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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. The web site it super easy now too. I dropped out many times, but she can cut the clutter like no other.
  2. ;) Worth reading...I love the BTDT voices.
  3. :grouphug: Realtors want a sale, and often plan to tire a family out looking at properties they know wont work in order to steer them to another property or they don't take the clients seriously. It stinks when they waste your time. I'm allergic to cats & birds and can't sleep in a home that has or had them. I go into asthma attack mode and no amount of cleaning will work for me. More than once, I was shown a home that had them out of sight. Luckily or unfortunately, I know almost immediately after going in. I hope your home sells soon:).
  4. :grouphug:I'm so sorry for your loss.:grouphug:
  5. I have a big set of Cuisenart. I had to learn to cook without a non-stick finish, but I love that I can scrub em or and use metal on them.
  6. Oh my, congratulations, congratulations!
  7. :grouphug:Yes, I would:grouphug:. Tell them, I said...they stink as family. Your grand-babies are adorable, and I'd drive 4 hours just to see them. It's pretty much the same with dh's family...I've learned to smile, and remind them them the road runs/works in both directions...and here is the shocker...it's the same time for us to drive to their house. Sadly, it means we see them less and less. I figure...they're as important to me as I am to them:tongue_smilie:. My kids are big...reality dawned, and I'm not bothering to make his family feel happy anymore. They get very embarassed when other family and friends ask about us, because they've never made the effort. :banghead:
  8. It always feels so good when the right plan comes together.
  9. I would expose her to her mother...in person.
  10. NO, but many have a policy of more than one student or passenger per session to avoid stuff.
  11. I think you have you answer right there. Based on that, I might even skip the card...
  12. Thank you; I've bookmarked the site.:001_smile:
  13. I'm glad he doing so much better, and I was wondering how he was just the other.
  14. qE has done pretty well for herself imo. I'm in the camp thinking, an early/mid 20th century education was so much better than today; a private one would be the icing on the cake.
  15. Clean the house before bed...Waking up to a clean place is a blessing, and a great way to start the day. It leaves time for you to enjoy any old way you please.
  16. She is adorable! Congratulations. Btw...I do remember that thread.
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