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Everything posted by mama27

  1. I just bought this last night at the local convention but, from what I saw, Biblioplan is similar to SL but with hands-on stuff added, notebooking, and the HUGE companion book could be used as the spine. The fact that I don't have to use the books they have scheduled sealed the deal for me. I don't like SOTW (actually "I" like it, my kids don't) and MOH doesn't have modern USA history. The companion book is VERY interesting. I'm planning on reading myself!
  2. I voted other since 2 of my kids are using it on level, 1 is behind, and 1 is ahead.
  3. My 11th grader is behind using algebra 1, but 6th grader is ahead using pre-algebra, my 4th grader is on target using 4th, and my 3rd grader is going to start 3rd next week. I think it just depends on the child. Some kids excel at math and love it, so their parents use curric that challenges them, some kids excel and just want to get it done, some are on target, some behind. I can't teach math because I've never liked it, never been good at it, and need someone else to do the teaching. And grading. lol I'd rather teach other things.
  4. We do flash cards 4 days a week. Monday: addition, Tuesday:subtraction, Thursday: multiplication, Friday: division. This is for my 3rd, 4th, and 6th graders.
  5. Our schedule is similar. My dh leaves for work at 2:30 and gets home about 2 am. Therefore, we go to bed late, after 11 pm, and get up late. We usually start school after 12 in the afternoon, the ittle kids play outside for a couple hours, then we go back and finish school by 7or 8pmish. The only time this is hard for us is getting up for church on Sundays. lol It works for us. My dh can sleep without the kids waking him up, the kids get to play outside for hours, and I'm not a real scheduled person anyway. Btw, it's 10:27 am and no one else is awake here yet. lol
  6. I was scared to use TT for years because of all the comments about it being behind. This year I had to find something they could use without me having to teach it and I looked and researched and looked and googled, etc. And I compared the TOC from certain algebra books and found there is not that much of a difference. I do not see TT as behind at all!!!
  7. I don't get it either. Of course I think math is a torture device so...
  8. Whenever we have done this, ours always crack and break. :-(
  9. When my kids have problems with this, I sit with them and do 2 or 3 long division problems each day, until they recall the steps themselves. No pressure, just 2 or 3, all depending on everyone's mood that day. If she knew you would stay with her till she knows all the steps herself, maybe that will take away some of her frustration and help her to understand it better. If you think about it, there are a lot of steps in long division and she may be having problems remembering all of them.
  10. I think the video is a little cheesy, he doesn't look comfortable with the gun, and I believe I saw another dog wonder around by the tree but I don't think there is anything crazy about it. Most homeschoolers don't seperate the academic part of their lives from the rest of their lives, maybe that's not something you don't understand? No offense intended!! Also, what part of the country is he from? Here, in the south, guns are like hair brushes. In other parts of the country, they aren't so popular. One could ask why the dog was there...
  11. Yea. I have the same problem here with some of mine. It's like I am just saying these words and they put up with it. Blah, blah,blah...
  12. Any chance of you sharing this? :-)
  13. I know it's well-liked for the younger grades but how does it rate for high school?
  14. Maybe you need to just let them do the craft stuff when they want and just keep doing what you are doing! It took me YEARS to realize that my kids learn better by just reading and being read to. In those years I felt guilty about the time and MONEY I spent trying to do all these crafts and experiments that really added NOTHING to my kids' education but added stress to my days. So, no, I don't think MFW would be any easier.
  15. Has anyone ever used this or even heard of it?
  16. CLE is independent after 2nd grade. (some would say in 2nd but I think the kids still need the parents to go over the concepts.) I wouldn't use it with Saxon. It might be too much of the same thing? At least I wouldn't supplement CLE with Saxon. I would go with MM or Singapore instead. Singapore confuses me and MM didn't work for 3 of my kids. She is 1/2 way through with 76 and we started it in August. I know it's possible to do Algebra at 13 but since she will only be in 7th grade I really don't want her to. Where we live we have to assign grade levels and the homeschool association will give an official transcript so I am saving high school courses for high school.
  17. I actually like Saxon but we school year round and at the rate my 12 yo is going she will be doing Algebra in a year and I don't see a need for that. Plus, I want to make sure she a firm foundation in arithmetic. I have also read SO many reviews of people saying that Saxon teaches the concepts badly in Algebra and higher and that has me concerned because I am NOT a math person and i don't want to make the same mistake with my youngest 5 kids that I did with my older 2. I didn't push them as hard in math and tried to make math be more "fun" than work. I don't care if it's fun anymore. lol
  18. Advice on this? I don't want something that will require too much effort on my part. lol MUS? TT? CLE? Does this explain it to the kids or do I have to teach it??? Anything else?
  19. I just started doing this with my 12, 9, almost 8, 6, and 5 yos and I am SOOOOO less stressed! I let them pick one book to read then I pick one. I also read out loud to them. The only thing I am trying to add to this is nature studies. I say, go for it!
  20. what curriculum are you using or have you used with her? my 9 yo son takes FOREVER to get his math done. literally hours when it should take no more than one hour. i know how frustrating it is. what has worked with me is just let him sit there and waste his whole day. he can go to the bathroom and eat ( FTR, is it ILLEGAL and CRUEL to withhold food from your child!!! not saying YOU, the OP, is doing this but some of the others on here don't seem to realize this!), he can't play, or go outside, or watch tv, etc. when she does do the work, does she get the answers right? i agree with what what person said about truning the tables on her and saying you don't want to take her outside, it's too boring, or to the park, or whatever. do her siblings get to play and do fun things while she is not doing her school work? can she see them?
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