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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. Dh and I both were frugal people so we've never had a budget on paper because we just don't spend much. We check with each other before spending over $100 dollars. We do bills together. We have retirement money, savings and college contributions taken out automatically. All that said I've been trying to get over fear of spending. I feel ill if I spend $20.
  2. This is good to hear. I have eyed some things but wondered about quality.
  3. Yes, skirts or dresses with a jacket or cardigan to " office it up". to get some ideas Google tank dress with cardigan and look at the images. I have a couple flowy cool dresses in solids. I not only do the cardigan thing but I also pull a t-shirt over them and every one thinks they are a skirt. I got them cheap, one at Goodwill and one at Dollar General of all places. You could wear them with flats or nice sandals if that is appropriate for your office. White pants and I would last about 6 seconds.
  4. You can just buy cartons of egg whites at the grocery.
  5. Grew up in IN. My grandfather always used milk and I did when I was a kid. He used to make me " coffee soup." Buttered sugared bread torn up and put in the saucer with milky coffee poured over. Spoon optional. He let me pick up the saucer and gulp from there. I guess now they'd call child services ;)
  6. Flying by. I'm just gonna give everyone a Good Job :grouphug: Yesterday i hauled three loads of things from my garage to the town dumpster (1 week a year chance). I generally cleaned and organized and sneezed and choked in there for an hour and a half. Our "garage" is a giant cinderblock building that once housed a mechanics shop. It is not a nice, new attached suburban model. Anyway I worked hard enough that I counted it as exercise. I was gone all afternoon but squeezed in weights and yoga last night. I've already been on an early run this morning because it's another *#%^@ long day out of the house today. Everyone enjoy the day if possible and if it's not....I don't know, enjoy wine?
  7. OK I missed the memo but am going to Costco next week. Which sheets and towels? Package description? Help! We bought our towels when we got married. Um, yeah, pretty much flour sacks by now.
  8. I figure being " of a certain age" makes me aware of lots of things too. I'm not 25. I get it. I'm also an RD which helps weed out some of the scary nutrition info I've overheard.
  9. Ok, so I just got yoga certification. Hit me with the best yet most economical way to go about personal training certification.
  10. My great aunt was called Rilla but her actual name was Amaryllis. My grandmother got Hazel. Not nearly as dashing, LOL. There was also Edith, Elsie and Mildred. Puts Rilla in a good light.
  11. I'm not trying to sound snippy but he unloads all. The. Time. He kind of whines.
  12. Hugs to you. Me being me, it would sit that way for 10 years while I tried to remind myself to get it done.
  13. People often assume I'm younger than my age because I still have a 7 yo. I also work out which helps I think. As a teen I looked older because bOOks.
  14. I would think security is much easier out of the hospital. Who likes a hospital? I worked the day 3 of my kids were born. After #4 we took her and the other 3 kids to the pool. (I and baby sat in the shade). I drove home after #5. Everyone labors differently. I wouldn't want a picture of me actually in transition but after 12 hours I could do ok. If I had a " team" even better. I looked much worse 6 weeks later than the day after. I agree she just wanted to get the formalities over with and go home to her baby and mom.
  15. Elliptical this morning for 5 miles. Plan on yoga later. I need to drive 11 yo did to Stanford testing for 3 days. She had yet another headache, probably from getting too tired on a camping trip this weekend and ballet recital week so rehearsal every night for 7 yo. Oh, and the normal Monday Boy Scout meeting and dh is working evenings. -sigh- am I the only mom looking forward to the end of school?
  16. Yesterday was 14000 steps but none running :(. Ran this morning though.
  17. Not my music, books or Netflix list.
  18. My husband is the furthest thing from controlling but sometimes I just don't want to consider someone else's feelings. If I want to listen to rock music and read a book and eat popcorn in bed that's going to bother him. If I want to spend the grocery money on a concert and eat ramen all week he might not be on board. I evidently dislike being considerate and kind, LOL.
  19. We love each other BUT I could be happy answering to no one and keeping him on the side.
  20. We were late to ballet rehearsal because I forgot it was moved today and my 16 yo is being a pill.
  21. Snicker doodle-yes, I feel beat up. Good description. I am sitting in bed drinking coffee :blush: . I am going to get up though, strip beds, stretch and take dd to ballet rehearsal. I will walk while she's there. Then other dd has a soccer game. I may run and do yoga tonight.
  22. I don't know what my deal is. I always feel pretty darn good but my hip, knee and ankle are taking turns twinging and there is a giant muscle knot in my shoulder? It's probably from the giant de-cluttering I am still in the middle of. Progress is being made though! I did yoga and took a walk with dh after dinner for an hour or so. I tried to mostly keep my phone on me today ( I usually leave it sit in my bedroom. Not a phone person) and the pedometer said 13,000 steps so I guess I was active even if I didn't run. Red squirrel- how much ginger? Inquiring minds want to know. Winter mom- do not say bad things about the warmth or it will go away Laura- your step count shames me Candm-take care of that hip All of you goal setters- good luck! I always play it by ear but I appreciate those who have a plan. I hope you all have a great weekend. I'm booked solid through next Saturday so am going to fit in more nook and cranny clearing as I can.
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