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Everything posted by mama27

  1. I have used this and if my life wasn't so hectic, if I didn't have 4 high maintenance kids and my elderly parents and 2 teenagers all living in my house, AND if I was more organized. The reality of my life prevents me from using it. I do not think it's overpriced at all though. 300 bucks for 8 years of math? That's less than 40.00 a year.
  2. I guess I should have read all the posts before I asked what that was. I am c/p from MW for a funny: Rhymes with BITCH GODDESS sun goddess I bet they were public schooled.
  3. I'm sick today and half of what he said didn't even make sense to me. But what on earth is a Bitch Goddess???? Is that what it souds like or is it some other thing that I don't know because I'm too busy worshipping my kids in our fortess???
  4. Reviving this old thread because I'd like to see if the same people have the same opinions now. :-)
  5. Thanks. This is interesting. So far 4 year college is the plan for most of you.
  6. are you preparing for 4 year university or community college?
  7. I love to read. I could read all day, every day. There are times when I spend hours reading and neglect everything else. Obviously, not neglecting my kids, but I won't do housework and stuff. But my dh hasn't read a book since he graduated high school 28 years ago. Some people just don't like to read and no amount of effort on your part will chnage that, IMO. Should you require reading anyway? I do even with my kids who don't like to read. 2 of my dds have already decided once they graduate the only book they will ever read is the Bible. These same 2 are very creative and artistic. I can't draw a stick figure. An art curriculum would be torture for me, but they like them.
  8. Your oldest is 5? How about just reading books, playing board games, watching educational videos, and playing? Paint, draw, use clay. Build forts. This is just a season in your life, not forever. A 5 year old really does not need any curric. I have used ACE and it's ok, but I think it would be more work for you at this age.
  9. Thanks for the replies. This has given me some things to think about.
  10. Are there any? I have read the reviews here till my eyes felt like they were bleeding and can't find any but there HAS to be something, right? Also, the kid I'm planning this for will not be able to get help from me, has anyone found that to be a problem, such as lack of explanations? This dd will be at least 14 before she starts this.
  11. Have you looked at this? http://www.dianawaring.com/our-curriculum/basic-overview
  12. M-F, if we are awake and I have decided it's a school day, it is. Since we have to have 180 days that's how I do it.
  13. I just started this with my 7th grader and 5th grader. I LIKE that it's not going on and on about pronouns and verb tenses, etc. I like the copywork and the writing exercises. I don't believe that grammar has to be drilled into someone's head over and over. I also hate diagramming and refuse to subject my kids to it. I DO want them to write and enjoy writing and to be able to write well. But I don't think learning parts of speech is the way to do it. Kind of like phonics is useful but eventually I have to drop phonics instruction and just focus on READING in order for my kids to learn to read. I
  14. We don't get up till 10, 10:30 and never even start school until 11 or later.
  15. "I" would have thought so but my 13 yo dd did TT and took longer than Saxon. She was doing TT pre-algebra and is now doing Saxon 87. She's probably just weird!!!
  16. I would stop all phonics for awhile and just read TO her. My current 8 yo ds was like this and I tried several approaches and none really clicked until a few months ago. Now, his reading is taking off. FTR, he'll be 9 in less than 2 weeks. Some kids just need more time.
  17. I don't normally post here but I read this this am and commented about how stupid I think this is on Facebook. I'm sorry, it's dumb, IMO, to expose your child, on purpose, to ANY illness.
  18. I do every long division problem with them until they don't need me to anymore. If the math you're using doesn't have enough practice make some up, 2 or 3 a day, till it's mastered. BTST several times now! lol
  19. Just to give you another option, Saxon Teacher teaches like the book, BUT it also has the solutions to every problem l(ike Teaching Textbooks) so if they get any wrong they watch that and see what they got wrong.
  20. I know it's really popular but, IMO, TT is behind and does not have nearly enough math facts practice. I'd reccomend taking the placement test for CLE or Saxon. Both have lots of review and will help with memorizing.
  21. My now 17 yo dd was diagnosed with chronic pain aka Fibromyalgia when she was 13. She just does what she can, when she can. Sometimes it worse than others. As she's gotten older she does more because she's gotten used to the pain. But, we did find out recently she can't work AND do school work. I'm not sure how she's going to cope as an adult.
  22. Thanks for the replies. It's on sale at Homeschoolbuyers co-op and that got me thinking...
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