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Melissa B

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Everything posted by Melissa B

  1. Ds 7 Oak Meadow 1 Singapore 1A / 1B Galore Park Jr. History 1 + booklist assortment of Connect-the-Thoughts Elementary units Skoldo French 1 (handwriting workbook from religious publisher) gymnastics swimming Dd 8 Singapore 3A/3B Saxon 5/4 Galore Park Jr. English 2 MCT Grammar Island / Practice Island Galore Park Jr. History 1 + booklist assortment of Connect-the-Thoughts Elementary/Lower School units Skoldo French 1 (Latin, Geography, literature, and handwriting from religious publishers) gymnastics swimming Dd 12 Saxon 7/6 Key to Decimals, Key to Percents LOF Decimals and Percents Galore Park SYR English 3 MCT Grammar Voyage / Practice Voyage The Creative Writer Perrine's Literature - Poetry section CTT - Creative Writing II and III TOPS Science - Pendulums, Electricity, Machines, Sound CTT - Upper School General Science and Geology Teaching Company DVDs - The Nature of Earth Galore Park SYR French I and French II CTT - Prehistory and Early Civilizations Teaching Company - Origins of Ancient Civilizations CTT - Racism and Religious Intolerence Teaching Company - Religions of the Axial Age Phonics of Drawing CTT - Animation (drawing) I (Music Theory II through a religous online school) guitar piano volleyball Dd14 Algebra II - Saxon and LOF or FLVS and LOF H Biology - Pearson/Prentice Hall Geology (.5) - CTT Geology + TC Nature of Earth H Enlish II - FLVS Latin II - FLVS French I - Galore Park SYR French I and French II Poetry (.5) - second half of The Creative Writer and Perrine's Literature (poetry section) AP Human Geography - FLVS Ancient History - CTT Prehistory, CTT Ancient Civilizations, TC Origins of Ancient Civilizations, booklist Anthropology (.5) - FLVS + CTT Racism World Religions (.5) - FLVS + CTT Religious Intolerence + TC Religions of the Axial Age volleyball YMCA Teen Leadership committee
  2. Connect the Thoughts Kolbe Beautiful Feet Biblioplan House of Education (Ambleside)
  3. Here, about $3000 per year for classes, competitions and clothes. :)
  4. Actually, I don't think any state college in Texas has a collegiate gymnastics team (at least a competition team, I don't know about recreational.)
  5. Our dd is moved up one level each summer along with several other girls. Our gym doesn't go as many hours as others. If you want to move faster you need to take individual lessons. But dd and the team did quite well at state and I don't want to live in the gym, so we're happy. Recreational - 1 hr week Pre-team - 3 hrs week Level 2 - 4 hrs a week Level 3 - 6 hrs a week Level 4 will likely be 9 or 10 hours per week.
  6. Yesterday we received a ruling from the local CC that we've been waiting on for a month. 9th and 10th graders can no longer take dual enrolled classes at the CC. They must be in 11th grade to be on campus. Dd can take dual enrolled classes offered at a local high school, but I think that would be too much of a hassle. So here is our revised schedule: Latin II (FLVS) French I (FLVS) and Galore Park SYRWTL French I H English II (FLVS) Poetry (.5) 2nd part of The Creative Writer and Perrines's Literature: Structure, Sound and Sense (complete poetry and drama sections) H Biology (FLVS) H Earth-Space Science (FLVS) and TC The Nature of Earth w/lab - CTT Geology Ancient History - CTT Prehistory, CTT Early Civilizations, TC Origins of Great Ancient Civilizations and booklist World Religions (.5) (FLVS) and CTT Religious Intolerence and TC Religions of the Axial Age Algebra II - Saxon and LOF
  7. I always assumed it was the zipper of my jeans. Maybe you could do a poll and see how many people with holes in their shirts also wear jeans or pants (or skirts) with zippers regularly. :)
  8. That's unfortunate. Did you speak to someone specifically about homeschoolers? In several counties homeschoolers can start at the the CC while younger than a public school student. Also, have you checked the surrounding counties? In our county, homeschoolers (and maybe public school kids too, I don't know) can attend our county CC system, PHCC, but there is also an agreement with the CC system to the south of us, SPC, to allow students to attend there instead. Their system is much larger and accepts homeschoolers grades 10-12. Ours "currently" accepts students in grades 9-12, but is very small and limited in its offerings. I'm just throwing this out there since he plans to attend the CC anyway right after graduating. If he attends the CC as a high school student it will be free and still give him the option of going to a different college as either a freshman or transfer student the following year.
