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Everything posted by Plink

  1. "It has been so l no longer remember. He is a great guy, isn't he? Just last week he..."
  2. More elementary than RS4K? Are you sure? Their pre-level1 is my favorite intro to chem for little guys because of the cute cartoon atoms holding hands.
  3. Speak to the mom. That poor 3yo could be saved from future beatings. None of us can fix a bad situation with our kids if we don't know about it. She may surprise you. If she decides to do nothing, at least you did your level best to remedy the situation.
  4. My intention wasn't to say that garages can not be cleaned, but that it is unusual to expect that they will not experience everyday use.
  5. This bears repeating. Your husband is welcome to be a neat-freak about garage floors if he wants, but asking anyone else to be inconvenienced by his obsession isn't fair. He wants it pristine, he should be the one who gets to clean it.
  6. We own an interior design company. Our garage is about as fancy as fancy can get - mahogany trim, car lift, artwork, plumbing, line drain, and better lighting than some of our ritziest customer's houses. HOWEVER, it is treated like a garage. The floor gets dirty. That is what it is there for. Anyone who has antique or sports cars will tell you that, despite those cars being their babies, garages are messy. There is always oil, grease, and grime somewhere. Throw down an old piece of cardboard if you know it is going to be bad, and toss it out when the project is over. Parking outside and tracking sand and snow into the house on muddy feet will wear out interior floors, which are much more expensive than the concrete. NO WAY.
  7. OT that was worth it for my sensory seeker: Brushing technique w joint compression Interactive Metronome Vestibular integration As a bit of encouragement, all of these can look bizarre in the beginning. The idea of intentionally paying to spend an hour playing on tire swings or getting a back rub seems insane. ~BUT~ When you get to the end of the program and look back you can really see that what looked like play is actually work. My DD went from not being able to sense cold, balance on one foot, or get dizzy, to a much more "normal" use of her senses. She also has learned how to self-soothe like a pro, without resorting to rocking or scratching. My favorite part of OT however, is the trusting relationship that she developed with each of her provider. Having a safe place to talk about self-harm or embarrassing behaviors, and get practical tips to put into practice, has been priceless.
  8. Yes - general dehydration of any kind can cause skin issues, but adrenal problems make it even worse. My sister had a similar issue and started trying to fix her dehydration with just drinking loads of water, which seems logical. It didn't work. Gatorade/Poweraide, however, did. Her doctor explained that she needed to replace the salt and potassium that her body was missing in order to restore balance.
  9. I used to love getting new school supplies each year! It was the highlight of September. As homescholers the new lunchbox is unnecessary, but I try to make sure that starting school is just as exciting for my crew. I gave each of my kids sturdy metal organizer boxes like these for the start of school last year, and they still use them to bring their materials to the table every day. The boxes were filled with thinking putty, a new audio book, water brushes, new nature journals, and a few other school-supply-ish items.
  10. Read Honey Are You Listening. It is written specifically about ADD, but there are a lot of EF issues that are addressed. http://amzn.to/2tjeouh
  11. Just click on your state: https://www.dol.gov/featured/apprenticeship/find-opportunities
  12. There are lots of alternatives to the traditional school to work route Campus based programs tailored to autism Online Universities Apprenticeships Jobs specifically tailored to special needs Work from home Traditional jobs that require less interpersonal connection If he really has his heart set on working at night, maybe he would enjoy being a baker. The task is very goal-oriented, the environment is generally quiet, and while culinary school isn't required by some employers, it is very different from traditional classes. The post-office also tends to have overnight sorting positions that require little schooling. Personally, I wouldn't allow my autistic child to quit a paying job to pursue writing. Change is hard. Going back to full-time work after taking a break would be miserable. The path for all writers (I can't think of a single exception, correct me if I'm wrong) is to work a paid career while writing on the side until their career is launched. If he truly loves the grammar portion, maybe he is actually more interested in becoming a copy editor. He could start with some classes or attempt to obtain freelance work to see if it interests him.
