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Everything posted by Momof3Maidens

  1. Hi everyone! I am considering using Math Mammoth for my daughter this upcoming school year and was wondering whether to go with the download version or printed version. I can see pros and cons of each. I think the printed version would be good because you're not having to use the extra ink to print out what is needed but then the download being convenient too for duplicating the same worksheet for multiple uses if need be and not having to print out if she's able to skip over topics already learned. Any suggestions from those who are using MM?
  2. I haven't thought of using a transcript form. That would work. I may just use that idea. Thank you both!
  3. I'm needing to create one for my daughter. Does anyone know of any websites that offer free templates? Thanks!
  4. My daughter used the World History texts this year and loved it. She also read the recommended literature but I only gave her one credit and that was for World History. I just didn't feel that you could pull an English or Bible credit out of it without supplementing it. Hope this helps!
  5. :iagree:It is a lot of work! I'm trying to quit procrastinating though and making sure I don't fall too far behind. I failed to write out her course descriptions for last year and am having to do it now. Won't do that again!! Thanks again everyone!
  6. I've got the title by the way, I'm just using English II. Just didn't know about how to word the course description.
  7. Music Mom -Thank you so much, I would love to take a look at it! Julie - It's my understanding that course descriptions are common, are they not? I want to include it along with the Table of Contents or syllabus of each class so colleges can see exactly what was studied in case they were to ask. She's read quite a few pieces of literature and her transcript isn't the place to put that kind of info so thats why I was wanting it. And yes, she loved the Teaching The Classics study! She was able to take what she learned and apply it to whatever she was reading whether it was Paul Revere's Ride like in the course or MacBeth. I would use it again. Thanks Ladies!
  8. It's late and I've been working on course descriptions all day long.....my brain is tired and I can't put together the words correctly and intelligently to describe my daughter's English II course. We started out the year with using Teaching the Classics Literary Analysis study and then applied the concepts we learned there to read some classical literature pieces like A Tale of Two Cities, MacBeth and so on. We also wrote literary essays on a few chosen pieces of literature. Help anyone? This course description stuff is really time consuming:ohmy: Thanks so much!!
  9. Well Shucks! The shipping is ridiculous isn't it? That's okay, thanks so much for the info and the website!
  10. My youngest daughter got Josefina for Christmas and her birthday is next week and she is wanting an outfit for her. Is there a coupon code out? How do you go about finding if there is? Thanks anyone!
  11. You know, unfortunately we can't control what others do and how they react. But one thing I've learned within this past year is that I can control what I do and how I react no matter what's dealt me. Is it hard sometimes - absolutely! But in the end, the freedom for me to choose my choices and emotions is powerful! And I always feel so much better for it in the end. :) Hang in there, you can do it! Blessings!
  12. Dd has really done well with BJU. She struggled so much with TT and Chalkdust that it affected her self esteem and she was beginning to think she was dumb which she isn't. Those curriculum just did not click with her. So when she started with BJU and started doing well with it I was so pleased. My main reason for contemplating using MUS is because I thought we could probably cover it quicker. Dd is not particularly fond of the teacher from BJU (although I like her) but she does well with it. I'm still not sure what to do so I'll think it over some more this week while we're off for Thanksgiving break. If MUS is not proof heavy, will that affect her later on? Will she need to know proofs extensively for the ACT? I'm pretty sure there's no proofs on the SAT. I just want to know that MUS will give her a good footing in Geometry. We used MUS up through Zeta so we're familiar with it just not at the high school level. Thanks everyone!
  13. In my opinion, furs are like pearls and diamonds. They're always in. :)
  14. She hasn't made up her mind yet as far as a major. She's contemplating a counseling, psychology major possibly. She also loves music too and she's thought about majoring in that as well. So with either one I'm assuming she'll need no heavy math. She's been above average in all of her studies except math. She's always just been average in it. We're finishing up BJU's Algebra I course and she's done well with it after having struggled with Teaching Textbooks and Chalkdust. I was just wondering how BJU's Geometry course measured up to their Algebra. With her struggle using TT and Chalkdust for Algebra her freshman year, it kind of put us behing the eight ball and behind. We're just now finishing up Algebra I and starting Geometry so I was thinking maybe MUS might be a little easier and quicker to cover so we could have the course completed next May. After having read each of your posts, I think MUS will be the perfect fit for her. What do you think?
  15. My DD15 will begin Geometry after our Christmas break. We're currently using BJU which has gone well but am wondering (due to pricing) if MUS would give her a solid foundation for a geometry credit too just at a lower cost. I've heard it's lacking proofs, is that true? Would it give her a good foundation for the ACT or SAT? (although I think the SAT doesn't have proofs, not sure about the ACT) Any suggestions? Thanks!
  16. My Dd took a one semester course last year using Oak Meadow's Introduction to Photography syllabus and The Better Photo Guide to Digital Photography. It was a fun course for her. This year she is shadowing a local photographer. She's not only gaining experience in photo shoots but also in the business and advertising side of it as well. She loves this! As far as the "thoughts" theme goes, have her shoot some photos of things that reflect her mood and perception of things. For instance, my Dd loves playing the keyboard and could play for hours. She recently took a picture of our piano keys. She shot the photo from an angle that was absolutely beautiful. She is also an avid reader and took a picture of our living room bookshelf. Just a picture of books, but it was an incredible shot. I love books too though so I loved it. What does your daughter love to do, what interests her? Have her ponder on it and then shoot some pictures reflecting those things. Happy Photographing!
  17. Well....seems like it boils down to whether or not your child does well performing under pressure. Actually, she seems to do pretty good with it. I give her written math drills and she does better if I give her a time limit versus no time limit. If I don't give her a time frame, she just doddles and takes her time. She gets much faster (although does freak out sometimes, just depends on the day) if there is a time restraint. We've done the free demo that they offer and she seems to do okay with it. I think I may give it a try although I think I'll check out the Flashmaster and Timz Attack first. Thanks so much everyone!
  18. Has anyone found this to be a good way to learn math facts (addition,subtraction, multiplication, and division)? I'm looking at purchasing it and was just wondering if anyone else had had any good success with it. Thanks!
  19. I always second guess myself when it comes to grading something other than written work. I don't know why. Grading on participation and reading assignments (using the Progeny Press Guides for discussion) sounds good. I actually had thought about using the PP Guides but never got around to ordering them. Guess I may take another look at those today. Thanks Ladies!
  20. How can I go about grading our first nine weeks of an English/Lit course if we've been studying literary analysis (Teaching the Classics) and reading some suggested classics? There hasn't been a lot of written work thus far to grade. Just wondering?
  21. That's good to hear. I'm not sure if BJU is proof heavy or not but maybe she'll get through it okay. Sounds like my daughter is a visual-spatial learner as well. Thanks Lori!
  22. Wow! Thanks everyone for your posts. I've been out today running errands and am just now getting a chance to look at the replies. She is doing good with the BJU like I mentioned in my first text. It's been a blessing. She isn't struggling any more. She has come across a few lessons where she had to slow down and take her time but she's gotten it and moved on instead of being stuck like before. I've taken into consideration everyone's ideas and comments. In my gut, I think she can do both. Like was mentioned, I'll set aside an hour for each which would be no problem. And if it becomes too much, like was also mentioned, we'll just shelve it and wait until she finishes the Algebra I which should be in December sometime and she'll have Geometry to do the remainder of the year plus through the summer. I'll think I may go with the online version this time though. I was going to when I went to order the Algebra but wasn't for sure if it was all the same content but now that I know it is, I'll probably go with it and save $100. Thanks so much everyone, you're real blessings!
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