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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Seton, has always been the least expensive and has very good service.
  2. :hurray: Wow, that is just wonderful. Congratulations!
  3. My dd started right in line with dh's side of the family, which was almost four years before I started. It was a shocker for me, and completely ordinary to my sil (her 2 dd) and mil.
  4. I'd be sure to prepare her early. My dd started early and I was so thankful I'd given her the information and supplies way to early.:grouphug: It could be years or sooner, but to know it's normal can be very reassuring to the younger set.:grouphug: :grouphug:I'd also say, prepare yourself momma. :grouphug:
  5. Math is math, and MCP will work if you use it. It might be more work teaching, time and hair pulling, but it will work if you stick it out. Placement is always something to consider in any program. Many times a little age and review go a long way helping a struggling student. (imofwiw, Switching works many times because the student gets to go back to the beginning a little older and everything is pretty much review for a while.) So it wasn't so much the original program as not ready or needs more time on concepts. COLOR]
  6. :grouphug: (((Donna))):grouphug: Hope you're feeling better today. I'll be praying here for you and your friend.
  7. :grouphug: You might want to call your Dr. when you can. Goodness, hope you feel better.
  8. We write thank you notes for gifts we receive pretty much across the line. (We do not live close to family btw if that makes a difference.) I don't expect a written thank you note, but some acknowledgement by way of an e-mail, phone call or snail mail is appreciated kwim?
  9. Dear__Jo_________, Thank You For the ___post_______. It's the BEST! From, __Tammy________ . What are your thoughts?
  10. I think they are tacky, but better than nothing. I sent gifts for years in the mail wondering...Did they get them:confused: wondering if I could toss my mail/insurance receipt. We will be getting ours out today and tomorrow as handwritten notes take a little more time and everything.;) As my Southern mom would say something like... Manners can be taught, but bless his heart he/she never was. Now go write your thank you notes...:D
  11. Yesterday was very nice and went very well. Today we have to brave the elements and go to outsourced classes. Tuesdays can be rushed around here, I should get moving. Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone!:grouphug:
  12. :grouphug:Happy New Year...

  13. :grouphug: I hear you and understand very well. Going over my dd's math today left me feeling less wonderful and very thankful she fully understood it. :grouphug: You don't need to know more or it all to do a very good job educating your children. If inconsistency with the work is a point of stress, focus on fixing that. Many times students will surpass their teachers; to me that is a good sign of a job well done. I've come to understand that so much of learning is doing the work. As for your dh, he would be helping no matter the teacher. I think many times another voice like dad's offer a fresh perspective that often compliments the mother/teacher. I'll bet he feels honored to help. Remember the two are a team. I have a feeling you are going through a little winter / January stress. It always seems to hit me and I've learned not to fear, but to honestly work through it by identifying two or three things I can work on. Spring is right around the corner. Hang in there, Brindee.:grouphug:
  14. The end of it....but I do love a White Christmas. Apologies everyone, our winter here has been lots of snow, ice, rain, sleet, freezing rain and snow.
  15. :iagree: It does sounds like yeast/Thrush. :grouphug: The good news is that you can easily treat it. LLL is a great place for nursing moms to to check.
  16. A buyer Agent is good. Also ask for the specs on the house before setting up an appointment based on your list. Explain that you will not set up appointments to view homes that don't meet your criteria and change Realtors if need be. Your numbers 4 & 12 are ones that could change eaisly with owners or home improvements. (ie...The house behind you had no big dogs, but they get a new dog or add lights.) Since both are important to you, I'd make acreage a big factor in my choice. Good luck, this is definately a buyers market.
  17. :grouphug::iagree: with the others. 1. I'd take him back to the doctor for a check. 2. Try sleeping in shifts even if one adult has to leave the room to get some sleep. 3. I'd drop the nap unless he falls asleep. (Not if he falls asleep of course, just the putting him down with crying part.) Until he is well again, I'd just allow him to get tired during the day. 4. Sleep when he sleeps to get through this stretch. Maybe your hubby could let you sleep during the day or vise versa. A good nap is a good thing. 5. For now, focus on finding rest when and where the opportunity presents itself. He may sleep better right now in different circumstances.. like next to you, propped up or so on. Once the little guy is better you can refocus your efforts. :grouphug:
  18. Diva cups...:001_huh: Bookshelves Placenta storage and the possible uses and storage techniques yogurt is easy to make and so is vanilla nt
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