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Miss Tick

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Everything posted by Miss Tick

  1. Thanks, Lanny. Colombia is on my list of possible plan Bs! I'm wondering if the Spanish classes would be worth the cost - are they taught closer to one-on-one, or will we be roughly sorted into levels with a bunch of other people. Colombia has some similar schools, do you have any experience with them or anyone related to them? I'm hoping for a slightly extended, therefore less harried, vacation, but would like it to have some educational value. It has been a year since we had access to a live tutor, and I was hoping two weeks in a Spanish-speaking country with scheduled lessons would serve as an intensive and give us all a boost.
  2. I'm considering a family trip to Spain in the Spring, and would like to add language lessons to the trip. Has anyone done this - learn the native language in a foreign country? Any tips, ideas, questions I should ask, cautionary tales? I am planning on Madrid. The search I did turned up a few opportunities. They all seem to run for two weeks, with a choice of one or two hours a day. I am thinking we'll do the one-hour option. We are at three or four different ability levels, so I guess we would all take separate classes? I'm not sure how to find reviews, the offerings all look the same. Ideally I would like for us to do one hour a day, at our individual levels, with one or two lessons a week in unusual places, like a group lesson at a restaurant or museum or park. What are my chances of setting that up? I plan to email one or two schools but wanted to check with the Hive first! Thanks/Gracias!
  3. My aunt had this and is doing great now, a few years after surgery. She did mention that she can't use hormone replacement therapy to deal with menopause symptoms which I assume is because of this, so be aware that that may be a possibility. ((Hugs))
  4. I have done this for Spanish, so I don't have any specific ideas to offer, but a few general thoughts. I didn't go into it intentionally, I just thought we might add well get started with some of the basics, and it has evolved from there. The larger variety of resources I use, the more successful we are, even though they are not aligned at all. So, we may watch a video one day, Do a grammar lesson two days, read aloud to each other another day, do a fill-in-the-blank activity a different day. I have more resources than days, so occasionally I can shake up the routine. We are NOT happy flashcard users here, just easing into it now in 5th, so be careful that part stays fun, because what a good tool. I tried to use upper level texts at a slower rate but ran into a few issues. One was that the vocabulary in the first few chapters was all school-related. Then the next chapter would be introductions, eating out, buying tickets, and maybe awkward boy/girl conversations, none of which my dc could relate to. Surely Greek is presented differently, surely. Another issue I ran into was just the volume of material presented was too much, without enough practice. There was also too much dependence on learning grammar rules and applying then in rote fashion for my early elementary kids to handle. Anyway, these were all things I could overcome by presenting the material in a more organic way. Good luck!
  5. Try calling a dealership in Florida to set up the work? I do that regularly because my local dealership is terrible. So, I combine it with a trip to a larger city.
  6. Depending on how much digging you are in the mood for, you could read through the MEP lesson plans and dig out different puzzles. You may want to pick a section to print, like year 3 lessons 1-30 so you can physically flip through them, but if you find some and want more you could skim them online and just print pages you are interested in. It may not be worth your time, however it is free for printing and you can basically hand pick problems of interest.
  7. My response is usually, "Do you want me to give you something to do?" I don't phrase it as a threat, but it is more to spur them to think about what would actually be interesting. If they say yes, we brainstorm some ideas, staying with things that would be helpful to me. Part of me is happy to hear that once in a while as proof that I am doing a good job controlling my tendency to over-schedule us.
  8. I will have to subscribe to this. Conveniently for me, in many subjects I have two students (twins) so I can store their binders for that subject front to back with each other. What about a bunch of magazine holders along the shelf? They take up space (boo) but you could roughly categorize with them, either by subject or student. If you could find cardboard ones you might be able to cut away the short side. They would be less stable, but books and binders could slide in and out.
  9. In our house, my ds uses BA alongside MEP. When we get to problems in topics that he has already seen in BA, I heavily redact them, just to check retention. My dd uses MM, and I would not hesitate to do the same thing. For my ds, BA won't be boring, even if the topic has been covered elsewhere.
  10. If you didn't do carbon dating as part of chemistry, this would be an obvious tie-in, and one that is often skimmed over.
