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Everything posted by Momof3Maidens

  1. Thank you, Ladies for your input. My age is 39 ( an important piece of information I forgot to mention ) but I'm not sure it's related to premenopause. I've had these symptoms for at least 10 years now that I think about it but am just now figuring out that it's not just in my head but something physically wrong. My husband says that I don't snore so I think that may rule out sleep apnea. I do stay cold alot ( again, in my husband's own words, I go to bed fully clothed), constipated very often, and when I brush my hair out any time of the day I always have a lot of hair that comes out. I've always heard that you lose close to 100 hairs a day so I've never suspected anything with that but it could be due to low thyroid. I don't have any digestion problems as of this point. My mother has also had these symptoms for years and I'm now thinking this could be the culprit. Her sister was diagnosed with low thyroid several years ago, I'm assuming it could be genetic. I think I'll bite the bullet and go to the doctor and have it checked out. Thank you again for all of your help. By the way, Erek's mom, my heart goes out to you. I sit and think of the day when my oldest ( who is now only 13 ) will go away to college. Many hugs to you!!!
  2. Hi everyone, I really don't post much, just when I have a dilemma about something and then I get up the nerve to ask. I do enjoy reading the posts though and I appreciate any advice in advance. I'm thinking I may have a low thyroid level. Some reasons I think I may have one: * always fatigued even after a good night's rest * seem to always be in a brain fog * struggle with heavy discouragement daily even though I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful daughters * not so great libido For those of you with a low thryoid, do these symptoms sound familiar? I'm willing to go to a doctor to have it checked but just don't want it to be in my head since I have no medical insurance. Thanks for any insight you can offer and please tell me.....will the heavy discouragement go away with medication? That's the one that's becoming unbearable for me. Enough for me to want to go have it checked out because I'm not one to go a doctor unless I absolutely have to. Blessings!
  3. I absolutely love my 8 seater Chevrolet Suburban! It is awesome to take trips in, you can throw everything but the kitchen sink in it and still have room to relax and enjoy the ride. Will hate to get rid of it if that should ever become an option. We took a trip to Myrtle Beach this past summer and averaged around 17 mpg. And that's with it loaded down. Not bad for such a spacious vehicle.
  4. tomorrow night. Do you know of any games that I could pull off line. I played one several years ago where you were given a clue from the carol and then had to guess which Christmas carol it was. Very hard but fun. Any suggestions where I could find these? Thanks so much and Merry Christmas!
  5. After giving birth to my last daughter, I had the same thing come up and it was a clogged milk duct. Very sore for several days but it went away. Any possibilities of that?
  6. I have found that Echinacea works well for these and also colds and viruses. Just a thought for you.
  7. Thanks everyone for your suggestions, sounds like vinegar and water will do the trick. And yes, come to think of it my floors have seemed to dull over some time. I think I'll discontinue using the Murphy's Oil Soap, thanks for the input on that one. Blessings to each of you!
  8. I have hard wood floors and have used Murphy's Oil Soap to clean them with up until this point but now we have a new little addition to our family ( a Yorkie pup) and would like to be able to disinfect my floors but not sure how. Murphy's Oil Soap doesn't disinfect, does it? Any suggestions?
  9. You usually get instructional time in the cockpit of the plane with the pilot and then actually get to fly the plane. Just a thought. Don't know if something like that is offered where you live or not.
  10. Thank you both for your replies. I think I may look into just going into TT Algebra I and see how she does. We can always backtrack to Pre-Algebra if need be. I appreciate your time in answering my questions. Have a blessed evening!
  11. My dd13 has used Math U See from Gamma through Zeta. She has just finished with Zeta and is going into Pre-Algebra. I am planning on using Teaching Textbooks for high school and was wondering if I should just go ahead and go with TT Pre-Algebra or should I stay with MUS Pre-Algebra and then switch. I'm not sure on the teaching methods TT has for the basic arithmetic skills escpecially fractions. Has anyone gone with TT Pre-Algebra after using MUS through Zeta? How did it work for your student? Any confusion? Just wanting some advice I guess to know I'm making an okay decision. Thanks ahead for any input. Blessings!
