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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. I used to have a bunch, but downsized to my favorite five and a binder of recipes. Twelve Months of Monastery Soups, Fannie Farmer Cookbook, B&G, Whole Foods For the Whole Family, and Fix it and Forget it Lightly. I do love checking them out from the library.
  2. We watched your last election here on tv, I wonder if it will be on tonight. So many parties. Enjoy your vote.
  3. I'm learning to ditch them at the end of the year. I've started keeping once a month work or anything worth saving. Getting rid of some of the old ones was difficult because I'm sentimental. So I'm hoping to save the best of the best and free us of the rest.
  4. I don't know...I'm just putting my fingers in my ears and ignoring it for as long as possible. One..more...thing...to...do...and I don't need it.;)
  5. :grouphug:You need more baskets and move them towards someone else's bed. I've started placing them into their rooms;). Big old hug...Now that my youngest is eleven most of the laundry actually meets the hanger, closet or drawers before making its way back to the wash pile.
  6. My dd has been a joy. Everyone has their moments, but around here our motto is family first.:grouphug:
  7. Hey Genie ******************************************************************

  8. Hey D*******************************************************************

  9. Hey Gretchen **********************************************************************

  10. Hey Lolly. **************************************************************

  11. Pop in hello. Here are some happy points ***************************************************

  12. Pop in..hello. Great pics.

  13. Love, love your pictures.

  14. Pop in...hellooooooo.

  15. We only have Sam's here. It works for us, but when we lived in California...we were Costco members...there was no Sam's. I'd try visiting each to see which will be closer to your regular shopping list.
  16. I'd follow my instinct if you need maternity leave...go for it. You might try for a balance and do a little of each. Lots of ways to do this. Scale back, school one day clean/cook/organize the next. I'm always more comfy if the house is nice and the school is getting done. Blessings to you.
  17. I need to put some effort into this again. My effort/changes are simple. (I've had past medical issues that conflicted with exercising and my heart goes out to you.) It just isn't as easy as it used to be. 1. Smaller plates 2. Water 3. Leave at least one bite uneaten. 4. Try to eat until you are just short of not satisfied. Brains don't get the message and we often enjoy eating until we feel full. 5. Don't put enough food on your plate, eat it. You can always eat later. 6. Write down what you eat somewhere 7. Plan menus, check out library books for inspiration. Shop healthy and you'll eat that way. 8. Exercise anyway you can. Sitting and exercising is possible. Just do what you can. Access to a pool would be awesome, walking is great too. You library likely has some great dvds you can check out, not to mention books. 9. If you have an off meal, day, week what ever...don't sweat it. Eating healthy and exercising are just a part of life.
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