My oldest went to ps for K and I still wish I had known about homeschooling before we sent her off. Enjoy!
  11. Good morning from Virginia Beach - we are now getting rain and wind but they say our big part in the storm won't be until this evening with 90 mph wind gusts. We are hunkered down and hoping we keep power for awhile.
  12. Not all of VA Beach is a mandatory, just the low lying areas of Sandbridge. Sandbridge is basically a huge sand break between the ocean and actual land. They have to leave by noon today. Most of the rest of us are hunkering down and getting ready to camp in our homes without power.
  13. Ever since the addition of #3 we have traveled with either suites or connecting hotel rooms. On the rare occasion that connecting rooms haven't been available we do a boy room and a girl room.
  14. We only left once, for Isabelle, when I was 7 months pregnant with #2 and had a toddler. My parents took us in and they got the storm worse than we did at home. We traveled home from no power to our home with power and no problems. It was strange. We usually stay put and make sure we have the essentials. If we were told to leave we would.
  15. :iagree: I was reminded that I live in a pleasant bubble of homeschooling most of the time. It's nice in my bubble.:)
  16. I have kept nearly everything and it's starting to be a problem. Dh has a digital imaging system at his office where all of his work is paperless and he has offered to create the same system for our schoolwork.
  17. I'd be finishing my latest quilt top. For some reason I have about a million quilt blocks and nothing to show for it yet! A glass of wine and some classical music and I'd be set for days....
  18. I'd be thrilled if dh had the time to teach a subject. As it is I create opportunities for him to teach lessons when he isn't as busy or if the topic is his passion, like the stock market.
  19. coming on this thread but I have to vent it anyway. I recently attended dh's family reunion with our kids (and without a very busy dh) and came home with some new comments about homeschooling. My very favorite, though, is from a cousin (ps teacher) who asked me when does our homeschool start. I told her that we had started at the end of July. She wanted to know if everyone in our group was OK with such an early start. I was genuinely puzzled by this comment so she clarified that surely we must homeschool with a whole group of others or how could we ever do it? She was then shocked to learn that not only do we homeschool just as our family but that we buy our own materials and that I get to pick what we use for everything! "How do you know you are getting the right materials without the state telling you what to use?" :glare: It was an interesting conversation and five years ago I would have been intimidated by this woman. I think I handled myself very well by telling her that I spend time researching our options and that all three of mine are using what I have found to be the best for them. I forget sometimes how non-homeschoolers can really have no idea what my world is like on a daily basis.
  20. I'm sorry you had that experience. It's strange, but since we moved our new neighbors all assume our kids must be ahead of theirs when they find out we homeschool. Most then jump in with the "I could never teach my kids anything" phrase that we get everywhere, especially from teachers. We have a very quiet neighborhood during the day as I am one of only 2 SAHM on our end of the street.
  21. Goodness but do I agree with this - dh accidentally broke our internet connection last week and I had to go almost 2 days without internet readily available in my house. It made me realize just how much I enjoy connecting with adult friends on the computer or researching or whatever to get a break from our everyday reality at home. I struggled with finding alone time when they were smaller but now all are old enough to understand that sometimes I just need an hour in my room with a good book and zero interruptions. They don't need me to do everything for them anymore and often help each other. I also have been know to listen to an audio story on headphones while doing laundry or making dinner, giving me an escape without running away screaming! HTH (FWIW, dh works many countless 12-15 hour days along with frequent business trips so I've learned to find my alone time without depending on another adult to help out. )
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