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Everything posted by shannatheshedevil

  1. I used cloth on my son, which allegedly leads to earlier training. But, I don't think the "dry at night" is the be-all-to-end-all reason for potty training. I know people with 7 year olds that still pee at night, but I assure you they aren't still wearing pull-ups to soccer practice. Even if you just potty train him during the day, that cuts down on the amount of diapers you're using.
  2. My brother wanted to name me "Mickey Woo-Woo". If/When we have another, my take is that we made it, we get to name it.
  3. I had my son almost trained right after he turned 18 months, but it was long and painful and was more of training *me* (a'la elimination communication) than training him. Then he broke his arm and it all went out the window. I started again shortly after he was 2 and it all came together like sunshine and rainbows.:D
  4. When he's riding his bike to the playground (nowhere near the road and a whopping 100 feet from our house), no. When he's riding on the street, yes, even though we live on a quiet culdesac.
  5. Home is where the Army/Navy/AF/whatever sends you. Keep a good attitude about your move. They will probably happen more often than you like and a good attitude can keep you sane.
  6. That. :iagree:That's what I did. You'd know within a day if it was bacterial and could proceed accordingly. If they know your son had it, though, you could prbably just get them to call you in a Rx.
  7. Parks are public property- they're not just for littles. A playground, maybe, but not a park.
  8. Agreed. I started my period when I was 9 and I am a whopping 5'1- and I hit that height when I was 9.
  9. Thanks for everyone's input. I'm just going to skip rhyming for now and revisit it in the fall, when we start our language curriculum. I spent all afternoon reading articles that talked about the importance of rhyming, but it doesn't seem like a be-all-to-end-all at this stage. he's doing fine with phonics without it, so we'll just skip those parts for now. Thanks again! :)
  10. My son and I have been working our way through 100EZ for a couple of weeks now. After a painful start, it's all going much, much better. He's getting the reading without much issue, in fact, it's going great. What he does NOT get is rhyming. At all. I cannot make him understand how it works, what it is, nothing. It's just not happening. Do I need to restart the program to make him get rhyming or do we just continue on? Help!
  11. I was a sign language interpreter in another life and, in all honesty, you should probably learn from a real, live person. You can learn some basics from books, but 2D just doesn't cut it when you're learning movements. It would be like learning ballet from a book. Check to see if there are any classes going on through your community college or an adult outreach- they're usually fairly inexpensive.
  12. Nope. Cops need to be available for serious things, not nonsense like that. I'd probably tell them to move on.
  13. Stevia's not so hot for you, either. http://safety.lovetoknow.com/Dangers_of_Stevia
  14. Could you buy a portable a/c unit for downstairs? They're ~$300 or so for a good one, but it will help.
  15. "I hope you don't need to go buy anything- the trunk if full of M-16 training dummies"..and sure enough, our trunk was full of rubber M-16s. I totally wanted to keep one to keep by the bed when the husband is out of town, though. :lol: I don't think a robber would think to check to see if it's real.
  16. I'm not shy, but I would have rather laid down and died than dance with my dad on stage.
  17. 3D gives me headaches and my son takes great pleasure in pulling the glasses on and off repeatedly, so we opt for 2D.
  18. We lived in Oki, too! And, yes, it was a lot cheaper to eat out when we lived there. We had major sticker shock when we got back to the states.
  19. Very, very, very rarely. Like maybe once a month- and then it's something simple like pizza.. Although, recently, we had a houseguest (one of my husband's soldiers who was getting ready to move (PCS) to Kuwait) and he took us out to eat 3 times. I got spoiled! :D
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