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Everything posted by mama27

  1. Yes, and if you are married to someone what's yours is theirs, and what's theirs is yours.
  2. I don't think their Christianity is being called into question because they are making a secular version, I think it's all the dishonesty behind it. instead of being open and honest they were all sneaky about it, and flat-out denying they were even doing it until they had to own up to it. As a Christian, I am all for missions, Bible in my curric, and doing everything to spread the word to non-Christians but it doesn't bother me that they are having a secular version of their curric BUT they should have been honest about it and yes, they would would even need to change some of their focus because obviously, they aren't only focused on spreading the Gospel.
  3. Here are some free ones that may or may not help you. http://sarasota.ifas.ufl.edu/4-H/4-HRecord.shtml
  4. Apparently they think people are too stupid to put 2 and 2 together. Hmph
  5. I agree that if they are going to do this for a certain group, then it ought to be made available to everyone AND they ought to be honest about it. I am a Christian and have used SL but this deception...it's wrong. I was thinking of getting the American history IG for high school, but no. Not now. Just because of this.
  6. After reading the posts here and the ones on Sonlight forum, the main problem I see is that Sonlight is denying that they are taking the Christianity out of their product for a certain group(s) of people when clearly, they ARE. That's called lieing. Why not just be truthful about it?
  7. Ok...we're putting our house on the market in the next two weeks. My dh leaves Mondays by noon, is gone working 2.5 hours away all week, and then comes home Friday mornings, goes to sleep by 9 am and isn't up until early evening (he's sleeping b/c he works overnights). This has been happening for almost a year. I admit, I am totally stressed out with putting the house on the market. I'm purging lots of stuff, trying to maintain the house, and homeschooling (oh and driving kids and cooking and disiplining...). I'm very stressed with thinking about how I need to keep the house picked up b/c, if I let it get out of hand, it will take hours and hours to straighten up when we have a house showing. I don't have hours and hours, I have a TODDLER ;). Yes, the kids can and DO help (alot), but they don't do the job that "I" would do, you know? ********************************************************************************** THIS is the exact reason I unschooled for 8 months. My dh went to work in another state and I was at home with a 10 yo, 9, yo, and 2 yo, with NO family to help and NO close friends. It was up to ME to keep the house clean for buyers and there was no way I could do that and academics at the same time. There would be times when the realtor would call and say that someone was IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD and wanted to stop by. :scared: Yea. I still say if you want to unschool, to give it a shot and see how it works out for you and your kids.
  8. I got the sample and, OMG!, it lookes really good!! But the whole issue with GETTING everything... Tell me NOT to do this!!! Talk some sense into me!!!
  9. Ok, you said you want to unschool but you are afraid. It sounds to me that you tend to take off in the summer? So what if you decide to give unschooling a trial. Say till Aug. 1. That's 5 months. The world will NOT end if it turns out that unschooling is not for you. They won't be ruined for life, I promise. lol I have unschooled my kids at different times in our lives, the longest was for 8 months. 2 of those kids have graduated so apparently they are ok. lol I would say to just give this a shot, what's the worst thing that could happen?
  10. Uh... I don't mean to sound like a jerk but isn't that magazine saturated in Christianity? I mean it's too much for ME and I AM a Christian! lol Thanks for the article link!
  11. I did thatm briefly, and got annoyed at having to pay and rive them there AND make them practice so I stopped. When one of these became a teenager she wanted to learn guitar, said she wished "I" had made her keep practicing. i said too bad, teach yourself guitar with the net. So she did.
  12. We had some hatched from an egg case once. A whole bunch of itty bitty little things hatched and ate each other and the few that lived we set free since I had no way of feeding those tiny little suckers.
  13. It all depends on the time of the month. ;-) Seriously though, most people who make rude comments ( I understand you don't belive she was being rude) are just as obnoxious about anything else they don't like or agree with so I wouldn't waste my time on them anyway.
  14. I've been homeschooling for 11 years and I've only done grade levels in the past 3 years since moving to SC where we have more requirements in Fl. The only draw-back was that my kids had NO clue what "grade" they were in when someone would ask and I (or they) would have to go into a long speech about how we don't do grade levels or we didn't and people thought my kids were too dumb to know what grade they were in. rolling eyes As far as their actual work is concerned I've never assigned them anything just because that's what grade they were in or what the book said, kwim? I give each child they need.
  15. I got the 3 months free because I bought a lapbook through HOAC during a birthday sale thingie. I don't know about any of the other subscriptions.
  16. I've looked at the samples of this but it doesn't look as colorful as Uncle Sam. I like color pictures. This isn't 1955!
  17. I have it free for the next 3 months but having looked through it a few times the only thing I really like are the planners. The rest is...eh...
  18. hmmm...just from looking at your siggy he's ten and doing pre algebra? latin, spanish, geography, ancient history, and somethin g else. maybe he is burned out. maybe he can't really do all that. that seems like an awful lot for a ten yo boy. have some chocolate or some wine. or both.
  19. If this was the only time or new or rare, I would agree with you but this wasn't the first or rare or...
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