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Everything posted by shannatheshedevil

  1. I own a Sony A500 and I am very happy with it. I couldn't afford the overall cost of the Nikon (pricey camera, pricey lenses), so I went with the Sony, which was waaaaaaaay more in my budget. I also got a fixed 50mm lens and use that as my primary lens. I'm very happy with it.
  2. If you're worried, make them check your numbers. U/S results are complete crap for measurements.
  3. Are you working in conjunction with the military in some way (contractor) or not. If you're going to be working for a non-military affiliated company, you will not be covered under SOFA (Status of Forces Agreement). If you are, they MAY be. You'll have to contact them and find out.
  4. I dust once a week and laundry gets folded every night. The kitchen is clean when I go to bed. I mop (we have tile floors- no carpet, no rugs) maybe every week, sometimes not, but I sweep regularly (No one wears shoes in the house). My house is clean enough. I probably wouldn't eat off the floors, but who the heck eats off a floor? If she has a housekeeper, kudos to her. I don't have the money to pay one and I'd rather have a life than a meticulously clean house. I grew up in a house with a horribly anal mother who listed housecleaning as a hobby. I do not have good memories of it and for a long time, I completely rebelled the other way. Now I have a comfortable balance for me. I'm proud of my house. It's comfortable, it's warm, it's inviting, but if you expect me to dust the tops of the doors every day, you're in the wrong house.
  5. I made these a couple of weeks ago: http://shannabanana.typepad.com/shanna/2010/09/the-one-with-one-of-my-favorite-foods.html
  6. Well, if you're a mean mom, I'll save you a seat on my bench.
  7. Firefox here with Verizon for internet and it's down. I also tried changing to my neighbor's connection (Comcast) and seeing if it was just Verizon, but I can't get on it there, either.
  8. Well, it depends a lot on what you like to do. For soups/stews/large roasts, I'd go with the huge 13 qt one. If you don't do that kind of thing a lot, I probably get the most use out of my 6 3/4 qt one. Also, I prefer the oval to the round because the oval is a lot easier to fit in the fridge.
  9. I don't get why a non-Christian counselor would make things worse, but I would strongly suggest she try counseling and get over the religious aspect.
  10. My son flew through Singapore like it wasn't even there. Since then, I've been trying to find a curriculum that is a good fit (tried a few- he complains they're all "boring", meaning "too easy") and in the meantime I've been buying tons of workbooks for him to use. I don't like teaching through JUST workbooks because I feel it isn't complete. So, I signed up for EPGY and I love it (and so does he). I can set the level so it's challenging enough for him. The instructions are clear, verbal, and good for advanced kids- it's visual, which they need, yet it's stimulating. He can do as many lessons as he wants. They're in timed 20 minute intervals. Yesterday, he did 2, today he did 3. I feel it is completely WORTH my money because I can keep up with him and his needs without having to constantly go buy new stuff (a pain right now because our local homeschooling store is closed while they move). If he is past something, I can bump up his lesson level and move on. It's fun for him, too.
  11. I'd like to know this, too. I did open-enrollment, not enrollment through a group.
  12. Why are you buying Pull-Ups? Buy a $3 package of underwear and finish up potty training. Pull-Ups just lengthen the process- they're glorified diapers at 3x the price.
  13. All he wants to be is Darth Vader. :001_rolleyes: I tried to steer him towards being a Jedi, but NOOOOOOOOOO.
  14. Oh. My. God. That link. And here's a video of a girl reading the "Who Cares About Disabled People?" book:
  15. Birth control? I was on Yaz for a month and my husband thought I was having a nervous breakdown because I cried about every. little. thing.
  16. My mom is a wedding planner. 86 the nuts. nuts=salt=thirst=more drinks consumed. I'd stick with veggie and fruit trays (you sound like you're trying to keep this simple). Honestly, if there isn't much food, people aren't going to stick around. They'll give the couple their well-wishes, say hi to the neighbors, and hop on over to Outback on their way home.
  17. Not really. Then agan, I hated that movie (and book) so much, I feel it's not appropriate for anyone.
  18. You eat what I cook and you act grateful or you are welcome to make yourself a PB&J. I am not a short-order cook
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