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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. I'd check on-line for the washer book or call the 800 number. Are you saying you wait for the machine to fill and then add in your load? I just turn ours on, add the soap, toss the clothes in on top and close it. Hope you find the right answers.;)
  2. I think it/she's beautiful, and I'd call the sweetie Ella. You know we were movers (moved a lot) and names ran in places and cycles. Fwiw, I don't know a single Ella here. Lots of Abby & Gabby girls like the American Girls. Call your child what you want.;)
  3. *anj* I've removed the earrings as part of my two part plan. I do hope this will be enough. Goodness, I had no idea.:001_huh: PS...I'm having a hard time finding foil made in the USA.
  4. I've been avoiding made in China for over a year now. It makes shopping much more work. I'll admit to being a little shocked at the scope of things made there.:001_huh:
  5. :grouphug:I'm so glad he is okay. I'd be a basket case. Hang in there, big hug and prayers for the three of you.:grouphug:
  6. Tracy, I love the hat it's very nice, but I'm not doing winter this year:glare:. Last year was just too cold, and very, very long.
  7. Great job. I wonder if I have 30 family meals in my dinner arsenal? Great food for thought as I need to be re-inspired in the kitchen. Summer just throws me off cooking regular meals.
  8. :iagree: A new baby is just so venerable, I would never think of asking anyone to watch my kids knowing a stomach virus would likely be their price. And I would say...no...Family is different but this is beyond a regular friendship if you even have to think about it. Quote from Jackie "I would have said no. If I was in that situation (me being sick), it would never cross my mind to send my ONE child, who could be carrying the stomach bug virus, off to a family with 4 small dc (including a new baby) so that I wouldn't have to watch him/her for a couple of hours. I don't care how sick I was."
  9. We started with a one year commitment and have always reassessed yearly. However, I never imagined I'd be homeschooling a 14/yo. I guess you just never know...Live and learn.:grouphug:
  10. :grouphug:Big hug.:grouphug: May I just say...your insurance company stinks.
  11. No, your manners always shine through. Looks like it was only in your head, and :001_smile: life has a way of helping us see ourselves a little more clearly at times. Hang in there moving is always an adjustment.
  12. The membership expense made it cost prohibitive for us. I think it depends on your local Y and income.
  13. Here are my ideas for quick and cheap meals. Chili & cornbread Homemade pizza Rice from the rice pot topped with a stir-fry or left over chili Crock pot meals are great for busy days. This thread is making me hungry.:001_huh:
  14. Jann, sending good wishes your way today. I'm uncomfortable giving suggestions on grades or programs we haven't used. Sorry that I'm no help there, but sending support to you and your dd. :grouphug:
  15. Come on out babies. OhE, I like Clairice. Very pretty. I once knew a ballerina with that name and she was lovely.
  16. Congratulations~ Enjoy your liquid energy drinks.:cheers2:
  17. Writing on colored print graph paper for a year helped my dd tremendously with handwriting issues. I used this free web link to experiment and find the best fit for her. http://www.incompetech.com/graphpaper/ hth
  18. Good for you and congratulations. I found the following very interesting as I've made this error so many times. I think focusing on a strength could give a much needed boost in the motivation department. I'm going to think on this some more. Thank you. "I read once somewhere a statement by someone (how's that for precision?) that many people make the mistake of focusing on their weaknesses too much. So I thought that rather of the usual practice of beefing up my "weaknesses," I would instead strengthen my strengths."s
  19. No thank you, I'll just have the bread:glare:. I was going to say bread and cheese, but wondered if that might also be a "menu item" and thought thanks, but no thanks again. ;) *ang*...you do find the most interesting articles.:001_smile:
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