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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. I saw that Pass Christian was mentioned already. Further east on the MS gulf coast is nice as well. Helena/Big Point/Hurley has many if not most of the items on your list. Another benefit is that when you want the amenities of a larger city Mobile, AL is a relatively short drive away. There are more private schools in AL than here in MS but if I decided to go that route I would probably take my dd over to Mobile every day.
  2. Maybe if something were to happen to his internet connection. His wife could (accidentally of course) lose the bill. Seriously though that connection and computer might have to go because for him it might be as bad as a bottle of Jack Daniels in the house would be for an alcoholic.
  3. When I was a child one of my mother's friends always had what I now believe was a pit bull (it may have been a boxer or another similiar breed) that she spoiled rotten. She even found out what their favorite ice cream was and stocked it (I know not ideal for the dog's health but I doubt she knew that. It was not common knowledge then.)I always played with her dog when we went over and never had any problem. One of my father's coworkers lived in our neighborhood and also kept pit bulls. He claimed that he took them neutra rat hunting but they came back pretty beat up looking. I also witnessed him hitting the dogs with his fist. :glare: He came over to borrow something from Dad one time and brought one of them. I petted the dog and and everything was fine. Later several of his dogs escaped their kennel and came straight to our house. I was playing outside and started playing with them. When my mother realized they were outside she made me come in, called their owner to come get his dogs, and pitched a major fit to Dad. She told him that his coworker was not to ever bring any of his dogs around our house again and preferably not himself either. I was quite young (around 4) and I strongly suspect that the fact that I had no fear of dogs (and sheer luck) helped to keep me safe. This experience does tend to support the arguement that pit bulls can be good with children. In this case even ones with less than ideal care and training (to state it mildly) did not show any agression toward humans.
  4. I would definitely do it. Having a smaller house will also give you more financial flexibility for other things. That is always good to have even if it not needed. And owning two houses even if one is a vacation home also gives greater flexibility than one.
  5. Your shampoo/other products could still possibly impact him.
  6. One thing that has not been mentioned is household cleaning and personal products. Some cleaning products can cause problems for sensitive individuals. I cannot tolerate anything with the ingredient: fragrance. I can tolerate essential oils but synthetic fragrances do not agree with my system at all.
  7. I currently use secular materials but am not opposed to various Christian material except in the area of science especially biology.
  8. You could put liquid paint in it to squirt on paper. Maybe fingerpaint? Or you could fill it with water to squirt on brushes to clean them. Decorated it could hold dishsoap in the kitchen or lotion, shampoo, or conditioner in the bathroom.
  9. Metal roofing is popular in this area in part because it is more resistant to hurricane damage than asphalt shingles. I have been very happy with mine so far.
  10. Hi, I would definitely not send my dd or any future children to ps especially in Mississippi.
  11. Has desensitization therapy (allergy shots) been tried? I had very severe allergies as a child and this is what worked for me. There is such a thing as allergy shots for food allergies as well as inhalent allergies. I know this because I have taken them. His immune system may be "used up" by all of the allergic reactions and there is nothing left for the actual infections. I was very prone to infections before my allergies were controlled.
  12. I have not had acat with diabetes myself but a neighbor had a diabetic cat and I would go over and take care of him when she had to travel. I even carried him with me to my mothers house so he could get his medicine on time on Christmas or Thanksgiving.
  13. You mentioned that you have a dog. If you answer the door with the dog in your arms (small dog) or on a leash (large dog) strangers are less likely to approach too close. Also your dog will probably calm down faster if it sees the "intruder " leave.
  14. I remember seeing a documentary about where "recycled" computer parts end up. They are often shipped to China and the components are removed and separated into various elements in very primitive and toxic ways. In the city where most of this takes place almost all of the children have high levels of lead in their bodies. I do not know if the batteries go there as well but if they do proper precautions are not being taken during the recycling process.
  15. I broke a little toe once and I buddy taped it, elevated it, iced it and applied comfrey salve. I was able to work in a standing job the next day wearing regular shoes.
  16. Since we have five dogs I had multiple answers. The three little dogs sleep in the bed with us one stays near the head of the bed and the other stays near the foot. The third small dog sometimes sleeps near the head of the bed but sometimes gets out of the bed and sleeps on the floor near the bed. The two big dogs sometimes sleep in the bedroom but sometimes one sleeps in the living room on the couch and the other sleeps near the front door.
  17. For some strange reason people do not linger at my house. Most will not even leave their car to come to the front door. I think that it may have something to do with the 80+lb. Belgian Malinois (think shorthaired German Shepard) staring and barking in the front bedroom and our other 100+lb dog baking from her pen. Most seem somewhat intimidated. Also 2 of our 3 small dogs are dachshunds and sound much bigger than they are.
  18. I would be very concerned about the possibility of rabies or other illness in the coyote. That you actually saw the coyote enough to tell its age seems unusual too. On the other hand it could be young and stupid and the poultry could be easier to find and catch than the cats or rabbits. The coyote could also be small due to malnutrition in which case it is desparate.
  19. We have spent a couple thousand dollars on medical treatment for one of our dogs. The dog is a dachshund and I came home one day to find him on the floor unable to walk and in pain from a back injury. This was a young, athletic dog that my dh is very attached to. We carried the dog to a referral/emergency facility in another state and had emergency surgery done. We also carried him back for physical therapy for an extended period. This dog still needs a little more care than he would if he were completely healthy but he has a very good quality of life. One factor in my decision was that my dh is somewhat emotionally fragile and treatment for the dog was probably cheaper than the missed work and possible therapy that might have resulted for dh.
  20. My dd5 acts this way as well. Sometimes in her case it means that she is tired and needs to sleep. It can also mean that she has not eaten enough. (she would much rather play than eat and getting adequate food into her is an ongoing struggle)
  21. The thing that jumped out at me about the post was the weight issues in all of the Women in the family. I would definitely look into female hormone issues if I were you. My family history is similar. My mother had to have a complete hysterectomy when I was very young for ovarian cysts. I had to have emergency surgery for ovarian cysts in my late 20s. In the year after the operation I lost over 40 lbs. My weight gain/loss tends to be very connected to whether my reproductive hormones are in balance or not. In my case I have also discovered that I cannot tolerate medications that are synthetic hormones and I cannot eat animal products from animals that have been given synthetic hormones. I can only eat organic or bgh free dairy. I can only eat organic eggs. The main category of animal products that I can eat relatively freely is fish and seafood. This is the approach that I have found that works for me.
  22. If you live in a rural area or have friends in a relatively rural area an easy way to get a dog is to just let all your friends and acquaintances know that you want a dog and wait until someone has one you like dumped near them. This can be expensive because then the dog you find has to go to the vet and often has parasites, an ear infection, ect. It probably also needs to be neutered or spayed and if female may be pregnant. It also takes a little longer. I have also seen some very pathetic dogs at Walmart parking lots late at night. These dogs generally are too afraid to approach a person and might would have issues. This is the way we ended up with one of our dogs. We had a 17 1/2 year old dachshund die of old age and my dh was so upset he missed work for a day. We were building a new house and wanted a large dog after we moved. One of dh coworkers thought of him immediately a few weeks later when a puppy that looked like she would be a large dog was dumped near his house. Dh immediately packed up dd and went to look at the puppy. (I was at work.) Dd and the puppy hit it off immediately so they brought the puppy by my workplace so I could come outside and see it. Then the puppy went home with dh and dd. On my day off I took the puppy to the vet and discovered that: 1. She is terrified of riding in the car except for the trip home 2. She had an ear infection 3. She had never been chipped. We ended up with a big dog a little sooner than we planned but she has worked out very well.
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