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Everything posted by *LC

  1. I thought i remembered you posting about engineering, but I couldn't remember why. Until this week, I didn't know UNC didn't offer engineering so I wanted to make sure you knew that if engineering was of interest. My sample of 3 all graduated from a large, OOS, high-performing public school in an affluent area in the last 3 years. All 3 graduated in top 10 (number not percent) in a class of around 600. All had more than 10 AP classes; all took calc 3 as seniors. All were varsity athletes; two were recruited to play in college (not at UNC), but chose not to pursue it. One had a perfect ACT score and was a National Merit Finalist. None of them brought any diversity to UNC. #1 and #3 are the oldest in family. #2 is younger sibling of #1, and they have a younger sibling too; #3 has one younger sibling. One father works as an logistics analyst; the other as a regional mgr for a software company; both moms are part-time nurses. However, their costs to attend UNC were very different. One is a current college senior, who chose not to attend UNC. Was accepted at a number of schools, including at least one meets need that was ranked higher than UNC. Of the schools in final cut, UNC was the most expensive at around $10 to $12,000. That would have been around the same cost as staying in-state. The other meets need was between 8-10,000. Ended up at a top 100 OOS school for less than $5,000 ; I can't remember the exact number, so it could have been way less. There also were lots of perks with the merit scholarship awarded. I don't know the details for #2, but is sibling of #1, so it should be about same or less, since the family now would have two kids in college. The third one is a freshman and was accepted at many schools, but the only ones i know about our state flagship and UNC. When student was deciding between those two, parent told me it was going to be $50,000 more a year to go to UNC than to attend state flagship. Good luck to your daughter.
  2. I don't have time for my friends' experiences right now, but they are 100% admitted as OOS students, but this a sample size of 3. They are all outstanding students with great grades/scores. The costs were very different, and I don't think any received merit scholarships. I do have a question, because for some reason I think your daughter is planning to major in engineering. UNC does not offer engineering. I have distant relatives that live in North Carolina. I was talking to one this week about college, as we both have seniors, and I asked about UNC and was told they do not have engineering, which is what the NC senior wants. It makes sense, because I remember talk last year of best-friend, who was accepted to UNC and North Carolina State, needing to select a career path, engineering or healthcare, to decide which acceptance to accept. UNC does have a joint-biomedical engineering degree with NCSU. My other NC relative's oldest was interested in that program but ended up changing to a straight NCSU engineering major after enrollment. (I also have a college friend whose oldest was admitted with plans for same program, but she also changed her mind to be completely at NCSU as a different major. From what I understood, when I heard about the program from both moms, students take classes at both schools. Both students are sophomores at NCSU now.
  3. I have Samaritan, but have not needed to use it. I don't know the answer. From the guidelines: Tests and Checkups—Tests are shareable only when prescribed by a licensed provider because of symptoms that are evident for a condition that was not evident prior to becoming a member. Follow-up tests or checkups more than one year after an illness or injury is stabilized after treatment, is in remission, or is cured are not shareable Cancer—Shareable, but there may be a limitation if it is related to cancer of a type you had prior to becoming a member (see Section VII.A). During the first five years of membership, the statement described in Section VII.D may be required. Colonoscopy—A colonoscopy will be shareable when prescribed due to symptoms for a condition not evident prior to your membership, or when it results in the discovery of a shareable condition. Regular tests and checkups (Section VIII.B.36) are not shareable. Complications Following Non-Shareable Medical Procedures—If complications arise from a medical procedure that is not shareable (e.g. a routine colonoscopy and most cosmetic surgery—see Section VIII.B), expenses for treating the complications are shareable Not Covered: Routine Medical Care—Such as routine physicals, checkups, vaccinations, flu shots, long-term maintenance prescriptions, and other routine medical expenses are not shareable.
  4. It is almost always cheaper to buy from another source than Disney. Try this to see if it is a better deal. mousesavers.com is the price for 2 adults and 2 kids 4 day tickets with a free 5th day $1,549.02
  5. Yes is the usual advice to buy before a price increase. I know there are changes coming in how tickets are priced, so I don't know if the usual advice is still as adamant. I imagine it is. I would buy at least 4 days if you can, but 5 if the price is about the same.