  11. I agree with PP, have them take some ownership to address the problem. After a strained smile I would say something like, "well, that is not a particularly helpful comment, but we homeschool, so if you can be more specific, we can make changes." That helps them stay to take charge of their own happiness, points out a major benefit if homeschooling, takes some pressure off you, teaches a more acceptable approach to dealing with other people, etc. Also, I would be careful not to make more than one or two changes at a time.
  12. Hmm, what I got out of that thread was that there was no content change. Another alternative for you would be to get The Complete Writer and diy your own TWTM grammar-stage writing. Then you could really tailor the writing portion to suit. But, hey, you can probably get the old FLL book used cheaply, if that is the way you are leaning.
  13. Maybe it has been too long since we went through FLL 1 and 2, but it is really a grammar program, I don't remember any significant writing. In fact I liked for my reluctant writer specifically because it was oral and quick. I suggest doing wwe2 and modify the first few weeks if you want to ease the transition in - reduce the amount of copywork or model the comprehension and summary responses. I know nothing about CLE.
  14. I always print my spelling list paper from there, but who.knows.why? It is just two-columned lined paper. That may well be all I've ever used electronically for this program. My two are 10, and we are just slowly progressing through the lists. Sorry I don't have more to report, but maybe that helps answer your question anyway.
  15. I don't like it when this thread is in the queue near the college EFC threads. I get all shaky and have to go lie down. When I get up I'm going to have a gander at the under-age employment laws for my state, maybe I can send them all off to part-time jobs.
  16. I'm going to go "half-full" here and cling to 8's bolded. And eat a lot of rice and beans, I suppose.
  17. Can you talk to A first and find out what his preference would be? If he +wanted+ to homeschool, public school, boarding school? Surely talking to him would be needed before giving homeschool advice in any case. Whoo-eee, not a pretty picture. Whatever you decide to say/do stay strong!
  18. I wanted to address your part about occasional slips being ok. I often will include comments, like, "I am open to hearing your plans or suggestions." They know that if they need to make a change, one-time or ongoing, they probably just need to present me with a clear plan. "Mom, it makes more sense to swiffer the kitchen after dinner. Could I play video games until dinner and then do it directly after?" I try hard to say yes, and/or explain any hesitations. I'm also very clear with them that they are building trust with me, so if they don't follow through I am unlikely to entertain future requests. Whatever you do, be consistent.
  19. I did big part of the Arizona Trail, eons ago. How exciting for you! Leave the 10 lbs. You will lose them on the trail. I imagine you are juggling a lot of logistics! Will you mail everything to yourself, or do you have live people to help you resupply?
  20. We will be there for a night or two next week, thanks for all the info FaithManor!! As is often the case, the forum has provided answers for questions I hadn't even thought of yet. Candmforever - I feel that way, too. Best of luck, and try to avoid crossing West Virginia!
  21. I found it shortly after I started homeschooling, 5 years ago? but my first peek scared me off for at least a year. I was overwhelmed by all the curriculum listed in people's signature files, hahaha. I wish I had found it and started lurking as soon as I began considering it, would have saved me (and my dc) a few mistakes.
  22. 3.5 hours away, rarely visit in person, clearly accepts behavior from her kids that is beyond acceptable in your house (or mine) - I would let it go. I don't see a benefit in telling. It happened ages ago in 7yo perceived time and she will just be modified but unable to do anything effective with the information. Next time, maybe look incredulously to the husband and day "Jonny just spit in my face!??"
  23. Monday night is salad or soup (summer/winter) Sometimes when dh grills dinner I will have him do extra vegetables and chicken breast, which I can use in meals later that week. Makes it seem easy when that meal comes around. Once in a while I will make a big Italian-bread sandwich. It is better if it sits for a while or over night, so that one seems easier, too.
  24. We've been working on Spanish for years and Latin for a year and a half. No issues, except time, never enough time. We often compare the two directly - vocabulary similarities and differences, and conjugation similarities. Our Spanish study has been more free-flowing, less programmatic due to my dc's ages, but latin has been a more grammatical approach nicely tying together some of the concepts we've discussed in Spanish but not truly studied. One thing I do try to do is separate the two subjects by at least one other subject. Preferably we do one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
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