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Everything posted by mama27

  1. THIS exactly!!! The poast few weeks I have finally realized that I cannot continue trying to get my kids to actually pay attention to me when I do school with all of them. The 4 youngest ones anyway. I have kept them together as much as possible and honestly, if it's not something they care about or read for themselves, they don't listen to flippin thing I say. Fine. Lats week I had it and handed the 9 yo and 10 yo boys a couple books each, and a stack of worksheets and now they can sit there and do that till their butts are flatter than a pancake! I'm reading to the 6 and 7 yo because our state requires science and social studies, they do a couple ETC worksheets, and whatever math they pick up and that's it. But, "I" want to read the Little House on the Prairie books and when I'm reading they (after YEARS of teaching them) are semi-quiet and I make them sit (in one spot at least) so it's quiter than normal and "I" like the books and I record that in the stupid education log the stupid state requires and now I am MUCH less stressed and my kitchen is clean!!! So there!!!
  2. 3 weeks ago, my TEN year old did not know what country we live in. I was shocked. This isn't the first time one of my kids has floored me with what they have not retained. So, yea, I feel like that A LOT!
  3. I wish I could do projects with my kids that they actually enjoyed and learned from and didn't require hours of my planning and cleaning up after and they spend about 5 minutes doing it and get nothing from it. If my kids were ht etype that would get enthusiastic about things and excited and ghave fun and recall something somewhat sorta educational, I would happily do them. But, they aren't and they don't. Projects (even so-called science experiments) are just pointless here. I think it depends on you and your kids.
  4. I did get it. 2 months later, after I emailed again and asked for it. But they should have said something on the web site about it not being completed.
  5. I just got this for my 13 yo and I LOVE it!!!! It's colorful and interesting and explains things in an understandable way without being dumbed down. I like the actvities book also. I am thinking of getting ATB for my 10 yo boy.
  6. Have it protected?? Well, I sure wouldn't wait till I needed it to get it, kwim? It's a shame because I LOVE their notebooking pages and really, their lack of professionalism is what keeps me from buying from them again. Or at least it has. ETA: I really like the looks of their language arts but I'm leery of not getting what I pay for when I pay for it so...
  7. I bought it and thought the same, didn't get it by the next day so I emailed and asked them and they said they send them within 2 business days. But I only got part of it because they said it wasn't completed due to health issues.
  8. I'm sorry, if you are going to run a business and sell something to the public, you NEED to be prepared to do things like have timely shipments, FULL shipments, etc. If you went into a restaurant and paid for a buffet and they only had peas, butter, and uncooked shrimp, after advertising they had over 300 items, wouldn't you want your money back? Yes! And of course you would want it back THAT DAY, not months later. AND if this happened more than once this restaurant would no longer be in business, be sued, etc. but because this is a homeschool Christian company somehow they are exempt from following basic rules of business? If they have so many problems, stop running the business and fix them! Since they don't do that and they do, in fact, have quite a bad rep for slow shipments, not shipping everything, returning refunds months (years?) later, AFTER the customer harrassed them for it, how is it mean-spitited to call them con artists? what else could you say about them/ This has been going on for YEARS. And they always have some sort of excuse instead of fixing the problem.This is the reason I never ordered from them till they had ebooks. When I did order it, I didn't get all of it and when I emailed was told they had health issues which delayed them getting the product finished. Apparently they have said this before? So, why not say that on the web sitelike Sonlight did when they came out with new IG's that were not ready when they thought they'd be? Why do these issues only occur with WP and NOT with all the other homeschool, family-run, businesses? Why are they always behind with shipping, refunds, etc? And why is it that when people call them for it, that is wrong? How is it wrong to expect them to run their BUSINESS like a BUSINESS? ETA: When I asked about the rest of my EBOOK (that did not have to be shipped) I was told it would be finished in about 2 weeks. 2 MONTHS later I emailed again asking for it. They did send it, but why did I have to email them and ask for something I'd already paid for? Do they keep hand-written records on their fridge or something?? Don't thhey have computers?
  9. This? http://www.yourchildlearns.com/megamaps.htm
  10. they can't. they aren't changing the whole program, just adding some extra stuff.
  11. Well, they can't have the cell phone during school hours! lol I would have pointed out that going to ps does not automatically guarentee he will be invited to "all" the sleepovers, all the parties, etc. IMO, when they hit puberty it's the WORST time to have more peer influence than parental. Especially teenagers! Their brains fall out when they are teenagers!
  12. Sorry, I'd ignore it even MORE because he did want to fit in. Red flag for me!
  13. I had looked at their curric but because of all the negativity about the shipping didn't order it till I saw they had ebooks. So I did order the ebooks but only recieved part of it. When I emailed and asked about I was told it wasn't ready and would be ready in X amount of time and I would get it then. Of course, I didn't but when I needed it I emailed again, and they did send it. I like their stuff and really like their notebook pages but I wouldn't order something that had to be mailed and wouldn't order any ebooks if I needed them right away. It's really weird that they take so long to ship like this and there is NO way they do not know of all these complaints.
  14. The running thing, yea, 2 of my boys did it. My youngest girl did it a few times. My 7 yo has finally stopped trying to take off but I have to hold onto him ALL the time we are out of the house. If i can't then one of his siblings grabs him. Mostly now we hold onto him because he will get into stuff like a 3 year old. He's very immature. And hyper. And easily distracted. And impulsive. And... I looked on a web site and answered a basic questionare aboyt the symptoms for ADHD and he has all of them. He proudly tells everyone who will listen (and those who won't) that he has all the ADHD's. He has no clue what that even means. lol
  15. 2 of my boys are like this. Really, I think it's a boy thing. I comfort myself by telling myself that boys like this are the brave ones that do great things when they are grown. Or wind up on reality tv...
  16. I would never try TOG with a child that young! Too expensive and SOOOOO much work for the parent.
  17. That's the stupidest thing I have read in a long time! I don't think that's even legal! I have a subscription but it annoys me that can't just look for the book series I want like Civil War History Pockets. ALL of the history pockets come up when I search for that and then they not even in order.
  18. I censor more for my youngest 4 kids than for my oldest 3 but that's because they were all adopted and were abused and they are way more immature (the boys) and every time something gross/weird/whatever happens it becomes the main focus of their LIVES till they get in trouble for it and even then my youngest little boy has NO filter at all on his mouth or brain! For example my 6 yo was sick and had an accident and they still go on and on and on about it even though 2 of the boys still wear pull ups at night. So, for my sanity, I do censor with them. lol
  19. Oh, I like the Twilight books. Violence doesn't bother me as much as sex in places where it's not needed, kwim? What bothered me about the honeymoon scence was the fact that Bella had bruises all over her after and was all gung ho about it. THAT bothered me. I've tried reading LOTR but couldn't get through them all. Just not something I can get into. I've read quite a few YA novels, mostly dysatopian like Hunger Games and Divergent (both series are VERY good, IMO). I think we are getting way off topic here. lol
  20. My slightly yslexic 13 yo dd likes Igniting Your Writing. And she used to hate writing.
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