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Everything posted by mama27

  1. Can someone tell me what exactly this means?
  2. My dh does the same thing, gets up late and comes home late. To us it makes sense to put everybody on his schedule of going to bed late, like after 11. That way the kids don't get up till 9 or 10, and we start school after lunch.
  3. she may not love homeschooling the way you do when she is grown. but how many kids who attended strict catholic schools loved them? how many ps kids loved that? our kids won't always like our choices we make. that's doesnt mean we are wrong, it means we are parents.
  4. i'm mean so my comment would be "too bad for you!" how many kids whose parents don't homeschool get to choose what school they go to? or if they go to public school? it's not even an issue in most of their families. just because we homeschool, somehow that seems to be an invite for our kids and other people to ahve opinions about wether or not they SHOULD homeschool. i have had people ask my kids if they WANT to go to real school. are they kidding?? do they ask their kids if they want to go to school? imo, it's not up to my children to decide on their education anymore than it's their choice to go to church, eat vegetables, brush their teeth, have chores, obey my rules, etc. especially with a big family, you can't cater to each child's whim. you are the parent, you get to decide how to raise them, they don't get to decide how they will be rasied.
  5. i get the organized comment a lot! but i am sooooo unorganized! how do i respond to that??
  6. my 12 yo was told last night at church by a ps kid that she couldn't homeschool because then she would have no friends. we have heard this a lot. apparently the only place to find friends is in public school.
  7. We use 3 different ones. Saxon, Rod and Staff, and Systematic Mathematics. Different currics for different kids.
  8. I wouldn't. I would not want to read the same book over and over unless it's really interesting.
  9. math. in my case that would be saxon and rod and staff. everything else can be found at the library, even for high school. the internet has tons of free stuff and the net can be accessed at the library also.
  10. How lomg did the readung take? Were the experiments tied in with what you read about during the week?
  11. Thanks. I'm actually looking at E and G. Anything but plants! No plants! We've done plants till I'm about to throw up. lol
  12. Which one are you using? How long have you been using it? I've read that the experiments didn't match with what they read that week but that was the older ones, I think?? What ages are your kids?
  13. I felt the same way till I started teaching them seperatly. Yes, some will be playing while others are working but I can't help that. It made me want to scream trying to teach my 5 youngest math all at the same time, or even give some math and some easier stuff. I finally realized that they won't die if they aren't all doing school at the same time. Now, for me, it DOES make my day way longer but I don't feel like I'm going to lose my mind this way.
  14. IF such this are discussed. Without any specifics such as "in Spelling gr. 4, lesson 12 XYZ states that blah,blah,blah..." it's impossible to look for yourself and see if it could be something taken out of context or missunderstood. One of the main reasons people ask about curric is to get opinions about it and usually, especially if there is something like this, people are MORE than willing to be very specific about it because most people do not want to support a company that does this. If you asked about a book telling about the early years of America and I said i read a book published by Whatever Publishing Company and she used a very derogatory word to describe African Americans but then refused to tell you the name of the book, wouldn't you really want to know the name of this book? FTR, I use, just recently started using, R&S fpor spelling and math, and since my husband was raised Catholic and one of his sisters is a real, habit-wearing, lives-in-a-convent nun, I would really like to see where exactly this hatred is written. Obviously I wouldn't want my kids reading something that is telling them to hate their aunt! This is your assumption. I think I made it clear that if such things are discussed in a spelling program, even if NineChoirs had taken the comments out of context, then I am not interested in such a curriculum. Are you more concerned about clearing this up or about why I have chosen not to go with Rod and Staff :lol:? As for backing, I believe others have backed her already.
  15. But you are basing your opinion on someone else's heresay, and you are assuming it's factual. If you don't want a spelling curric with any religious content at all, then obviously you should stay away from a Mennonite company but for them to be accused of HATING Catholics, that's very strong wording without anything to back it up. She bowed out when she was asked simple questions.
  16. This sounds to me like you aren't being exactly truthful. people have simply asked you to be more specific and you claim that this bias against Catholics is EVERYWHERE and cannot be missed but you aren't willing to give direct quotes (because you blacked them out) nor are you willing to even give one page number from your unused books. It's actually quite NORMAL for someone to want to see these and decide for themselves. If you are going to make a claim that the Mennonites HATE the Catholics, then you should have NO problem proving what you say, if indeed it is true. Because you refuse it seems to ME, IMO, that you are not being truthful and are biased yourself against R&S for whatever reason. Sorry, if this sounds harsh, I just don't understand why you would make these claims, then refuse to show others so they can see it for themselves and not waste their money on supporting a company they don't agree with.
  17. I just looked through our 3rd grade spelling book and did NOT find ANYTHING at all that could in ANY way be considered hatred, or even slight dislike of catholics or anyone. It's simply not there. Maybe you are thinking of another publisher?
  18. We just started using these after years of unit studies, living books, etc. and I LOVE them! You can just use the student books, they read it answer the questions. Some of the questions are easy, some are harder. The students do have to think. I really like how geography is mixed in with the history. There is a lot of repetition in the self-tests. My kids need that. AO should really promote their TM's more. Here is a sample of the activities they have. This is for gr. 4, history and geography. Introduce the Geographical Fish Pond. Get a plastic dishpan for the pond. Cut strips of tag board and write names of important places in the world on them.Put a paper clip on each paper for the "mouth" of the fish. Get tree branches or sticks about a yard long and tie a string to each. Fasten a magnet to each fish line. Have the children fish for the places and locate them on a map within a minute or less. Make a paper mache globe. Show the child a peppercorn and peel off some of the black skin. Let them try to make pepper by grinding it in a pepper mill. Make a report on spices and put samples on a chart. Make a model of the Santa Maria or another explorer's ship. There are about 15 ideas for the first Lifepac. We use Lifepacs for history/geography for grades 2,4, 6, and 9. Science for grades 2,6,and 11. Language Arts for grade 3. And Family ans Consumer science. LOVE that!! I really LOVE them for science and hist/geo!! The science has LOTS of experiments but the books do not depend on them. They can be skipped. The ideas in the TM are VERY similar to the ideas that I have done with unit studies for years. We have used SL, TOG, WEAVER, lapbooks, MFW, our own. I ALWAYS had to do research, add things, find books, etc. This way they are getting all the info they need and have activities to do. I'm not crazy about the language arts. I haven't tried the math.
  19. So, if I'm looking at this right it seems more like the rest of saxon and written to the student instead of the scripted TM like the other?
  20. What is the difference? Are there any samples anywhere?
  21. If you have bought from them before at the meetings, did they give you a receipt?
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