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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. I ran Sunday. I taught yoga this morning and then took a second class.
  2. Shoot, I was going to suggest It Takes A Thief but it's "old". I really enjoyed the recent Man From Uncle movie.
  3. ((((Hug)))) from a far away introvert vantage point. I am not good at the logistics either.
  4. Teens can be wonderful. It is different than little kids but still fun. We do fun activities we don't usually get to( ice skating, laser tag, etc), we play games, we go to a movie on Christmas ( a rare treat) and I sit back and enjoy the interplay between sibs. Grown-up , moved out kids add even more excitement to the mix. Really, it's different but fun!
  5. Catching up I ran Wednesday and Thursday. I skipped Friday because TMI Alert I had such a heavy period I was afraid to be gone for more than 45 minutes. I did a long run this morning. I wore my cuddle duds under UA. The wind was wicked and it was about 9 degrees with the wind chill. I had to break out the lined mittens and balaclava. The run was good though. My 8 yo has come down with the stomach virus today so whether I run tomorrow depends on how many times I'm awake tonight.
  6. Too much. Butt out already buddy. He drives me nuts, does it " wrong", and gets in my way. But how to tell him that without hurting feeling? I've resorted to doing about everything before he gets home. Retirement is going to be a nightmare. I know this isn't how most people feel but seriously all I really want him to do is gas the car and buy whatever gifts we must give. I've got the rest.
  7. So here's a new one. At an event last night I was told that abstaining from sugar was " disordered" and " maybe a sign I have eating disorders." Wow, because when politely passing the cookies I said I was avoiding sugar. I didn't know I had entered nut territory.
  8. Do to various holiday craziness Mon &Tue were only yoga. I did run Sunday. I am grumpy and am going to move heaven and earth to run tomorrow.
  9. I imagine him as a middle eastern guy because, well, he was a middle eastern guy.
  10. I've only been trying this for about a month but salads are my savior. Salad with taco meat, salad with chicken, salad with fish, salad with eggs, cheese and bacon, salad with fresh herbs thrown in. I especially like cilantro. Sometimes I'll have a hamburger or chicken wrapped in lettuce instead of bread. I need to find some low carb soup recipes but salad is so easy.
  11. Still hanging in. I do better totally abstaining than moderating generally. I do plan to throw caution to the wind on Christmas Eve and Christmas and then get back on the no sugar train after that. I'm not a huge sugar eater though so I might not be the average.
  12. I can only say that dh and I do NOTHING in the same way. I just redo while he isn't looking. My kids I correct.
  13. We have pretty set moments in the routine that chores are accomplished. It took awhile but is worth it to keep reminding them. Pet chores are taken care of am., Cleaning chores are right before lunch (can't eat until we are done) and arguing results in privilege loss in that the time you wanted to read/game/be with friends will now be spent doing what you should have done to begin with. Timers can be fun for this making it a 'contest'. I also throw out silly aphorisms like "If there's time to lean, there's time to clean." "Know your role and shut your hole." "This is your future McDonald's district manager speaking..." using a loud speaker voice. It can be silly as long as stuff gets done.
  14. I read them when I was about 14. I think if there had been lots of sex I would have remembered. ;). Mary Stewart is pretty tame stuff.
  15. I don't think you're wrong but I understand your dh too. I was brought up with no surprises, no Santa, few gifts. Just another day with better food. Even after 30 years of marriage I don't get dh and his Christmas hullabaloo. I try but...yeah, hard to understand.
  16. No. I do take into account if kid is responsible, etc. no expensive iPods for a five yo who can't find their shoes for example but not based on behavior. That would seem to guarantee bad behavior ( at least if I was the kid).
  17. Because I often speak without engaging my brain I might have said a number of things involving whiskey, meth ,Walter White, DuPont commercials and meeting at 4:20. You did fine.
  18. We carried on as if everyone believed.
  19. I hate this shlockey stuff but 8yo dd asked if we could do it. I think she wanted it because her friends have it even though she knows I'm doing it. We've turned it in our weird family way. I put it places that freak out 12&17 yo dds. We've nicknamed him Chuckie. Under a water glass has warranted a jumps are scream,😀
  20. DS received lots of invitations to summer things but due to price and his AS and complete disinterest in having to associate with anyone he never participated.
  21. I very consciously and with no regret ate one of the gingerbread men my 8yo dd made solo for the first time. They were even pretty good.
  22. My father,brother, dh and sons are all this way. I was very much this way until I hit my 40's and it occurred to me all my relatives were dying. People are involved in their immediate lives. I suspect temperament matters too.
  23. My 21yo loves that movieðŸ˜. We are learning about many winter holidays so Sunday was St. Nick and yesterday we looked at Hannukah. Two thoughts emerged- Why were they uninformed that the " gambling game" of dreidel had been kept from them and the 8 yo thought St. nicks gold coins and Hanukkah geld looked surprisingly similar. The 17 yo added this little ditty to supperLadle, ladle, ladle, they made you out of steel, Ladle, ladle, ladle, so mom can serve our meal. Today on to Buche Noel.
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