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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. The delivery cost would be something I'd consider. My last pregnancy was high risk and it didn't change much of anything for me; it was more of a paperwork thing for the hospital and a little heads up for the doctors. Big hug to you, I would have loved to have a Doula.:grouphug:
  2. We haven't used it, but heard from a few families that it caused nightmares. My son has a difficult time getting to sleep too, so I do sympathize as a mom. If the cat helps, you might consider another one, a dog or something similar. Poor kiddo:grouphug:. We continue to work on this using a set routine, schedule of waking, lots of exercise, a good diet and multivitamin and he is allowed to read until he settles past bed time. He does better during the summer because of all the outdoor time.
  3. Oh definitely, but could you make the meat free range organic and fresh? I mean when I purchase meat from the truck, I expect it to be grade A quality and none of that monkey/mystery meat.
  4. I'd focus on any weak areas and subjects that might allow them to fall behind as they adjust like the writing & math, deadlines, organizing homework schedules and such. Trying out the schools schedule at home would allow them to get used to the times, bells etc. and day visit would be very helpful. Discussing the adjustment phase with them and getting their opinions on what would be difficult might be a very good idea. Each kid is different and what stresses one might inspire the other. Your boys sound very well rounded, bright and able to adjust to life in different cultures, I'm sure they'll be just fine.
  5. "It-all-begins-with-me." This link is and has been an amazing inspiration and kick in the butt for many of us old time boardies, and man is it worth the read. Anyone else remember it and the awesome discussions? http://mentalmultivitamin.blogspot.com/2006/03/it-all-begins-with-me.html
  6. :iagree: I just couldn't bring myself to eat it. I stick with my homemade (or favorite store bought) and sprinkle one acidophilus pill on it if I need a boost.
  7. :bigear: :lurk5: Thanks for the notes and comments, I wish :crying:... I'm consoling myself with the new edition;).
  8. Thanks for updating us. You're in my thoughts and prayers.:grouphug:
  9. I spend at least $200 a week, but go for organic veggies and keep a very large pantry because we don't eat out often. This often includes stocking up on big sale items, paper products etc. (Family of 4)
  10. :iagree: It's funny though, the homeschoolers I do know in real life are pretty rigorous. Then again, most of the families I do know have high school students, and my state is one of the moderately regulated ones. To be truthful, I only have time to worry about my family and I take the responsibility of educating them very seriously. Kwim?;) Oh, and I have ALL THREE COPIES OF THE WELL TRAINED MIND along with TWEM! I have the latest copy in my hands...Yippee. Thank you Susan...
  11. :grouphug:Thanks for updating us. Lots of prayers for your little guy.:grouphug:
  12. I'm sending hugs and prayers your way. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  13. I'm in the process of restocking my winter pantry early this year and beginning to plant my own squarefoot garden out back. I'm blessed with a large basement and an extra freezer making storage pretty easy. If I had the chance to choose again, I would have opted for the full size extra freezer. Shopping in bulk or when items are on sale saves plenty to make it worthwhile. There are plenty of items that never go bad like TP, soaps and deodorant. During the height of winter I can go three weeks easily without grocery shopping, but we do miss the fresh veggies and fruit.
  14. The only thing I miss about my van, is the leather seats. They were comfy and looked like new with little to no effort. A baby wipe and they were good as new no matter what we spilled on them. Although, they were icy cold in the winter and sticky in the summer so my new fabric is much more comfy year round.
  15. :grouphug: Sounds like she is feeling okay and on the mend, but I do hope she doesn't have it. As Perry, mentioned there may be confusion and plenty of invalid test results. Her boss needs to know, but imo she shouldn't have been in the classroom until the test results are in.
  16. I love to curl up with a good book and some dark chocolate and talking on the phone to my mom. She is the ultimate soother.
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