  6. I have a different viewpoint from the poster, but you do need to ask yourself how much additional time, if any, you are willing to invest in listening to her talk about a problem that you cannot solve. You may not have an exact answer, but have some idea of what you are willing to do and what are your limitations. I do not have any experience with the problems your friend is dealing with, thankfully, but I have been alone and dealing with an impossible situation with no answers. I can't tell you how much easier to make a decision is when you can talk it through with someone out loud. Sometimes just complaining to someone can stop me wasting mental energy saying the same thing over and over in my head. Sometimes talking through a decision with someone allows me to see the way to go without the other person saying anything. I can't explain it, but it happens. Sure a therapist could listen, but the issues still will not be solved. Unless she was at the point where she wanted to cut ties with daughter completely then professional guidance and support would be great. Otherwise she would simply be paying for someone to listen to her. If she had the money that would be fine, but she doesn't. It takes a lot of patience to listen (possibly over and over again) to someone complain about a problem that has no answer. Some people have that patience and some don't. Try not to assume to know what your friend is thinking. Thank you for being there for your friend. Thank you for listening to her.
  7. I'm sorry to hear about your pain and diagnosis. Praying for comfort and complete healing as well as patience as you heal.
  8. I am sorry to hear your daughter is sick. I hope she feels better soon and is able to go ahead with her original plans. However, there are the ABET accredited online engineering programs. http://www.abet.org/accreditation/find-programs/
  9. I understand what it's like to be overwhelmed with too many things to do all at once. Here is an job coach that is easy to check out if you live in one of these states. Ken's Krew, Inc. currently operates in downstate New York, New Jersey, eastern Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Georgia and southern Florida. If you are interested in becoming a candidate for Ken's Krew, please give us a call to confirm we serve your locality, then read and completely fill out all forms below and mail them to our central office Contact Us: Ken's Krew, Inc. 555 Madison Avenue 19th Floor New York, NY, 10022 (212) 290-8999 phone (212) 290-8994 fax Suzy Goldberger Email: suzy@kenskrew.org Karen LaPera, Director of Vocational TrainingEmail: klapera@kenskrew.org The application and more information is here. You can do this. http://kenskrew.org/index.html
  10. Is there such a thing... that is not a flip phone. I am the mean mom that didn't allow phones in elementary school, so I am trying hard to compromise on a first phone. I don't want to fight with the kid that will use this phone about playing games, social media. The kid will not have data, but will be able to connect to wifi when not at home to download games and app's. Is there a phone that easy to lockdown/block all these things to make the phone simply be a phone? Thanks for your suggestions?
  11. know I read a thread (or more) on this in the past, but I am coming up empty while searching now that I am thinking about upper math for my kid with these issues. Any suggestions of what worked? What didn't? One suggestion that I remember was acting as the student's scribe, so he/she can concentrate on the math, not the writing. I plan to do that. I would love something that is written to the student, and it doesn't require me to be the "interpreter/teacher." I don't want to explain the why's of high school math; if I ever knew, I've long forgotten. I am fine working through the problems with the sudent; I am actually pretty good at working the problems...just can't explain it. Thank you. 
  12. I know I read a thread (or more) on this in the past, but I am coming up empty while searching now that I am thinking about upper math for my kid with these issues. Any suggestions of what worked? What didn't? One suggestion that I remember was acting as the student's scribe, so he/she can concentrate on the math, not the writing. I plan to do that. I would love something that is written to the student, and it doesn't require me to be the "interpreter/teacher." I don't want to explain the why's of high school math; if I ever knew, I've long forgotten. I am fine working through the problems with the sudent; I am actually pretty good at working the problems...just can't explain it. Thank you. 
  13. I know I read a thread (or more) on this in the past, but I am coming up empty while searching now that I am thinking about upper math for my kid with these issues. Any suggestions of what worked? What didn't? One suggestion that I remember was acting as the student's scribe, so he/she can concentrate on the math, not the writing. I plan to do that. I would love something that is written to the student, and it doesn't require me to be the "interpreter/teacher." I don't want to explain the why's of high school math; if I ever knew, I've long forgotten. I am fine working through the problems with the sudent; I am actually pretty good at working the problems...just can't explain it. Thank you.
  14. In Basic Economy you’ll experience: Complimentary carry-on bag.Overhead bin space may be limited, so your carry-on bag may be gate checked free of charge Checked bag fee applies depending on the route. Please visit our Baggage and Travel Fees page for details Seat assignment is free after check-in Ticket changes or upgrades are not allowed* * Ticket changes or refunds not allowed after the Risk-Free Cancellation period. Basic Economy travelers are not eligible for paid or complimentary access or upgrades to premium seats, including to Delta Comfort+® or Preferred Seats; and no paid access to Priority Boarding. i grew up flying stand by, so I frequently sat by myself on planes from a young age. It made me feel mature. My kids have also with no issues. So, I would ask your 11-year-old's opinion, since every kid is different.
