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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. :grouphug:Cami:grouphug: In-laws particularly mother-in-laws can be...you know. It's so hurtful to see your children get excited and then crushed by their lack of love. If you feel compelled to call them on this, unit with your hubby and let him do the talking. Mils have a way of pushing buttons and generally wreaking havoc without batting an eyelash. I've had mine for years and she seems to only ripen with age.:001_huh: Mean grandmas should be against the law.
  2. :iagree: And will add a possible idea. Consider trying out the system of green, yellow, and red lights. You can use paper to make a traffic light and then designate a counter of some sort. (Boys like cars, girls often enjoy a stuffed animal.) Anyway, the idea is for you to respond without a verbal battle. Move the counter from green to yellow. If she continues it goes to red and what ever the forewarned consequences are automatically in place. Some kids do well with verbal warning, but others don't especially if mom can be sucked in. Do not negotiate, just decide what your rules are and stick to them. :grouphug:Big hug to you. :grouphug:My ds went through this and it was a difficult learning period for both of us. Once he realized the consequences were more work, he learned to just get it done. I did praise him and remind him often about the reward for good work was more free time.
  3. Put it in whenever you make the salad and then toss it before you serve. Sounds yummy. Marrying doesn't take all day.:001_smile:
  4. I'll be honest and say it would depend on three things...Do I really see no difference in the two main options, my state was forgone conclusion and did I love the third party choice. I say this and still haven't voted early because I toy with my principal vote. Vote what makes you happy.
  5. An eye exam wouldn't hurt, but he's young yet. Tying the visual skills and writing skills together along with math can slow a kid down especially when a timer is ticking. I know you are trying a number of way. I'd keep plugging along on.
  6. There will always be nuts and vandalism. :001_huh: Some people just get their kicks this way. Here it's the pumpkins that draw the wackos. You can find their smashed remains all over the place.
  7. No, but when mine were younger we enjoyed a 4day school week. It sounds inviting, but wouldn't work for us.
  8. Two of course or Mr. Moody the typing teacher will have a melt down and make you retype it.
  9. Into a bowl with some chopped onions, peppers, tomato, black olives, chunks of mozzarella and topped with an olive oil and vinegar dressing.
  10. "The theory here is to try innovative things that will help children achieve," Fryer says. "In our urban centers, we're spending $12,000, $15,000 a kid, and we're not getting any results. So we must do something." I lived in DC and I believe it. The solution there to every problem is to throw money at it.:confused:
  11. Hm-mm. I thought you were talking about the 10 y/old. Geeze, 21 is kind of beyond the scope of my little guy had his bike stolen routine. Big hug...
  12. Baked Ziti, garlic bread and cut up raw veggies with dip. I don't feel like cooking much either.
  13. These would be my crock pot veggie choices. Vegetable-Stuffed Peppers Baked Corn Baked Potatoes Broccoli and Rice Casserole Broccoli with just cheese sauce Garlicky Potatoes Green Beans & Potatoes with Onions and a little ham Sweet Potato Casserole Saucy Scalloped Potatoes You can always cook it and then just place it into the crock pot to transport and keep it warm. If you need a recipe from above or have a list of veggies you want to use, just ask. Most of these are from the Fix It and Forget Lightly Crock pot cookbook.
  14. Another recipe is to use extremely hot water with a little vinegar and baking soda or squeeze of dish soap. Only use the vinegar if you have smells that need addressing. The odor doesn't linger, but it does hand around until the carpet dries.
  15. I don't know the right answer, but about how long does it take the voice to change? Does the choir director have an idea or what about his dad? You would think the choir director would have to deal with this often and have a good plan in place. I'm not in love with any of his choices. Just think how cool he'll sound to the girls when all the boys his age are going through this.
  16. :grouphug:Prayers for all of you, and my deepest sympathies for your loss.
  17. :lol: Sounds like someone I know. The only solution I've found is to ask them to repeat the comment or question. The light bulb doesn't always go off, but there have been a few aw-ha moments. Many sympathies, my younger sister still talks through movies and talks nonstop, but I love her. And my ds inherited her mouth.:D Not so much the airhead part, just the nonstop part.
  18. No. Borrowing more money, no way. They need to work on the current mess without creating more. Personally, I feel it's just another effort to distract us.
  19. I can go without makeup, but as the years go by I feel more together with a natural job. I've moved on to the mineral powder line (Everyday Minerals made in the USA. You can order free samples and just pay the shipping via paypal or a cc.) and love the very natural, not over done look it produces. It lasts all day and doesn't feel heavy, greasy or like paint. There are other days when I just wash my face and go. ;) Makeup or no makeup, I think it's how you feel that matters.
  20. I checked mine and they don't have any brand name on them. They are not flimsy or bendy, but I know they didn't bust the bank when I purchased them. Honestly, they are so old I don't remember buying them.
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