  9. Jenny, Why are you having him graduate in two and then attend CC rather than graduating in three with the last year being all dual enrollment? Are the classes he wants to take at the CC being blocked to high school students?
  10. Melissa B - PhoenixCat4077 I haven't had time to get to Hogwart's yet, but I do have my wand. :D
  11. Where I've seen guided study classes, the student has been pulled from a standard class needed for graduation because of a D or F grade and put into a small tutorial type classroom in order to help the student raise his/her grade and graduate on time.
  12. Any site you can recommend? I haven't seen anything that matches their quality and ease-of-use (at a reasonable price) for a non-sciency mother that has no desire to pull together a lab credit on her own. :o I am most in need of a lab component to AP Environmental Science. Thanks!
  13. I had to request a link on here as well. Here is the link given to me for Biology sets. The link to the comparison chart works, as do the links to what is in each biology set, but the links to other sciences do not.
  14. 9th grade Latin I / Latin II (dual enrollment) Composition I / Composition II (dual enrollment) AP Human Geography (FLVS) + booklist AP Environmental Science (FLVS) + TC Earth at a Crossroads Algebra II (Saxon and LOF) Anthropology (.5) / Sociology (.5) - (FLVS) World Religions (.5) / Philosophy (.5) - (FLVS) Jr. Varsity volleyball YMCA Leadership program 7th grade Breaking the Barrier Spanish (first half) Lingua Mater 7 / GP SYR English 3 / The Creative Writer GP SYR History 1 and 2 / TC The Vikings / booklist Comprehensive Science 2 (FLVS) + TOPS Sound and Rocks & Minerals Saxon 76 / LOF Decimals / Key to Decimals / Key to Percentages Music Theory II (online with CLAA) Kolbe Jr. High Literature volleyball piano guitar 3rd grade Latin I A & B (CLAA) MCT Grammar Island & Practice Island / GP Jr. English 2 / Pentime 3 & 4 GP Jr. History 1 / booklist Chronology & Geography (CLAA) Science ???? Saxon 54 / Singapore 3 A/B + IP, CWP / LOF D, E, F, G Skoldo French I MP Greek Alphabet book Kolbe Elementary Literature maybe - Phonics of Drawing / Themes to Remember gymnastics swimming 1st grade Oak Meadow 1 Pentime 1B GP Jr. History 1 + booklist Singapore 1A + IP, CWP / Saxon 1B Skoldo French 1 maybe - Phonics of Drawing / Themes to Remember gymnastics swimming
  15. I have a boy just like this. It has been quite a change after three calm and academic-oriented girls. :) He is very good at mazes and puzzles, can think things through verbally, is extremely active, but has no interest in letters or numbers. I think I am going to use Oak Meadow 1 with him next year. It begins with letters and numbers but ends the year with reading. (One can hope. :D) If I don't go that route I am going to stick with phonics, handwriting and read alouds next year - same as this year.
  16. For some reason, I am having the hardest time with 3rd grade. Here is what I am thinking right now: Singapore Primary Math 3 A/B Saxon 54 Galore Park Junior English 2 MCT Grammar Island / Practice Island Pentime 3 and 4 Kolbe Elementary Literature Latin - online Skoldo French 1 MP Greek Alphabet workbook Human Body study Burgess Bird Book TOPS Lentil Science Galore Park Junior History 1 +booklist Geography/Chronology - online Phonics of Drawing gymnastics swimming
  17. Personally, I would finish 1B this year and start in Saxon 2 next year. Everything in Saxon 1 is covered again in Saxon 2 and 3. I can't think of any section in Saxon 2 that doesn't feel like you are starting from the beginning. So long as he recognizes and can write all of his numbers (basically has his kindergarten skills down) Saxon 2 will likely be a good starting point next year.
  18. We will have one year of Composition (probably 9th) and three years of Literature. Any grammar work we plan to do will get rolled into the literature credit.
  19. I am using Sound and Rocks & Minerals this coming year with dd 12. I am considering the Lentil program for dd 8 and ds 6 as well. I had it for the older two girls when they were about the same age several years ago.
  20. Deconstructing Penguins Drawing with Children Comstock Nature Study Handbook
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