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Everything posted by iquilt

  1. :lol: We generally try not to schedule things on Sundays but that's not a blanket rule. We have taken swimming lessons on Sundays.
  2. I understand. Today while my neighbor and I were outside watching our kids play we spotted a neighborhood child, four years old, walking down the middle of the street. We asked him if he was lost but he just walked on. We got him to walk on the sidewalk and watched him make it home. It was a little scary for me.
  3. I was taught at home by my dad-best driving instruction ever! That will be our plan, most likely I will be the primary teacher. Funny story, though. I tested for my permit and license in one state, lived there for a year driving everywhere, then moved to a different state before I turned 18. The new state didn't care that I'd been licensed to drive for over a year, they wouldn't let me even test for my license without paying for drivers Ed or waiting until I was 18. I didn't want to wait 9 months to get my license back ( and I was going off to college as a 17 year old) so my parents found a drivers Ed teacher who would let me do the classroom part for a discount and certify that I had my required hours behind the wheel. I drove myself to drivers Ed class every night for a month! Guess I was very well trained.
  4. What a great idea! And I agree with the pricing already given. In order to make a custom quilt as you describe I charge $30/ an hour and up depending on the pattern, plus supplies. For a simple pieced twin quilt I would estimate 5-6 hours for a complete quilt top. Then to quilt it all together will go for anywhere to 100-200 more. Plus you only have the material for a top. You will still need the batting and the backing. The price of cotton has increased significantly in the last two years so a good backing fabric will be anywhere from 30-60$ and up.
  5. We dropped Netflix last year because of the same content issues.
  6. I have a serious passion about fabric. Of course I love to quilt, but also sewing clothes for us, for dolls, for puppets (church puppet ministry always needs costumes), etc. My passion began before marriage and I'm relatively certain it will continue after our kids are grown.
  7. I recently found that I was years behind in scrap booking but still had a lot of nice papers to use. I asked the kids for help and now it's a family scrap booking project. I have let go of using all of our favorite pictures and keeping events in order and have instead allowed each child to pick his/her favorites. So far we have a lot done with pages that we all enjoy, plus we are using the supplies and I'm clearing them out of our extra room. It's not a passion with me like sewing so it was easier for me to let go of some rules. HTH
  8. My son brought me a completed Lego airport that he spent hours working on, by himself, not getting into trouble. Love it!
  9. If I don't plan the time in my sewing space I never get to it! Lately I've been struggling to even get one evening a week to sew, but I have managed to eat lunch while planning out fabric!
  10. My ds6 has been regularly learning his phonics for about 2 years now, with regular breaks when we hit a roadblock to repeat the learning, etc. I have handed him every kind of easy book in an effort to get him to read more on his own and to practice these phonics. Well, I recently signed him up to receive the Lego magazine and now he is reading a ton. I never would have thought he would be able to read as much as he can but he is soaring now! :auto: I should have posted this to the curriculum board - oops! Sorry :)
  11. What's for lunch today? Not a clue, but we did get to the grocery store yesterday so we are bound to find something. What are we doing today? Well, dd8 is just now getting to work on her school after a very rough morning (her clothes are not comfortable!) so it looks like we will be doing school all afternoon. Other two are almost done so they will have some free time to enjoy the sunny outdoors for a bit. How is the weather? Decent - colder than we are used to but no wind and it's sunny so that helps out a lot. Hoping to spend some time in my sewing room this evening. I have a new quilt to plan!
  12. Welcome! We pulled dd10 out after two months of ps K and discovered the WTM for her first grade year. We do our best everyday to do what's best for each child. These boards have always been a tremendous source of help and ideas.
  13. Crockpot! I would plan one night a week for crockpot sauce and meatballs and the other night would be a BBQ pork roast. A bonus to the pork roast are the leftovers for sandwiches the next day for lunch. Easy to put together, easy to clean up and super crowd pleasers. After a long day at work dh doesn't always want to cook either and the crockpot is a great solution for both of us.
  14. :iagree: We were just at the Magic Kingdom yesterday, busier than we expected but still great, and we carried no bags. I get cold first so I also tied a sweatshirt around my waist for when the sun went down.
  15. Thank you for all of the thoughtful replies! I feel that I can understand better my friend's situation. Her oldest has only ever known ps and does fine but her youngest has always struggled with getting bored in school. I appreciate the insights!
  16. Just wanted to say that I do not think I'm too rigid in what we do, or that other educational options are never good. I think since our oldest attended ps for only two months I am in no position to compare, but I also believe we are doing the best for each of our children. I also would not want to be tied to a school calendar as we would not be able to travel with dh or take advantage of other opportunities.
  17. Thanks-I am in a different place than this friend but would like to understand her new position without offending.
  18. Yes and my solution this year has been a regular sitter who comes once or twice a month. She substitutes and manages a light school load in the morning, then plays games or makes crafts with them in the afternoon. I get some only me shopping, or lunch out, or quiet time at the quilt store and everyone is happy.
  19. Not the other? Two children in the family but only one is getting pulled out to homeschool?
  20. Not for Christmas because there is no way I could ever keep track of it all! They do write notes from any other gifts all year but I used to stress too much at Christmas. Dh wouldn't take over so now we tr our best to thank either in person or over the phone.
  21. Love! I recently read her autobiography, too, and found it very interesting. It was quite common in her time to leave your child in the care of a nanny while you were traveling for months and even years. Miss Marple is my favorite.
  22. That's great! My dh bought my last purse and I love it. I never would have bought it for myself. It's a black Gucci leather purse and it is just so nice.
  23. I agree, set up the singer. My dd received one of those beginner machines for Christmas a couple years ago and it was nothing but a waste of space. She learned on my machine. Now I have two so each dd can have sewing time. Dd8 is currently sewing her own bed quilt. Dd10 used my machine to complete her own quilt when she was 8. They used my White sewing machine. Hth
  24. Keep it and appreciate his generosity! My dh spoils me rotten but I no longer have guilt about it. Your dh is showing you how much he appreciates you, IMHO, so let go of the guilt and enjoy the iPad!
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