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Miss Tick

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Everything posted by Miss Tick

  1. Yes! Avoid the places with water access, use as primitive a site as you can, the harder to get to the better. And earplugs are your friend, small, lightweight, but hard to carry just in case.
  2. Bummer. I've run into that, too. Another example of how a few people can ruin things for so many others. I think the last time I dealt with that someone eventually called the authorities, it must have been a national park because the response was serious and involved armed authorities.
  3. The things you listed all sound like they hereto your hands busy, but leave your brain pretty unencumbered. I think it gets problematic if you are doing something like reading the forum (blush), texting, reading a book, etc. If you look up and go "Wha..?", you might want to review your multi-taking activities. Doesn't sound like you have time for that kind of stuff in your life right now, though!
  4. It's not ruined, but it won't reach the peak of aesthetic beauty. Slice it before you put it on the table.
  5. We are using MEP/MM, heading for Beast Academy, perhaps AOPS. You know, in high school, there are a lot of options for outsourcing math, and even in middle school the options are increasing, plus by then a lot of math is "written to the student". All this is to say I would encourage her not to start off with a mindset limited by what may or may not be an issue down the road. Plus, a lot of us learn or improve our math skills by teaching our kids, she may too! If this is not her oldest child I could see taking the more practical, git 'er done approach.
  6. Aww, that sounds stinky. Sorry you are all having a rough time. It often takes us a couple weeks to really find our stride, so it is too early to give up all hope! But you are right to look for help, surely someone here will have some btdt to share with you.
  7. Why don't you take them to Half-Price books first? Whatever they don't want could then get listed for sale to other homeschoolers if you think it would have value (like all the books in a set or supplements to a popular curriculum), the remainder could go to the yard sale and then anything left you could donate. If any step feels overwhelming, skip it and go to the next one.
  8. I like the pepper-bean salad from Penzey's, here's a link: http://www.keyingredient.com/recipes/8231365/pepper-bean-salad-penzeys/?locale=en_US
  9. Wear it with confidence! Can you link a picture of something similar to yours? I'm curious!
  10. Sounds cool and edgy! I'm just getting used to the idea of high boots, though, so don't give my fashion vote to much weight. Would it be comfortable, sounds like it might be baggy?
  11. Meteor, brilliant! I'm with Monica whenever you start a poll.
  12. I have three kids using three different math programs, usually simultaneously. I set a mental one hour timer for the olders and they do what can be done. Sometimes ds does a bunch of pages, sometimes half of one. It's all good. I would be hesitant to skip problems in BA, there isn't much extra in there. Ds also does done work in MEP for practice and variety. I edit down those problem sets ruthlessly. Have you done a comparison of number of pages and number of school days to get a feel for the pace you would be shooting for? Of course, each section starts easy and processes in difficulty, but you could get an average number anyway.
  13. Not saying this is you (you sound as patient as a saint!), but sometimes in situations like this the words "I'm bored." (Or "Mom? Mom? Mom?" or "could you get me...") become a trigger for me. In that case, in addition to assessing the problem I have to suggest alternate wording. I'm bored = can you suggest an activity for me? That sounds a bit odd, I'm sure you can think of something better. I'm always amazed at the difference it makes in me to hear the words that I just TOLD you to say.. Eventually I responded with some chores I needed done, or with the comment that when I'm feeling bored it usually means my brain is too tired to make decisions and I should go lie down in a quiet place until I feel inspired. But not for a 4yo. Good luck! Maintain your calm exterior!
  14. We felt this way and talked about returning for 10 years after we moved. I finally decided that it was not helping and we needed to either move back or move on. I would recommend having that discussion yourselves and then making peace with whatever decision makes the most sense for your family. Visiting might help your decision.
  15. I contacted AG directly and they had some "scratch and ding" copies that they sold me for half price. I don't know how often that happens, but might be worth the hassle of filling out their contact form....
  16. We use what is available at our library for board books and early reading, but although I love our library, the foreign language collection is not large enough to support a year of early reading. SO, I am looking at using print-yourself readers from Tesoros de Lectura at McGraw-Hill's website. If you look at the tab for Familias (or the tab for Maestros) there is a section called Conexion con el hogar. Under that are weekly readers and activities for K-6. Using a set of Spanish-language products from an American company makes me want to *sigh*, but this is my youngest and if it isn't open-and-go it isn't going to happen. It is one part of my approach to Spanish - don't judge me! :001_rolleyes:
  17. A billion years ago, the prevailing wisdom was canister was better for hard floors and upright for rugs and carpet. I bought my cheapish Eureka upright about 10 years ago, no signs of imminent failure yet*. *technically I did replace it once, but before the new one arrived I realized the bag was overflowingly full and that was why it was no longer working. <<blush>> I was able to return the new one at no cost, except to my pride.
  18. Writing, AAGH! Ds 10yo needs help with writing mechanics, handwriting has shown little improvement in 3 years, capitalization rules don't translate to the page, everything is about minimizing the act of writing. I can't correct everything at once or there is a break-down, so I pick one thing to work on then lose confidence and switch to a different thing and eventually the two of us are just chasing our tails. "Will the schedule work?" Is a low-level concern that will hopefully dissipate by the end of the week, fingers-crossed.
  19. I thought it was all about yoga pants. Although, I've not found a pair I feel comfortable in in public....
  20. I would go with the existing house. The problems are known (one always hopes), six months ago you probably wouldn't be hesitating. In 6 years you could re-evaluate. Mostly this is just instinct on my part!
  21. I looked at it and am really intrigued, which is crazy because I don't have room in my schedule (Once a week, though! Surely that isn't to much to ask!) What age is it intended for? Early elementary?
  22. Can you pack yourself a snack and an activity and go sit in the car? Won't work if he forgets you said you were waiting in the car, though.
  23. It is my understanding that if you book your next cruise before the end of the one you are on you get (what feels like) BIG SAVINGS! This encourages serial cruising.
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