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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. We've had our Netflix account for a few years. We use it all the time for extra videos to supplement lessons and for simple enjoyment.
  2. I'd buy something your hubby can see. He obviously wants to treat you to something you want.
  3. :grouphug:I'm glad you found your solution. And I for one understand how you feel too...I'm picky...So picky that I'd rather do things on my own even with help around. The good news was/is that now that my littles are big it's easy...It wasn't, but it is now. I'd love to have a cleaning lady, but the only one who would get things done my way is my mom. Geeze, can you say with me..."I am my mother." No more worry about turning into her...I'm there.;) :grouphug:Don't beat yourself up over this. It just wasn't right solution for you.:grouphug: PS...My basement is a disaster...
  4. I'd try wiping them down with white vinegar and setting them out in the sunshine.
  5. Yes...There is an unwritten rule that requires you to post any great recipes. I'm glad you're enjoying the fruits of your labor. Fall just makes me feel like baking for some reason. OMGosh! I just remembered...I need to make enough pumpkin bread for dh's office...tomorrow. :001_huh: I better get busy.
  6. :grouphug:I'm so glad you were able to work this out. Time has a way of letting us grow and look back to places or points where someone helped us grow, even if we don't see it at the time. They very likely will have a moment down the road and you will have set such a wonderful example of being a mom in the real world. I hope they have the grace to remember and thank you.:grouphug: Sending hugs and prayers your way.
  7. :grouphug: Poor Lucy. I'm so sorry for your loss and missing them along with forgetting is very normal. I'm getting teary thinking about you, Lucy and our old cocker, Lady who we called Lu-Lu. :grouphug:
  8. We have a small chest freezer upstairs in our laundry room. The space combined with our kitchen freezer is plenty for the four of us. However, I'd go for bigger and put it in the basement if I had to choose again. I'm toying with the idea of freezing more things and would need another freezer or a bigger one to accomplish it. On the plus side, the freezer top makes a good laundry folding table. :001_smile:
  9. We woke up to an indoor temp of 63' two days ago. This morning we were back up to 67'. Hope the warming trend moves your way. I don't want to use the heater yet either, but for us it just means clicking the button over to heat from AC. We can click back and forth, but I prefer not to ikwim. I'm just not ready for winter, but I'm starting to winterize the house...already.
  10. I'm so glad they were able to keep is simple. :tongue_smilie:
  11. Due to food allergies and sensitivities, I'll admit that I have and still occasionally do. I do try to plan our dinner meals with something everyone will be able to eat and look at their overall daily diet vs. one meal. Nothing spoils a meal like someone gagging and then *&^%...at the table. I'll say that as mine have gotten older they are much better. They will both now love trying new foods. Go figure. There is hope. :001_huh:
  12. Dress up and begging for candy always appealed to my two. My teen doesn't go begging anymore, but enjoys a costume and handing out candy. I can't wait until ds is too old too. Halloween is huge in our neighborhood, and I do enjoy the morning after breakfast of Snickers, Mounds, and Butterfingers. :glare:
  13. I'm in this camp. Once my dd hit the end of middle school things changed, but before that I'd consider me/us all home schooled. Piano lessons and art would have been taken no matter where they were educated.
  14. I don't know either. :confused: Someone must know the answer. I feel you were genius with the patches and glue gun and I'm kicking myself for all those wasted nights fighting my sewing machine.
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