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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. I used to get those white dots too and my GP referred me to the Ear/Nose/Throat specialist who took one look at my tonsils and had me scheduled for tonsilectomy within a week. According to the specialist, those dots are a sign that the tonsils are chronically infected and they've lost their ability to be effective filters. Before I had them out, I used to get sick A LOT with horrible sore throats. Since getting them out (at age 25) I hardly ever get sick and rarely have a sore throat. The few sore throats I've had aren't nearly as bad or last as long as before the surgery. The tonsilectomy was one of the best things I've ever done.
  2. My degree is in Business Admin but my career was in the Social Services. I won't go back into the Services field but will look into a self-employment/business ownership type of opportunity.
  3. Tuition was free. We only had t pay for books. :)
  4. Our son started college when he was 15. He enrolled as a dual-enrolled homeschooler and from that point on just took college courses toward his major in college full time. We continued to keep him a homeschooler for county purposes until HS graduation so that he would receive his Bright Futures scholarship award. Our experience has been great so far. He is doing very well and never had any problems transitioning to college but then he has always been very self-motivated and mature.
  5. Big hugs. Wish I could do more but I used to work for services and I know how horrible some of those workers can be. I used to be amazed at how heartless and lazy too many were. It isn't right. My only advice is that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Don't be afraid to pester and get all your questions or issues addressed and go up the ladder if need be. :(
  6. I'm so sorry you're going through this. :( I strongly urge you to consider having him placed in a protected and supervised environment. Managing his meds and behavior on your own and hoping his behavior won't spiral more out of control is not healthy for your family. His behavior is creating a very unsafe environment for your family as well. He could be dangerous in a delusional state and there is also the consideration that if he enrages an unstable neighbor there could be those repercussions to deal with as well. A managed care facility would have the staff, medical expertise and security to create a more stable and consistent environment for him. :grouphug:
  7. We're using this right now and like it too. :)
  8. We're finishing up Little Women and then we're going to do some of Poe, H.G. Wells and Bradbury for Halloween fun through Oct.
  9. My first reaction is that if your church and the scout troop is not supportive of homeschooling and by extention...your family, then I would actively be searching for another church and troop. I wouldn't spend time associating with people that I felt were so judgmental that I was in fear of them calling CPS.
  10. Check with your local Humane Society. They periodically run great cut rate deals on spay/neuter, shots etc.
  11. Two of our 4 kitties are male and while all of the kitties are fixed, they can be fussy about their food or spots. We recently had a couple of days of male territory/bossiness issues but when they began to fight or pick on the females we would immediately break it up and reprimand both of them and separate them. After a few times of us asserting ourselves as the dominant 'cats' in the equation, the kitties calmed down.
  12. I totally agree! That is an especially beautiful picture! They're all wonderful!:)
  13. I had no idea they were going through this. This makes me very sad. :(
  14. I think it might be! Check this website out: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1615612/zoomorphism_and_its_uses_in_literature.html?cat=38 :D
  15. Sounds like a stress letdown headache. I get these on the weekend if I don't find something to keep me busy. I usually get busy getting everything planned and ready for the new week. That helps me by giving me peace of mind that we know what we need to do for school etc. for the coming week. I also have to be sure I don't sleep in and miss my early cup of coffee since that will give me a weekend headache too.
  16. I'm learning Spanish with my girls and we're all taking cake decorating classes together (a lot of fun...and tasty too). We all learned how to crochet this summer. We're all reading Little Women and then will work through the works of Poe.
  17. Current assigned reading: 6th grader-The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 7th grader-A Day of Pleasure by Isaac B. Singer Current read aloud: Little Women
  18. It bothers me and one of my daughters. I can see a wiggle and it makes me headachy and eventually my stomach gets upset. When I worked, I bought a bulb lamp for my office and shut off the fluorescent lights because it was so bad.
  19. I'm so glad that isn't my son. He would be sooo busted. Seriously, I couldn't help but think that those tires, his seat, etc. were taking quite a beating. That can't be very healthy. ;)
  20. I think I would have been very tempted to place some regular orders and when they came out, place them on the buffet with a polite "thanks!". I wouldn't have paid for those orders of course. :D We've stopped going to PH because the service has been so bad the last several times we've gone.
  21. I can't imagine his mistress is much better. It is so slimy to have him making promises to her on the condition his wife dies. If she was smart and had any compassion, she would be running in the opposite direction. He is creepy.
  22. Yes. That would really hurt. I think you need to sit him down and talk to him about how that sounds. He may not realize how much more pressure that attitude puts on you. Homeschooling isn't an exact science. There are bound to be things you need to buy as the year progresses.
  23. I wouldn't be suspicious. I think keeping an open mind and approaching this with a positive attitude would go a long way in advancing the credibility of homeschoolers. I don't think you need to respond unless you are interested in helping the district. I live in a homeschool friendly state and district so we have been approached for our input and it has been a good experience for homeschoolers and the district.
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