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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. My mother is a retired teacher who taught at an inner city elementary school. The school only went to fifth grade and they had at least one pregnant student most years. One year my mother taught third grade and strongly suspected a prostitution ring of some sort with the members students. She did not have enough proof to take to police or the administration just her own suspicions. She also believes that one of her third grade students had a pregnancy terminated. I was very sheltered and even I knew where the makeout ares were at the first high school I went to.
  2. Our Belgian Malinois would fit all of those charactaristics. She does bark at people that she does not know though.
  3. Do you have feed stores closer? We feed Chicken soup for the Dog Lover's soul brand and we purchase it at the feed store. There is definitely a difference in the volume (goes down) and aroma (much less) of their business when we feed this food vs. what we get at the supermarket. It can be hard to find but a feed store might be willing to order it for you even if they do not normally carry it. You could also pick up worming medicine at the feed store for much less than the price at the vet.
  4. Your dog will probably calm down as she adjusts to the new schedule and knows when to expect people home. Some background noise like music or the television may help some.
  5. I was hoping for a boy when I found out I was pregnant with dd because I have a history of painful reproductive health problems and my mother had similiar problems and her mother had similiar symptoms that were never diagnosed correctly. My daughter will have the advantage of problems being recognized early and my knowledge of how I have handled these issues. My mother very much wanted a little girl in both her own pregnancy and mine.
  6. There are entire stores that I cannot enter due to fragrances and/or product smells.
  7. I would definitely check for symptoms of bloat. If it is bloat that is definitely a medical emergency. http://www.globalspan.net/bloat.htm#Symptoms
  8. I was class of 1990 and I would say that my mother was very involoved in my education. She began reading to me as a very young child. I had allergies before most people had ever heard of them and it was very hard to for her to get a proper diagnosis and treatment for me. By the time I started treatment I was well into failure to thrive territory and did not have positive associations with eating since I had been throwing up most of what I ate previously. Mom would read to me to distract me the entire time she was feeding me in order to get a reasonable meal down me. I was reading before I started school. There were always numerous books in our house. Mom still has all of my childhood books and my daughter enjoys them. My parents sent me to private school until they divorced when I was in fourth grade. My mother always knew my teachers and kept track of my assignments and made me do my homework. When I was in high school I transferred to a magnet school. I had to talk my mother into that but my major arguement was the classes that were offered. Two of my best friends transferred to the magnet school as well and it was ALWAYS my mother who picked us up if we stayed after school for an activity. She still knew all my teachers and kept up with my assignments even in high school.
  9. :iagree:Yet another piece of news that supports my decision to homeschool.
  10. Allergies can cause an almost addiction-like craving. I have had to eliminate foods from my diet and it can require a great deal of willpower.
  11. We used WF for a construction loan and I have nothing positive to say about them.
  12. Thank you, I will definitely look into Minimus. Is it whole to parts or parts to whole?
  13. My dd7 is sensitive. She would not let the dentist examine her teeth until recently. When she had the first exam she needed a good bit of work. It was all done with me present and shots and nitrous oxide. The most traumatic part in her case was having an impression made. She had two teeth pulled, three if you count a loose front tooth with the permanent tooth coming up behind it. She also had two cavities filled. Neither of those upset her. Being separated from me would have upset her big time. I would have the work done locally if I were you. Also dd's fillings are composite not amalagam. The dentists I spoke with never even mentioned amalagam as an option. Maybe this is a regional difference.
  14. I am planning on starting Latin with dd7 soon. She tends to be a very visual learner. She was very resistant when I tried to use FLL but when I bought some used MCT to review for possible future use she asked if she could look at Grammar Island and promptly read the first 80 pages very happily. We use a Kumon center to supplement our other language arts materials and she is about to start Level C1 which is equivalent to 3rd grade level. I know that she could learn Latin now. I have been looking at Prima Latina and The Big Book of Lively Latin as possible options. Which one of these would be more appealing to a visual learner or is there another option that I have not looked at yet that would be better? It is best if things are spelled out fairly clearly. She does not figure things out from examples very well in the language arts. Dh is dyslexic and I may be as well. crossposted on general forum
  15. I am planning on starting Latin with dd7 soon. She tends to be a very visual learner. She was very resistant when I tried to use FLL but when I bought some used MCT to review for possible future use she asked if she could look at Grammar Island and promptly read the first 80 pages very happily. We use a Kumon center to supplement our other language arts materials and she is about to start Level C1 which is equivalent to 3rd grade level. I know that she could learn Latin now. I have been looking at Prima Latina and The Big Book of Lively Latin as possible options. Which one of these would be more appealing to a visual learner or is there another option that I have not looked at yet that would be better? It is best if things are spelled out fairly clearly. She does not figure things out from examples very well in the language arts. Dh is dyslexic and I may be as well. edited to add crossposted on the k-8 curriculum board
  16. :iagree:However, I don't think that it is particuliarly uncommon and that is one of the major reasons that I have not been to the doctor for about 7 years now.
  17. Llamas are native to South America although they could probably tolerate the himilayas.
  18. You could make sandwich cookies with frosting in the middle.
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