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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. You may need to purchase a pet odor eater with enzymes to completely eliminate the urine or your dear little pet will instinctively re-pee in the area. Chalk it up to those super doggy noses. You can purchase a squirt bottle just about anywhere from Walmart to a Pet supply store.
  2. My vote is a no go. Heck, based on what you said...I skip it if I weren't pg.
  3. :grouphug: I'd love having you as a neighbor.:grouphug:
  4. I'm another bridge phobe...Take a little comfort in the fact that most of the bridges aren't old and decaying like ours. I generally close my eyes and pray unless I'm driving... Bridges...they are a leap of faith.:grouphug:
  5. Goodness, I lost track of this thread...Sorry, I do have the Spectrum Grade 4 Test Practice if you still want it. PM me if you do. fyi, I've purchased these locally at Sam's and Barnes & Nobel. Imo, that seller owes you a full refund including shipping.
  6. I hope not, but this would fall under my classification of A SLAVE TO FASHION!:001_huh: Man feet...uck, gag sputter should not be accentuated.
  7. :iagree: Container gardening is the weed-free way to go and do plant what you love. Green onions, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, lettuce and strawberries grow well just about anywhere.
  8. Someone here recommended diaper cream with zinc (like A&D or Desitin) and I have to admit it really works.
  9. That stinks, big time. What grade are you using? I've got some we didn't use and would be happy to pop one in the mail as part of my....Some of this stuff has to go campaign.
  10. Baby wipes....I buy them in bulk and clean everything from the counters in the kitchen to the bathroom everyday. They are placed strategically in each bathroom and under my kitchen sink. I'll wipe just about anything with them from the cabinets, baseboards, doors and switches to the floor occasionally then toss em.
  11. I'm not a list lover when it comes to cleaning...Flylady is nice at setting a routine of doing a little something here and there and it adding up to a whole lot over the morning, day, week etc. The biggest key for me was letting go of the idea that it all needed to be NOW. The job will never be done, but I feel better knowing the little bits add up and the idea of blessing my family and home makes the working much less of drag. No control journal for me. A quick trip to the website for the daily mission and having done the book list for a few weeks helped me wrap my arms around the just get started... work for those few minutes... Bag boogies are my clutter control and done at least seasonally here and before all holidays and birthdays. Look around and determine what makes your home look clean to you. First thing, I make my bed and the kitchen is a biggie for me. I can't stand dishes and messy counters. If my kitchen and bathrooms are clean and the living areas are tidy, I'm happy as a clam. Laundry no longer troubles me because I do a load or two daily knowing they'll just make more. Find what works for you. I find 15 minutes in the morning and 15 after dinner can do wonders as I try to beat the clock and I do have helpers if I want them.
  12. :grouphug: Prayers:grouphug: I'm sure everything will be just fine.
  13. :grouphug: What a nice update...:grouphug:
  14. I'd make the meals buffet style with sauces, dressings etc. on the side. Everyone can fill their own plate and find what works for them. Make sure they're well balanced offer up a variety of choices and simply serve them up with a smile and do not take any reactions personally. When I'm preparing food for guests or crowds both young and old, I never insist on tasting something.
  15. Well now after reading your posts, I'm getting the idea that your ex would love and expect you to plan and sort out all the details.:tongue_smilie: Am I right? This sounds important to your ds and man are you caught in the middle. My mommy self wouldn't want to do this or be the one who said no...again. If there is a way you can make this work, you might do it or you might find comfort knowing many times mom gets to be the bad-guy because you love em.:grouphug: And one day they'll grow up and realize it and love you all the more for it.
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