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Baseball mom

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Everything posted by Baseball mom

  1. Wonderful news!!!! I am so happy for y'all :hurray: I wish I could do things like that for others.
  2. We have had this one and this one and both are good. After ds got heavier and better at it we took the bottom piece off the first one. They love to get out there and see how many jumps they can do.
  3. Lunch -- pb&j Special -- goofing off with kiddos Looking For -- not lost but looking online for Christmas presents. Don't have a clue what to get some folks
  4. Yeah I am the only one that fills stockings here. I fill my own but it always has way less than everyone elses. Mine is usually just a few pieces of candy leftover from when I divide it out equally among the kiddos and dh. Not sure dh would even take a hint about filling my stocking.
  5. One I would like to get rid of :lol: I really would like a new table but it is at the bottom of a long list of things that need to be replaced.
  6. They usually carry them for $1-2 each. I fixed some pies as gifts. I got some plain white gift boxes (back with the Christmas wrapping) in a 10x10x4. They worked real nice.
  7. You are not alone. If we remember breakfast it is usually whatever you want or can find.
  8. Pasta basket -- pasta noodles, sauce, seasonings, spaghetti spoon, french bread, garlic bread sauce, dessert, red and white checked cloth napkins or dish towel all packed ina colander instead of a basket. Nostalgia basket -- candy, wooden toys, fuzzy face magnetic toys, slide puzzles (with numbers) etc.
  9. I have the cream one with green edges like this These look nice too And if you are just looking for clear deep dish ones they have them at walmart for $5. Not sure if she said $5 each or a pack of 2.
  10. We try to do a bunch of the free or nearly free things around here. Here is some of the things we do. * Christmas parade * Fix a mug of hot chocolate and ride around looking at the Christmas lights (don't forget to play your Christmas music and sing really loud) * town Christmas tree lighting * various Christmas events that ask for food donations as admission (foods go to charity) * bake cookies together (these make great gifts too) * make cards and take to the nursing home and pass them out * gather some friends and go to a nursing home. Walk down the halls singing Christmas songs (check to make sure it is ok first but the residents love it). Don't forget to dress festive and wear your Santa or Elf hats * Family movie night -- Christmas movie either on tv, borrowed from library, rented or one we own. Fix the popcorn, turn out all lights except the Christmas tree and enjoy the movie * do puzzles as a family while listening to Christmas stories on CD * play board games with Christmas music playing
  11. Santa wrapping gifts??? :confused: :001_huh: Santa doesn't wrap gifts :001_smile:
  12. Along the same line how about a memory jar or memory book. For the jar just have a bunch of the same size pieces of paper (colored paper is pretty) and a glass jar. Everyone writes a memory on each piece of paper. Can be anything. The book would work the same way. Use a small pretty notebook or scrapbook.
  13. Leftover pie is fair game to be eaten whenever. In fact I just had a piece while reading this thread. :D
  14. I use to give my grandmother individually wrapped snacks. I buy seveal and dump them all in a big gift box (I mean I didn't wrap the little debbie boxes etc.) Mine wasn't diabetic and she loved her sweets so she got alot of that. But you could get her some of her favorite snacks and some flowers. Oh and I gave my grandmother some of her favorite colas, in small bottles so they wouldn't go flat. She didn't drink them often.
  15. - my beautiful children - being able to homeschool - dh - dh's job - family - our house
  16. Lunch -- I had part of a leftover sandwich and the kiddos had ramen noodles. Apparently none of us got to full cause the kids just said "can I'm hungry, can we have a snack" And I was thinking popcorn sure sounded good. Procrastinating -- definitely the house cleaning/ purging. And finishing some school stuff Funny -- :001_huh: need to think a little bit
  17. You mean Thursday of this week :blink::ohmy: . . . . . . . . . . . Just kidding I rememberd but I still kinda feel that way :lol:
  18. Count me in :seeya: I started Saturday with the deep cleaning. Everything in the laundry room has been moved and cleaned :ack2: The couch and chair in the living room have been moved and cleaned under and then I vacuumed the furniture itself really good. Now I have been working on the spare room AKA the catch all room :eek::ack2::ohmy: Slow go but it is looking so much better. I have a huge box for Goodwill and a couple bags of trash out of there so far :hurray: Why did I save some of that junk Everyone sounds like they are working hard :hurray: Way to go :thumbup:
  19. Cars Race O Rama Sports Deca Sports Wipe Out Big Game Hunting
  20. Ok between reading this thread and watching Steak Paradise and Hotdog Paradise (on travel channel) I am getting hungry. I am not hungry...I am not hungry...I am not hungry....yeah that's not working.
  21. Walmart's Value of the Day item is a Kodak Easyshare Camera with 4GB memory card for $49.
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