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Everything posted by mama27

  1. We tried it 4 times, with 7 kids. The kids couldn't recall anything and felt it jumped around too much.
  2. I have read reviews where people have said this moves too slowly for their children but has the phonics ever moved too fast for anyone?
  3. With one of my dd's I would do 3 problems every day of long division until she got it. With her, telling her each step, before she asked, until she started saying " I know." Or started just doing it before i could tell her. It stuck eventually.
  4. I think textbooks can be very under-rated in the homeschool community. I agree and I used to be the worst textbook snob!! Now that I switched to textbooks for history and science our lives are sooooo much easier and the kids are a lot happier. I just wish the younger grades (3rd and under) were better.
  5. Mine have a list of what needs to be done. Bible, math, etc. It's for both of us. My 17,15,11 yos do their own stuff. I do watch the dvd with the 11 yo for MUS but then she does the work. I watch the dvd with myn 8 and 6 yos and then do some with the blocks, then hgave them go to their desks to do the worksheet. My 6 yo needs me to read his ETC directions and his Bible. My 8 yo reads his own stuff and comes to me if he doesn't know a word. My 8 yo dawdles and daydreams and stares into space so it takes him about 3 hours to get done what should only take an hour to do but eventually he will learn not to. My 11 yo daydreams at times. But she knows no facebook, no tv, etc. till all her work is done so if she wants to waste time that';s up to her. I do let them stop for meals or if we have to go somewhere but otherwise they stay at their desks till it's done.
  6. Why would you feel like a slacker?? looks fine to me!!
  7. SOTW does that. I have tried it several times but we just can't get into it. My 12the grader is finishing Joy Hakim Story of Us, my 10th grader is doing World geography worksheets by Geomatters, and my 5th grader is using BJU Heritage Studies. After using too many different currics (SL, TOG, SOTW, etc.) i have finally realized that using a textbook as a spine then assigning tons of real books works best. I have all of SL 1,3,6,and 100, and most of 5 so they read those books themselves in addition to the above. I have had them read them chronologically in the past, but this year I am just letting pick a book off of the shelf.
  8. My current 5th grader reads her Bible, does MUS, Apologia 2 xs a week, REAL Science Chemistry 1 to 2 xs a week, BJU Heritage Studies 2 xs a week, reads either assigned chapter book or one of her choosing, Spelling Wisdom, spanish, LLATL. Possibly 3 to 4 hours depending on the activities in the science and BJU.
  9. Someone said spend more time with her doing other things, maybe have a once a week "date" with just the 2 of you, if possible and IF she gets all her school work done. Or you could try going all the way in the other extreme and give her the 6 yo work and treat her like the 6 yo. I'm assuming she has other interests and things that the 6 yo can't do. I totally disagree that 11 yos can't work independantly UNLESS they have a LD or some other reason. Once they know what to DO for each lesson, IMO and only IMO, there is no need to sit right by them while they are doing the school work. I have alreayd started tarining my 8 and 6 yo boys to work on their own. Their school desks are in another room from where I am while school is happening and I have them come to me fpor directions, etc. then they go to their desks and do the work. FTR, my 6 can't read but he is capable of remembering his directions for Explode the Code or whatever. The reason i am doing this is because I have 7 kids altogether and I am only one person. They outnumber me! lol So, they have to learn to be somewhat independant, all depending on their capabilities and age.
  10. I see in your siggy that your 11 yo lives for Karate and soccer. Those would be the first things I would take away if it were one of my children. I have a 15 yo dd that rides horses and has ridden competativly. Recently, her daddy and I told her that if her attitude didn't change about spanish (which she hates and has NO desire to learn) then all riding lessons would be stopped until the attitude improved. She knows we mean what we say. Life isn't always fair and IMO, children need to learn that they have jobs and responsibilities they have to do. And if they make a bad choice, consequences will follow.
  11. I have those too. My current 4 yo took 3 days to count 7 blocks. She KNOWS how to do this, it is flat-out refusal and a discipline issue. She will learn that i am the parent and if I tell her to count 7 blocks then that's what will be done. This child is MORE than capable of doing this. She has done this before.
  12. I'm mean, I guess. I would make her sit there till she got it done and she wouldn't get up till she was done except for meals and bathroom. If she got something wrong she'd have to redo it till it was right, especially if I knew she was capable. If it took 3 days on playing, no tv, no anything till the work got done, so be it.
  13. Because that is a lie!!! lol I used to think that once i got the "perfect" curric that my kids would suddenly turn into "those" homeschool kids that seem to LOVE all these projects, read books for hours, make wonderful minature diaramas of Ancient egypt, etc. It took awhile but eventually I realized my kids do not give a fig about projects, some of them will read some will only do it when forced. They are just regular kids who want to hurry up and get their work done so they can play or whatever. Just be consistent, school is not fun for everyone, it's work.
  14. I called and they told me that Primer is on back order and that's why they didn't complete my order. I told them it would have been nice if they had told me this!
  15. No, I'm not even aware of when the restructure happened! lol I guess I will have to call the bank and MUS and see what's going on??
  16. I tried to place an order with MUS last week and I could not put my email address on the order and it did not go through. So, I called the next day and placed it over the phone. I thought i would receive an email notice saying it had been shipped so i called again Friday but they told me I would not get a notice and that they wpould probably get it sent it out that day. I checked my bank account and the request was made but it hadn't been completed. This am, the request is gone completly. I'm going to call the bank when they open but now i'm wondering what the heck happened!
  17. Ok, I am roflmbo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I must be over tired, since I have been awake most of the night with a dog that has the runs. I am not laughing at the OP but the responses.
  18. How annoying. I do not like that type of attitude in homeschoolers. It makes people like ME feel like failures when we aren't seeing the same results.
  19. Thanks. Mostly, I was wanting to know if the TM would tell me or just assume I knew.
  20. On the sample for first grade math, the class time instructions say " Call the children to the number line. Count 0-79. say each number family and it's father." This is for lesson 9. I have no clue what they are talking about. Does R&S assume I know this or will the TM tell me? FTR, I've been up since 4 am and have had no caffiene. lol
  21. How about doing some orally? Or you write the problems for them? Yes, I know, you have nothing better to do. ;-) Or let them use magnetic letters or paper ones and build them? Or just have them write the answers?
  22. that you can get from Google books. Kindergarten at home: a kindergarten course for the individual child at home By Virgil Mores Hillyer http://books.google.com/books?id=50UBAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA5&dq=my+home+kindergarten+hillyer&hl=en&ei=dkGTTKOCJoKdlgfX4MXAAg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CDUQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false
  23. This is life with toddlers. Relax! she's only 5. I make Bible first, everything else is gravy. ;-) How many outside activities do you have? You could try picking one day a week for that nature walk, cookie baking, etc. But only choose ONE thing, not all 3. My 4 and 5 yo only do school Mon-Thurs. I am VERY relaxed in the early years. The fact that your 5 yo was reading her own books the other day is great!! My current 5 yo doesn't know the letter A from number 12. lol My oldest girls did, but not my youngest boy. The weather is getting cooler, maybe make the mess outside?
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