  15. I was looking at pictures yesterday of my daughter's graduation from last year and this thread popped into my mind. I was curious how it went, so i searched graduation dates and found out that it is this weekend. Exciting. First, since I am a completely uninvolved 3rd party, is it okay for me to hope something went wrong with the flights and your FIL will not make it in time? Second, I second what everyone said... you have done a wonderful job in preparing for the day. Now your job is simply to enjoy the day. Third: in looking at the pictures yesterday, I realized big things like graduations/weddings/reunions never go like we imagine them. My imagination is rarely realistic. Even though these events don't go as I imagined them, they are still great Especially, if I don't let myself compare reality to my unrealistic imagination. Her graduation was perfect, weather, speaker, dinner afterward, etc. Even moving out her freshman sibling from his on-campus dorm before graduation worked great. Looking at the pics though, I remember the stress I felt when my camera malfunctioned and wouldn't zoom. Of course, we were sitting as far as possible from where my daughter ended up sitting. I had another lens and took non-zoom pics, but there is no way to find my kid in the sea of caps and gowns. I know she was in front of a large group of ROTC grads sitting together, so I can pick out the row at least. The pictures also reminded me of the stress my daughter felt when she realized she had forgotten her bobby pins and how long it took her younger brothers to run to her apartment and back with bobby pins. The pics remind me that I was annoyed when she informed me that she wasnt able to wear whatever she was to wear for Phi Kappa Phi, because she didn't pay dues senior year. (She was selected junior year.) I'm sure in another few years, I will forget these things and only remember the perfect parts of the day...which really was absolutely perfect. I may even forget that freshman sibling was charged a late check-out fee, because he forgot to tell the right person he had a sibling graduating. Anyway, enjoy the weekend and remember it is perfectly okay for your focus to be only on your son. P.S. if something does go wrong medically with your in-laws, all you need to do is call 911 and then go on to wherever you need to be. The medical professionals will handle everything. (If it doesn't need an ambulance, Uber/Lyft will also work. My daughter took an Uber to Stanford Medical center while on a business trip to her company's headquarters. She had a late-night anaphylactic reaction in her hotel room after a team building event. She had no trouble at the hospital even though she was there by herself.) Another PS, if the original hotel started with an S and was 8 letters, you did the right thing in moving your in-laws. My daughter, who spent her childhood staying at questionable motels, stayed there her first business trip to headquarters and called me to complain about it.
  16. I have often seen these threads, so I am hopeful you can help me too. I am going to a wedding in San Diego this summer. It is at 4 pm. The wedding and reception are at this venue. https://greengablesestate.com it looks very fancy to me. I don't think what I would wear to an outdoor summer wedding would work for this venue. So, I would love to hear suggestions of what to wear. If it matters, the bride moved to San Diego after college; she is from a different area of the country. I don't know about the groom. It
  17. I am so sorry that her internship isn't going to happen; how frustrating. Now is the time for you to encourage your daughter that it isn't too late to try find something. If she is interested in Silicon Valley after graduation, interning there would be a good way to check it out. My oldest interned there and discovered she didn't want to live there after graduation like she had originally planned. It was much better to discover that before she moved there after graduation. It is an expensive place to live for interns and can be difficult to find housing if the startups do not pay interns or provide housing. You mentioned research internship. Is she interested in research after graduation? If so, could she talk to the person she had internship with about doing unpaid internship? Or to her professors? Depending on her school, she may be able to find inexpensive sublet for summer. No one will ever know the internship was unpaid. I just looked at indeed.com for a nearby city and companies are still posting computwr science internships. I am sure there are other websites also. Have her talk to career services at her school for ideas. If something doesn't pan out, i agree with suggestions others had for volunteer projects. Good luck with encouraging her to start again when she already did the work to get the first internship.
