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Everything posted by mama27

  1. I switched my kids into either Abeka or BJU. Science is finally getting done here.
  2. Me. I'm done with being excited about it. It is getting easier now that I have only 2 nonreaders left but the excitment is gone after 11+ years.
  3. So why not just use what's easier? Why make yourself insane trying to do what "they" say you should do? If videos make it easier for you, do it. If textbooks actually get done and you are not stressed out when you use them, who says you shoudn't? I use them, after YEARS of trying to be "Perfect Homeschool Mom." Guess what? This is so much easier and my kids are actually retaining what they learn. We did experiments and activities and all that crap and they recall NOTHING. Now they keep talking about the stuff they learn like it's all new. Whatever. It's working. If you need videos, get them and get on with your life!!!
  4. That's how all the problems are. I think you can set it up so that that option is not working, but I could be wrong.
  5. Why DO companies show stuff that isn't available to purchase yet? I really hate that!!
  6. I think that because there are a lot of families whose kids enjoy school work, that a lot of us moms feel like if our kids don't enjoy it somehow we have failed. My kids don't see any of it as fun and for YEARS I tried everything I could think of to make it more enjoyable so they'd be like "those" kids who smile their way through the experiments that never fail or cuddle on the couch without fighting, listening intently while I read some wonderful book. One day I was in Walmart and saw one of "those" families. About 4 or 5 kids, a couple boys, shirts tucked in, walking quietly with their mom, while my hooligans were all over the place and wild-looking and LOUD and i realized I'm ok with that. Most days. lol Somehow I just don't have whatever it takes to have those kids and if God wanted me to have them He would have made them that way but he didn't. Maybe cuz "I" don't like shirts tucked in. lol Or belts unless needed and then I wonder why people just don't get clothes that fit. lol So, maybe your kids won't enjoy doing school work. Whatever. Just het what they need, make them do it like anything else they are required to do and get on with your life. HTH!!!
  7. Are you thinking of getting the Companion book? There is a lot of info in this book! IMO, any other books just add to that. They have scheduled a lot of the If You Lived... books, which I like and own. Year 4 is US and World History. IMO, you would not need to add any other books if you use the Companion, SOTW, and History of Us. That would be a lot!!! SOTW 4 is scheduled but I'm skipping it. I'm also not adding the missionary books because I don't like them. Sorry, I know they are popular but they annoy me.
  8. Yea, I'm not a fan of either of those. Boring!
  9. " This is what the first child is for right? :lol: " LOL I've always said" The first child is the experiment child, the 2nd child is the practice child, by the time you get #3, you get it all right!" Course #'s 4,5,6,and 7 killed THAT theory!
  10. I love the SL book list but I don't like SOTW. So you could just use Biblioplan Companion as your spine, add whatever hands-on, maps, etc. and the book lost from SL. This is what I'm doing. We just started using Biblioplan. I LOVE it though. So, if you are crazy, at least you know you aren't alone!!
  11. If you did not like this, can you tell me why? If you liked/loved it but never finished it, why? I know it's expensive so I'm trying to justify the cost.
  12. If you did not like this, can you tell me why? If you liked/loved it but never finished it, why? I know it's expensive so I'm trying to justify the cost.
  13. If you did not like this, can you tell me why? If you liked/loved it but never finished it, why? I know it's expensive so I'm trying to justify the cost.
  14. I'd give him the placemene test for Teaching Textbooks and put him where he places.
  15. Are there samples of what you actually get anywhere? I'm interested but confused as to what is included.
  16. I couldn't even begin to guess where/which book. It's been awhile and I've slept since then.:lol:
  17. Apologia science. Way too much info for elementary kids. The high school texts bore me. SOTW. I tried. ALL of them. More than once. My kids got NOTHING from these. Yep, tried the activities too. Easy Grammar. Too much crossing and underlining and writing initials above too many words. HOD. Little Hands to Heaven. My kids only like the first song. I have looked at other ones but they don't impress me. Math Mammoth. Tried to like this. There were problems on one page, then the TEACHING was on the following page?!?!? That happened more than once. Singapore.Miquon. I don't get the hype for this at all.
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