  12. Thanks for sharing! My daughter is studying American History this year and this will be a great supplement.
  13. Thank you for sharing that! I absolutely love the color of fall leaves. We tried pressing them between wax paper but I wasn't too pleased with the results. I'll have to try it this week as a project while off for fall break. Thanks so much again!
  14. Thank you Laurie! I don't have time at the moment but would love to email you and talk further about my situation. Blessings to you.
  15. Just last week I saw the initials ADD in a book or something and imediately wondered to myself if that was what is wrong with me. For the life of me I can't figure out what's going on in my brain. Seeing some of the signs were an eye opener because I have almost all of them. I can go for a little while and do fine but then the world comes crashing at my feet and I feel so overwhelmed by things. I have friends who juggle a lot more than I do but yet seem to just handle it and move on. Not me. I also feel lazy most of the time. Anything I do takes forever it seems. My inability to comprehend things I read is awful. I can read something and in 5 minutes wondering what it was I just read. I do okay with conversations, listening fairly well, but the ability to relay that story back in my words is almost always impossible so I don't even try. And that's not good because my husband is a pastor and a lot of times I need to share with him things I have talked to people about. I find myself very distant emotionally from my children and husband which I hate. I love them with my life but find it hard sometimes to express myself physically to them ( hugging, kissing, just reaching out to touch them) and don't know why. Most of the time I don't want to be touched at all. For a woman, I know this is strange because most of my friends are touchy-feely and it leaves me wondering what's wrong with me. I find that I really don't need friends like most people do. I never truly open up to anyone but my husband and sometimes not even him but just choose not to talk about things at all. Needless to say, my lack of desire for physical touch is beginning to take a toll on the intimate side of my marriage and it's to the point to where I am finally wanting to get professional help instead of just waiting for it to go away. I realize it's not going to go away. Something is wrong. Honestly, it frightens me. I have never thought of myself as ADD. Never. I was always a perfect Paula in school though my grades never matched what I knew I could do. I'm not hyper but most of the time very discouraged. I don't want to use the word depressed because that's such a strong word to me. I can remember feeling heavy as young as 10 or 11 and never knowing why. To this day, I'm like that. I can become very sad on days for no apparent reason. Anyway, I'm so thankful you posted this Michelle. I hope it pushes me to get some help. As far as your diagnosis, I can't say because this is all new information for me. Thank you for opening up about your situation and I truly pray you find the help you need. Blessings!
  16. That's so funny, I just downloaded several songs from the 80's. Was having one of those days where I miss my teens. My favorite are: Always by Atlantic Starr Stuck on You by Lionel Richie Casanova, not sure who sang that one Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves Rhythm is going to Get You by Paula Abdul Everytime You Go Away by Paul Young I Knew You Were Waiting for Me by George Michael
  17. Plans and they worked just fine for us. It breaks each module into 2 weeks worth of work from start to finish. We found it ample time to complete each module. HTH
  18. I think I will take a look at those demos like you've suggested and go from there. Math has always been that one subject that I have always wanted to make the wisest choice in choosing. I guess I remember how I struggled to understand math in school especially once I hit Algebra and don't want that for my daughter. Don't know why I haven't already taken a look at those demos. Blessings to you all!
  19. My 13dd just finished up with the Math U See Zeta book and is going into Pre-Algebra this upcoming fall. I'm wanting to use something different besides MUS and am considering Chalkdust, Teaching Textbooks or Video Text but not for sure which would be a better fit. My daughter is pretty good with math, not a genius by any means, considering it's her least favorite subject. Would anyone mind giving their input on these curriculums and the pros and cons they've encountered? I would be very grateful for any advice. Thanks so much!
  20. My 12year old daughter is wanting a penpal (nationally or internationally)and I'm wondering if someone could tell me how to go about finding one for her. Of course my main concern is safety so that's why I'm posting here to see if there are any of you who have successfully gone about this process and been pleased with the results. Thanks in advance for any help! Blessings!
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