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Everything posted by shannatheshedevil

  1. My blog started off about my crocheting business (I made wool cloth diaper covers that I embellished like this- ), but after I closed up shop, it became a place to write about my family, my crafting, and our day-to-day life. Sometimes, I talk endlessly about knitting and spinning yarn, more recently, I've written about homeschooling and cooking. I have a decent following from friends and family, but lately, I've gotten a lot of random people who tell me they read, which makes me happy. :)
  2. Can't help on the chicken and fish, but I've made these before using my regular pizza dough recipe and they were really good and would probably freeze pretty well http://alifelesssweet.blogspot.com/2008/12/homemade-pizza-rolls.html
  3. It's banned in Europe because it is known to cause infertility. In fact, most low-calorie sweeteners (natural or not) are.
  4. Should apply to retired as well- the coupon code for their website is "NAVY". MWR is Morale, Welfare, and Recreation. :)
  5. I love Helen, GA. It's up close to TN, too. It's a really pretty area, plus the Cabbage Patch Kid hospital is there and it's super-fun. http://www.cabbagepatchkids.com/
  6. And I get to go assist! One of my best friends is being induced (at 39 weeks) with twins (boy/girl). I'm the godmother of the baby girl and I get to go help. I am so, so, so excited! I cannot wait to meet these babies! I'll probably be there all night- that is an excuse to go light on the schooling tmw, right? :D
  7. Team Swimmermom. I get so little alone time with my husband that if our son isn't with us for whatever reason, I WILL and DO ask to be moved if I'm near kids. And their moving may have had nothing to do with you- they may have been seated under a vent or preferred a table to a booth, etc
  8. If you have military affiliation, I got a coupon code from MWR for $23 tickets
  9. My brother is divorcing my SIL right now- 2 more weeks for the divorce to be final. I'd throw him a party if I lived closer. In fact, I am highly considering having a friend who lives near him and makes fancy schmancy fondant cakes make him a cake and deliver it to him the day the divorce is final.
  10. :iagree: Everyone wants a special snowflake, people aren't content to have normal/average kids that do normal/average things. And if they can't be superior in brain function, then, by god, they better have some special malady. It irritates the crap out of me :glare: I had a friend who had a son who performed "normally"- C averages, nothing advanced, but nothing behind- and she dragged him around until she found someone who would label him with a learning disability.
  11. You can bring the dog to Williamsburg. I was there last fall and lots of people had their dogs. :001_smile:
  12. Breast milk is best, period. If you are producing enough milk to sustain him (he's not crying with hunger after feeding, is he?), I'd stick with the breastfeeding. You seem to know dairy is a problem, so you'll just have to make a bigger effort to avoid it and eat larger meals with more whole foods. And seriously, 20 calories vs 22 calories? 2 calories isn't going to make a massive difference in weight gain- not even in a baby that small. I think you're doing the right thing. Not to mention, formula is expensive!
  13. My husband didn't start really enjoying being a dad until our son got to be about 3 and a half or so and started developing real interests that my husband could relate to. They're as thick as thieves now, but before that, my husband, honestly, just went through the motions. My husband also didn't want children, and also DEFINITELY didn't want more than one, but now we're talking about another.
  14. My brother and his soon-to-be-ex-wife are friends with you? Small world (wouldn't want to paint it)!
  15. I get what you're saying. I don't think she can come after you for carpet unless you didn't pay a deposit (you did)
  16. Absolutely. It would probably be near the scrapbooking stuff.
  17. There's a limitation on all kinds of debt, it just varies from state to state.
  18. That is exactly what you should do. And DO NOT mention anything about paying them in any, shape, form or fashion- if you do, they can reopen the debt. Just remind them the statute is up.
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