  18. Not typically. In literature on diagnosis/treatment of meningiomas, most places don't even list the MRS. This is the exception. http://www.aans.org/Patients/Neurosurgical-Conditions-and-Treatments/Meningiomas My questions would be what led to the MRI? Who ordered the MRI? Best answer would be a neurosurgeon who has treated more than 100 brain tumor patients. Does the patient have sympoms? Has surgery been suggested? Who suggested the PET scan? Is there a reason to believe this tumor is not a typical menengioma: the vast majority _ 80/90 percent_ are benign. This group use to have an online support group. This is what I find now:. http://www.meningiomamommas.com/support-forum/
  19. I'm sorry to hear about your dad. It has been a few years, so I don't have the most current information. That said I think your dad may want to get a different doctor for one who is willing to fight for him....if that is what your dad wants to do. How old is your dad? What does he want to do? What chemo is being suggeste? I am not familiar with what is considered palliative chemo. There use to be a website with timelines for patients with end-stage gbm. Website seems to be gone, but found copy of part of it in different places online The basics https://web.archive.org/web/20160110152605/http://www.brainhospice.com/index.html Timeline https://web.archive.org/web/20160324070425/http://www.brainhospice.com/SymptomTimeline.html This one says it is the whole website, but I get a message that they are updating. http://www.btbuddies.org.uk/hospice-palliative-care/51-symptom-timeline.html The website that linked that site also had this information from an experiened neuro-oncologist. END STAGES FOR A BRAIN TUMOUR PATIENT. Dianne Phillips’ former brain hospice website has been transferred to: http://www.btbuddies.org.uk/hospice-palliative-care/51-symptom-timeline.html Dallas (Texas) oncologist Dr Virginia Stark-Vance has made some additional comments about the information on that website. Note that she is talking from within the USA context, which has a different hospice and palliative care set-up to Australia. Also, some of the medical approaches might be slightly different. Dr Stark-Vance’s comments (19 July 2016) are: “I agree that the information about hospice and end of life care for brain tumor patients is extremely important, and I'm sure that many will find it beneficial. However, I would like to add a few caveats which may (or may not) be helpful for patients and families struggling with a brain tumor. “Not everyone who has a brain tumor, even a very aggressive tumor, such as glioblastoma, dies of their tumor. In my practice, the immediate cause is often infection, commonly pneumonia. All cancer patients can become more and more debilitated, lose strength, lose appetite, and no longer have the immune system they once did. This is particularly the issue when someone has been on steroids a long time. A serious infection can come on suddenly and without warning; the symptoms are typically different than those for patients dying of their tumor. Patients may have fever, shortness of breath, low blood pressure, rapid pulse, and may have a weak, ineffective cough. If the infection is in the bloodstream, patients can die within hours, not days, making hospice preparations impossible. “Another very common problem in all cancer patients is pulmonary embolus, which can occur at any time, even immediately after successful surgery, This is often related to clots that form deep in the legs where they can be difficult to detect. A "massive" pulmonary embolus can block blood flow to the heart and lungs instantly. It is estimated that up to 15% of all brain tumor patients die of pulmonary embolus, and most doctors are very mindful of this, and encourage their patients to move and exercise, or take a blood thinner when this is warranted. “Finally, even though this is less common, a brain tumor patient can die during a severe seizure, or one that continues for a prolonged period of time. I would always recommend that hospices treat brain tumor patients with anticonvulsants for that reason, although it can be a simple anticonvulsant such as liquid Ativan or disolvable clonazepam. Why treat seizures in a dying patient? Seizures are uncomfortable for the patient, and uncomfortable for the family watching the patient with a convulsion. A seizure that does not kill a person outright can still cause fractures in the spine or other injury. When I interview a hospice to find out if they are appropriate in taking care of a brain tumorpatient, I always ask them how they address seizures and if they don't know, I tell them how important this is. But I would rather engage a hospice that already has a plan for dealing with seizures. “Finally, it is important that a hospice always look toward making the patient (and the family) comfortable. Pain, seizures, and suffering are sometimes unavoidable, but by being prepared with appropriate training and medication, a hospice nurse can calm both the patient and the family at this difficult time. “Again, I think the information that is included in the brain tumor buddies website is extremely helpful, and I am grateful that you have shared this link.”
  20. Walmart online may have the larger size in at least one of the dresses. https://www.walmart.com/ip/MIUSOL-Women-s-Vintage-Evening-Cocktail-Party-Dresses-for-Women/460498341?variantFieldId=actual_color Good luck with the wedding.
  21. I am sorry to hear another sister may have cancer. I hope it turns out not to be cancer. I was recently traveling and realized I was sitting at the same place I was when I heard a good friend had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer four years ago. She is doing great and is a few months away from five years. Praying that you can say the same about your sister in the fall of 2022. Also praying for your sister, you and your families.
  22. I have seen posts wanting suggestions for international GAP years, so when I saw this I wanted to post it. Basically people 18 and up receive room and board for speaking English to people wanting to practice English. (Some may be in school settings; some are more casual encounters.) https://www.diverbo.com/english/english-for-teens/teens/ https://angloville.com InterExchange.org
  23. A telemarketer told my mom that he was going to blow up her house. Someone claiming to be an IRS agent threatened her if she did not get him the contact information for someone who rented a house from my parents. It was when I was a teen but it was very odd
  24. The amount of sleep is average. Plus for the analogy, one would only do it for a few nights. My bathroom is bigger than yours. It even has seating at the end of the jacquzzi tub. I don't think any analogy is ever exact. I stand b this one, because bathrooms are the only room I could think of that would not give you something to do/look at. It also gives white noise with a fan. Plus you can make it warm if there is a heater. A better alternative would be the indoor pool at a hotel for the same hours as the OP soon works. It would have to be a quiet pool with not a lot of people. Unfortunately, it would probably cost money to try the experiment. I hope he has found a better job. I even think he might be able to be a lifeguard under normal circumstances.
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