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Everything posted by mama27

  1. I have no advice. It happens here all the time. Personally, I think it's the companies that make the pen cils do it so we have to keep buying new ones!
  2. Can anyone comment on the phonics portion of this? How long are the lessons? How much review is there?
  3. Was it at Christianbook.com? Rainbowresource? A blog?
  4. Weaver? http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/cms_content?page=310744&sp=61266&event=1016AOP|1096086|61266
  5. Does anyone here do this? And if so, how?
  6. Yes I have used both. lol My 4 and 5 yo would only join in on the activities like eating. lol MFW ECC isn't taking us long, maybe 2 hours a day, tops. My kids NEED structure and stuff to do. They aren't the type of children to just go play without behavior problems. I have seen where people use it as a co-op and thought it wouldnt be much different. lol
  7. I am considering doing this. Maybe using MFW ECC once or twice a week and TOG 3 or 4 times. Has anyone here done this? Or am i crazy for even thinking about this? This would be for my 11,8,7,5,and 4 yos.
  8. What math are you using? "I" would drop the spelling, cursive, and english at this young of an age. Concentrate more on the fun stuff like science. Also, I would RUN from TOG with kids as young as yours. lol I tried using it with my 5 youngest (prek-5th) and there was waaaay too much planning, reading, writing, etc. I'm saving it for high school for them. Plus, i wasn't crazy about teaching them so much about the greeks and false gods and that crap. I wanted a stronger foundation in Christ first. i am NOT saying TOG doesn't have that because it does, especially Year 1 but it was just TOO much. I recently started MFW ECC with these 5 youngest and I find it as perfect as any curric will ever get. lol I like it so much i'm going to start MFW K with my younger 2 or 3. Some people have found that setting a certain time for things works. Like 20 minutes for math, 20 minutes for history, etc. Or you could try starting at the top of the MFW schedule, when the day is done you stop wherever you are and pick there the next day. How much reading do you do with them? Can your oldest read?
  9. This child doesn't hate you. This child is just difficult. It has nothing tpo do with YOU as a parent or all of your children would be exactly the same. She is just the way she is. Maybe she does this to get attention and NOT because she doesn't get enough but because it's not enough for HER. Just like some people are never satisfied with what they have. If they have a 2 year old car they are always looking for a 1 year old car. if they have a 3 bedroom house they want a 4 bedroom house. then they get these things and still, they are not satisfied. I'm sure you know adults like this. the only differnce is adults whine and complain and 4 years old stupid and scream. I agree with the putting her in her bedroom thing. Not saying that will STOP the screaming but at least you won't have to see her. I read somewhere that this woman would put her child outside when she acted like this. I wouldnt do that cuz if she's a runner she'll take off. (I have 3 runners) but at least in her room she will be in another area. Just make sure you DO NOT speak to her other than to CALMLY say when you stop you can get out. Even if she can't hear you cuz she is screaming that is her problem. I have done this with mine and EVETUALLY they realize they can come out, on their own, when they are done being ridiculous. Ok, so it may take awhile, lol. So be it. ;-) At least now you know you are not are alone. Don't know if that helps or not!!!!
  10. Where we lived before, in a small town, most of the Christians would be completely shocked if we even spoke of "HP" but LOTR was great and wonderful and fine. I understand that there is a different perspective but spells are spells to a kid. Magic is still magic. For US saying LOTR is ok but HP is not was hypocritical.
  11. I always think it's strange that Christians would allow their kids to watch the LOTR but not HP when LOTR is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay scarier, way more demonic and has way more magic in it.
  12. I would say it depends on the spiritual maturity of the child. If a child is easily influenced by anything that does not line up with our beliefs we try our best to keep it away from our children. OTH, if we never expose our children to things at home where we can teach them why these things are wrong then someone else may influence them in a way we don't like. Our kids have watched the movies, one has read the books. No one has tried practicing witchcraft noit even in pretend play.
  13. If you are, how is it going? If you tried and quit, why?
  14. I don't know about the book but the movie was pretty good. One of my dds looks exactly like this girl. lol
  15. Well, I don't have triplets but my youngest 4 are very close in age. 8,7,5,4. My 5 yo still doesnt know his alphabet. My 7 yo is still struggling with reading 3 letter words. OTH, my 8 yo is reading chapter books, my 17 took a college class when she was 16 and passed with a 95. My kids have taken a variety of classes, not in public school, including painting, Tae kwon Do, basketball, soccer, horse riding lessons, dance, photography classes, etc. 5 of my 7 kids would rather play/hang out with each other or a VERY few close friends. By few I mean 1 or 2. lol The other 2 kids are VERY social and would spend every moment doing something with someone. The point is YOU are the parent YOU can teach them all kinds of neat things while allowing them to grow and develop at their own pace. They really won't be 80 and dressing the same. lol wait till they are teenagers and you will be saying please dress the same!!!! But so what if they only play with each other right now? They are 5. Still babies, imo. See if there are homeschool groups in your area and go to park days. They will enjoy that a lot more than educational classes (aka public school). Besides, weren't WE always told we are not in school to socialize but to get an education? ;-)
  16. Looks like I am in the minority because I don't even try reading the books I have my kids read unless I actually want to.
  17. This is amazing! you have put a lot of work into this. I am seriously impressed! I also like that you answered questions about the movies and choosing certain ones. i'm not sure why but there are repeated pictures of the books but I saved it to my desktop and changed the format somehow and they went away. lol
  18. I am currently using SL 1 with BJU for my 5th grader. It's not like BJU takes hours. She does it about 2 to 3 times a week, takes maybe 20 minutes. She reads the text and does the activity sheets.
  19. Hmmm...I can't get either link to work and I have Microsoft.
  20. I got the one without the music.I thought it would be too distracting,kwim?
  21. I have tried SOTW about 4 different times and none of my kids liked it. Last night I bought the MP3 volume 1. What a HUGE improvement!!!! I guess hearing someone else tell the story is sooooo much better than Mama reading it and stumbling over the words. And I made a mistake in something and got a response today with a solution. GREAT customer service!! If anyone here has tried SOTW and didn't like it seriously consider the MP3!!
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