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Everything posted by Momof3Maidens

  1. A good friend of ours had a friend of his who owned a furniture store. The friend let him come in and purchase furniture for his church office at cost. Our friend said the markup at that time was 300%. That was around 2001-2002.
  2. I hate cancer. I hate what it does. I will be calling your name in prayer. So very sorry for you losing your dear sister.
  3. We have used it and I highly recommend it. My now rising 12th grade daughter gained so much from using it. I constantly get people complimenting her vocabulary. Now, she is also a ferocious reader too so don't know if I can credit it all to VFCR but I do think it deserves a lot of credit toward it. She started using it in about 5 th grade I suppose. She finished all the books by the end of 8th I think. She even will use words at times that I scratch my head at. I have another daughter finishing 4th grade this year and I will be using it with her. I think it's the only curriculum I haven't sold ( that and Rod and Staff English). Hope this helps!
  4. Rolling your tongue is a genetic thing, you either can or cannot. Or at least that is what my high school biology teacher taught us. I always wondered why I couldn't until she said that, about half of our class couldn't.
  5. We just recently purchased one of the new I-Comfort memory foam mattresses and received two of their pillows for free along with it. I'm not very picky about pillows and didn't really think it would make a difference, a pillow is a pillow right? No. I love them! I think they're around $80 per pillow normally but I would definitely pay it for them now after having slept on them. I didn't really think I "needed" a better pillow but now realize I did. I recognized the first night of sleeping on it how my neck was relaxed and it just felt really good. I would definitely recommend one!
  6. Yes I know. It allowed you to feel emotions from both characters, the mother and the stepmom. It was good in that it allowed me to see the perspective of a stepmother. I don't think I had ever stopped to think about it in the way they portrayed.
  7. Stepmom..... I cry EVERY SINGLE time, especially in the restaurant scene with Susan Sarandon and Julia Roberts. The line that gets me every time is when Julia Roberts says she's afraid that the daughter will say that she misses her Mom and then Susan Sarandon says " And I'm afraid she won't". Ugh! Gets me every time! The Passion of the Christ....I started crying in it and never stopped until about 2 weeks later. I love this thread :) Good movie choices for the week after Christmas, the only week of the year I actually don't feel guilty for just doing nothing.
  8. How thoughtful! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful ideas. Merry Christmas!
  9. Sure! They're called Cheddar Garlic Biscuits. 2 cups Bisquick original baking mix 2/3 cup milk 1/2 cup shredded Cheddar cheese 2 tablespoons margarine or butter, melted 1/2 tsp garlic powder Heat oven to 450. Mix together the Bisquick and garlic powder together. Then add cheese and milk until soft dough forms. Drop by spoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 8 to 10 minutes or until golden brown. After I take the biscuits out of the oven, I brush the butter on top of each biscuit. They really are delicious. Also, you can adjust the amount of garlic powder and butter ( I actually think I use more butter than 2 tbs) to your liking. Enjoy! I usually double this recipe when making them.
  10. I just serve Cheddar Bay Biscuits (similar to Red Lobster) with it and they're delicious. My family loves them.
  11. and break them apart somewhat and feed them to the deer. Grant it that you have deer around where you live. They love them! That is, if you don't want to bother cooking with them.
  12. Thank you all so much for your responses. I was thinking along those lines too about just going ahead and having her do the writing part. It looks like she'll be taking it in February though instead of December. From the examples given on the website, it doesn't seem like it would give a very good assessment of a student's ability to write but that's just my opinion. She hasn't decided on any one college as of yet, so including the writing without knowing whether the college she chooses will require it or not would be wise. (I know that had to be a run-on sentence :) Thank you all again!
  13. My daughter is scheduled to take the ACT in December. There is an option for the ACT (no writing ) or the ACT Plus Writing- which would you recommend? Does it bump the score if the writing is included ? She's a good writer so she was wondering. What do you ladies suggest? Thanks everyone!
  14. Probably - I always want to leave out the second b Tomorrow - There's only one "m", I want to use two Separate too - I want to spell it "er" too
  15. Sunshine. It's amazing how seeing it early in the morning brightens your spirit no matter what the day may hold.
  16. Old friends. The ones you haven't been around in a while and when you see them again you just pick up where you left off. There's nothing like good worn friends!
  17. Seeing a Peanuts nativity set today at Toys R Us. I love the Peanuts gang! So good to know that some things in life are still innocent.
  18. Always! I haven't taken it off since my husband put it on my finger. That was 22 years ago. Just something I decided that I wanted to do the day we got married. I think I would panic if it were to ever come off!
  19. Do you have natural gas? Ventless natural gas heaters provide such warm heat! We've always used them and saved half of what we would have spent with electric. And we stayed warm all winter!
  20. I applied Campho-Phenique (not very pleasant smelling but worked like a charm) for two days and wore a tight fitting bra. The gorging only lasted 2-3 days at the most and then I was back to normal. A little leaking but nothing big. Hope this helps!
  21. We have a Katherine (16yo). We specified when she was born that she was to be called Katherine. We didn't want any nicknames because it was such a beautiful name. The only people to break that rule was her Dad (of all people) who calls her "K" every now and then and her Papa (who's now passed away) who called her "Kat". Her friends like to call her "Rine" every now and then but that's it. She still prefers to be called Katherine if you ask her.
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