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Everything posted by fairfarmhand

  1. I am currently making a lovely dress for myself that is similar, but is sleeveless. I love that style!
  2. \ my dh might have written this!!! I have been stunned at how often women gripe about personal issues with their dh to other women, sometimes even right in front of him! ( issues of more importance than just a little teasing about leaving his socks in the floor)
  3. I'd bet it was cause the littles were not around to be a distraction.
  4. that is a sister rule to the one where you crawl out to the store to get some Gatorade and soup cause everyone has the flu. You are wearing PJ bottoms, haven't showered in 3 days with a bit of baby vomit on your shoulder. The one child who is healthy came with you, but is wearing only a diaper and a t shirt. Only then will you run into at least half a dozen people who know you.
  5. I DESPISE it when people come by without calling. I think it is terribly rude.
  6. I think I remember a Cosby show like this... Claire said, "Your father and I work very hard for our money. Wealthy people have their money work hard for them." I always remembered that and thought it was very clever and accurate. Seriously, mpst people in the US are wealthy compared to the rest of the world though.
  7. these ladies did... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1369297/Style-makeover-Would-YOU-let-man-choose-clothes.html
  8. I agree. If he does need to go out, I would try to find a room where he could sit quietly with you, so as to not "reward" him for loudness.
  9. yes, I am careful, and I expect him to be careful talking to me too. We both try not to be rude, to be kind, etc.
  10. the girlfriend's guide to pregnancy. It is a very fun informational book.
  11. Had a mammogram and ultrasound today. It went well. Technician said that is was nothing to worry about. Not really even a cyst...more of a fatty deposit protruding through the layers of whatever is in there. Anyway. Relieved, I am. Thanks for all the kind thoughts and prayers.
  12. oh yes...this is true. When our calf fell through the ice and drowned last month her mother was very upset. As a matter of fact, when we take the calves and pen them up for weaning (age 6 months) the mamas are more upset than the babies.
  13. WE got it. ewwww....it was about the size of a lady bug. I got some drops for ear wax softening at the pharmacy and a ear syringe. We rinsed and rinsed and rinsed, slowly gently with warm water. Finally after about 20 minutes we got it. It's one of those things that everyone wants to see and then they go "ewww." She's saving it to show her dad, when he gets home.:D
  14. I have always thought of Elizabeth Taylor in her younger years as the the standard for beautiful women. Wasn't she gorgeous?
  15. YES! when Linus died, his sister, Lucy sat underneath the tree we buried him under for 3 days. It was pitiful.
  16. I've not read them, but my 13 yr old dd read one. Her comment was..."this is really violent." and there was some swear words in them...at least that is what she told me.
  17. my dd has a huge wad of earwax in her ear. I was able to clear one ear last night, but the other is not happening. Last time we went to the doctor and they used the irrigation thingy and cleared out a ladybug sized chunk...but really...going to the doctor to clean out her ears??? there must be some thing we can do here at home.
  18. Or how bout this.... google "cuts for long hair." perhaps if she layers, it wouldn't be so bad. She might get into having a new "style" instead of "chopping it off"
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