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Baseball mom

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Everything posted by Baseball mom

  1. I do a lot of cookies as gifts. Sometimes already baked sometimes I make the dough, roll in a log and partially freeze. Freeze slices hard. Then give the slices in bags as ready bake cookies. Also I have one brother that loves and I mean loves for me to make him. Chocolate covered peanut butter ritz. Spread peanut butter between 2 ritz crackers. Dip in melted chocolate and let harden. Easy I know but makes him so happy ;)
  2. Family in town and we don't get to see them but about once maybe twice a year. So no school for us.
  3. Like others have said, growing up my dad took care of all car things. He did all oil changes and most repairs. If for some reason he couldn't do it or didn't have time he either got the neighborhood boy (good mechanic) to help him out or he took it somewhere himself. Boy was I in for a surprise when I got married. I take care of everything with the family car. Meaning I take it in for everything.....dh could change the oil but just don't. He will change the oil in his truck but not like it should be. Even the big stuff he leaves me to take care of.
  4. Watched it here. Been jammin to the Camp Rock (1st one) cd everytime we leave the house. You know getting in the mood. :lol: Kiddos put in the cd but I like it too. ;)
  5. No way!! I don't even like to know that number. Dh probably wouldn't care. He don't pay attention to much anyway. I got my hair cut something like 5 inches and he didn't notice. Everyone else around noticed.
  6. I borrowed a season of Laverne & Shirley from our library. My bunch laughed and laughed. It was funny cause they didn't really want to watch it when I put it in but then they liked it.
  7. Oh and how could I forget :w00t: ....Davy Crockett There are more but my brain is fried tonight :blink:
  8. :grouphug::grouphug: Sorry you had to deal with that
  9. Sounds like you did have a good day :hurray: It has been 4 years since we have been :ohmy:. I think we need to think about another trip. My youngest doesn't remember much about the trip.
  10. Slaw, deviled eggs, sweet tea, and lemonade. We are going to dh's family reunion and tonight I was told that is what I need to bring. Works for me. Normally at the reunion we have BBQ, fried chicken, slaw, baked beans, green beans, corn, macaroni salad, mac and cheese, potato salad, veggie trays, pickle trays, rolls, biscuits, broccoli salad and some more stuff. And of course cookies, cake, and pies for dessert.
  11. One of mine use to leave food on his plate. Sometimes alot sometimes a little. Then about the time I dumped it and got all the dishes washed he would be back wanting the rest of his supper. He just couldn't eat much at 1 sitting. I started putting his plate in the microwave after supper. Then when he came back there it was. Now even though he eats really good if he has anything left he will put his plate in the microwave. If doesn't eat it then I have to toss it but I don't usually make them clean their plates. And like some other posters I make them take smaller helpings.
  12. This happens to one of my children too. I usually give benadryal a couple times a day. Last bad bite we had to go to the dr. it was so bad. At this visit the dr. said give him a zytec daily. Said it would help if he got future bites.
  13. 2 boys are wrestling/rolling all over the living room floor, laughing the whole time.
  14. I do. I take the kiddos out to the tree in the front and take their picture. Neat to see how they have grown from year to year. Then there is usually a few silly shots on the porch. :lol: Come back inside and take a picture of them with their new books right before they open them and start.
  15. Thought of a few more Second Noah Touched by an Angel In the Heat of the Night Matlock
  16. Burn Notice Covert Affairs Criminal Minds CSI -- all of them NCIS -- both of them Cold Case Without a Trace Law and Order -- all of them Crossing Jordan ER NYPD Blue Reba Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman Walker Texas Ranger
  17. I have vitiligo. I have used the cream but didn't have any luck with it. Not saying it won't help your dd. I had had the vitiligo for several years before I was given the cream. The dr. that gave me the cream told me that it he was almost 100% positive it wouldn't work on my old "spots" but might work on the new ones. It didn't work on them either but it might have if I could have kept up using the cream. I just couldn't afford it and since I saw no change I just quit using it. I had a horrible dr. when I was noticed my first couple "spots". I went to him kinda worried. In a hateful tone he told me it was because I was fat and waved me off and left the room. :blush: Just for the record being fat has nothing to do with it. I hope the cream works for your dd.
  18. Mine looks like this one (not color but style, mine is white with grape leaves on it) but it is a GE brand. I have had it several years. It has low, high, keep warm and off. Very simple but works good.
  19. Let my ds come over and he will eat them all :lol: Every year we plant them he stands in the garden eating them off the vine. It is funny, I send him out with a bucket and he comes back with maybe 5.:lol: We didn't get to have a garden this year and he has missed them. Sorry I wasn't any help. Feeling a little silly today.
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