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Everything posted by mama27

  1. i just got it today. i figured i'd boost my popularity by saying i like it better than the old one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. We have and use the leapfrog dvds, that hasn't worked. We've tried Starfall. Get Set for the Code or whatever the first book is called. I've been working with him for at least a year but even before that we did some alphabet stuff. Worksheets, coloring sheets, painting, writing with his finger in rice, magnetic letters, puzzles, all fun but he hasn't retained anything. The only reason I am really concerned is because in our state we have to put them in "grades" and I can't see him being ready to be "placed" in 1st grade. If he could recognize most of the letters or even SOUNDS I would be ok but he can't.
  3. MFW K teaches the sounds of the letters which he can say IF he sees the MFW K CARD but not if he just sees thge letter seperatly. I will look into Reading Reflex, thanks.
  4. My 5 yo, Ryan, will be 6 in June and STILL doesn't know his alphabet with the exception of the 4 letters in his name. I am considering getting Saxon Phonics K for him because I have tried MFW K, Happy Phonics, ETC, daily flash cards, CLp Hands and Hearts (or whatever it's called), and I have Phonics Pathways but I know that won't work for him because it's too busy, he's VERY easily distracted. And hyper. And impulsive. lol
  5. I read in reviews on Amazon that there are errors, grammatical as well as scientific. True?
  6. No, you are not the only one! even if my high schoolers wanted to go to ps I would tell them to forget it. Now, I DO discuss their curric, the books they read, etc. with them and listen to their input there but as far as going to private/ps? No. Not even an option here.
  7. My 18 yo, 15 you and 11 yo, read a proverb each day, plus my 18 and 15 read 1 chapter of OT and one of NT. I start them doing this when they are capable of reading their own Bibles and understand what they are reading. Before that they read Bible storybooks.
  8. Sorry, there probably aren't any. You could take a Sharpie to the "millions of years" garbage. I do that with naked people. ;-)
  9. :lurk5: I just posted about this on the other board. Asking for opinions about it.
  10. Is there a specific reason you are not using the writing?
  11. I'm wondering why more people don't use this. Any comments?
  12. I know 2 companies sell these. Which one do you like best?
  13. Here's an idea: Homeschool them!! Then you can do things your way.
  14. Are you planning on using TOG again in the future? If not, I wouldn't bother buying it at all. BUT... if you are then I'd say go for it. I am using SOTW as the spine with TOG, adding SL books because we have them but don't have the books TOG wants us to use. The only thing we miss is the ONE worksheet each week that is based on a specific book but I do not care about that. PLUS I ma adding MFW ECC. When we get to a country we use MFW ECC to learn a little about that country. Obviously, I am not doing everything in TOG. My oldest using TOG is 11, my youngest is 4. I decided to do this because I can't stand the read alouds in MFW ECC. I know they are missionary stories and very important but I can't stand the writing style. We only do history and science 2 days a week but on those 2 days that is ALL we do.
  15. I just want to commend you for seeing this and doing something about it before it's too late, like i am having to do now. My oldest is having to really work hard because "I" didn't do what i should have done. I am now having my 11 yo do drills in addition to her math lesson so she doesnt get any further behind.
  16. I am probably crazy but I am using MFW ECC with TOG. The reason is I do NOT like the YWAM books at all! I have read or tried to read a couple of them and the writing style just irritates me. So really, without those that leaves the maps, activities, Bible, and science. TOG has no science, Bible is there when it can be, and it's very easy to do ECC in the TOG order.
  17. Of course it applies! lol I just hadn't thought of it.
  18. Is it lack of understanding or that she doesn't recall the steps? With 2 of mine, so far, I sat down and did each step with them, one problem a day, every day, til they remembered it on their own.
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