  13. I want to hear the story that prompted this question.
  14. Around here generally men offer to share with women, but women don't reciprocate. As sexist as that sounds, I think it is a practical/fashion difference rather than an intentional choice. Men tend to carry giant sturdy umbrellas that offer a wide area of protection from the rain. Since they are generally taller, they can easily accommodate a second person under the umbrella. Women, on the other hand, tend to carry super-compact umbrellas that fold into tiny wads that we can store in our purses. They offer far less protection. Add in the height difference, and women generally end up standing like the Statue of Liberty and allowing themselves to get drenched if they try to share with another person. Practically speaking, unless I happened to have DH's umbrella (which I rarely if ever use) then no, I wouldn't offer to share except for extenuating circumstances.
  15. Anyone know of an app like Pandora or Spotify that allows you to listen to music without having the cover art displayed? I hate having my phone glowing with odd images.
  16. I once had a 20something approach me with a video camera and ask me "is it okay if I take your picture?" It was obvious that he was already filming me me laying on the beach with my husband. Bizarre. I also had a man come into a childcare room (without a child) and start taking photos of DD. I was so shocked and horrified that I spoke polietly to him and left. If I had been in my right mind I would have called the police and/or screamed at Creepy Man.
  17. I have a child on the spectrum, so rules have to be all or nothing here. Our unwritten standard: Everyone eats together at the table for as many meals as possible - generally 2 per day. The table is set with knives and forks properly placed before the meal is served. Nobody takes a bite until after the prayer and after everyone is served. You do not have to take some of everything, but you do need to eat whatever you place on your own plate if you want sweets or snacks later that night. Veggies are non-negotiable (we intentionally went through lots of food exposure training when the kids were toddlers and I'm lucky to now have adventurous eaters). Nobody leaves the table until everyone has finished eating except for scheduled events or whenf the adults decide to make coffee last an hour. That said, if either Mom or Dad are traveling we throw all the rules out the window at least once, and will eat pizza on the living room floor in our pajamas, just for fun.
  18. We have one of each. The gas is pretty, but not as pretty as a wood fire. It isn't very efficient, but heats one small room eventually (though we don't use it without a secondary source of heat). The pellet insert is a workhorse. We have a Harman with glass front, and over the past 13 years it has needed 0 repairs. It looks more like a a flamethrower than a fireplace fire, but I still enjoy the look of the glass.
  19. Benjamin Moore Gray Owl is nice in dark rooms. It has blue undertones. Moonshine is similar with green undertones.
  20. How about getting some small vases ($1 each) from the dollar store and decorating them using permanent markers or paint pens. Just print a variety of coloring pages to fit inside the glass, and then all the little kids have to do is trace the image, older ones can add their own flair, and everyone can pick an image that makes them happy. We've done it a few times, and it has always been a hit. Just pop a electric candle inside (4/$1 at the dollar store) and you have a nice votive. http://www.libertyhillhouse.com/2014/12/02/making-candles/
  21. Agreeing that the button-down open over the tee sounds like a good compromise. This site has tees made specifically for larger men: https://chubstr.com/big-tall/clothes/shirts/casual-shirts/t-shirts/duke-plus-check-shirt-t-shirt-pack/
  22. I'd assume that the leader isn't really great at conversation and that mentioning something she has observed has become her default "connecting with people in groups" starter. It is awkward because her observations are obviously not terribly astute or sensitive. Is she somehow receiving a commission if you join this group? She seems very invested in getting you there.
  23. Mine is older, so she does all the advocating for herself now, but she always makes sure leaders and instructors of any kind know of her limitations before the first class/lesson/activity. It makes life easier for her in the long run. DD knows that she can appear disruptive or disrespectful. People are generally great about providing accommodations or extending grace, but without prior knowledge, they are placed in a position of having to guess her intent. She would prefer to avoid misunderstandings in the first place.
  24. Personally, I'd buy for both, and I think the gift card for the lesser-known twin is fine. One thing I will never do is buy a bigger gift for multiples to share. I don't know why, but it feels less personal.
  25. I must live in a pretty clean area. The worst I have seen is bungee cords and life-jackets that must have flown out of trailers. The idea of intentionally throwing something out of the window actually shocks me.
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