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Melissa B

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Everything posted by Melissa B

  1. Thanks for this! I wasn't planning on any formal literature program for ds. But the first month is available and it looks pretty good (and it's free. :D) I think I'm going to have to try it out. Maybe we will do the first month over the summer to see how it goes.
  2. I give the grade the student originally received on the exam. Then we correct everything to 100%. I encourage studying before an exam and do not use exams as pretests. The corrections will not improve the current grade, but understanding the material (especially in a subject such as math) will certainly help with overall understanding and should be beneficial in following exams. I would worry that being able to correct exams for a better grade would bring about apathy in test taking and studying in general. I prefer that my children recognize that they do not understand something and be willing to correct the situation through study, research or discussion before taking an exam over the material. If I were to use pretests as a teaching tool, I would make sure the final test was not the same test, but rather a new test covering similar material.
  3. I use it for kids' projects and curtains so I voted other. I haven't used it on any clothing in years.
  4. I keep a graded transcript and a list of resources used, separated by class, beginning in 7th grade. We don't do any classes according to time, so I don't need to worry about that and I don't do full course descriptions as it is unlikely I will need them. If I do, I feel confident I can pull them together based on the resource list. For us, the bigger adjustment is the child's. I don't give any grades for K-6 classes so the pressure is on, come 7th grade. I just finished preparing my sixth grader's transcript for next fall. I set it up to include 7th-12th so I can quickly see where we are at. I'll drop off 7th and 8th (or maybe just 7th and put a footnote that 8th grade classes are not included in the GPA) once 12th grade is completed. My eldest enters 9th next year, so she gets the added pressure of maintaining her GPA. :) It is funny, they both commented on how short their remaining years at home look when they all fit on a single sheet of paper. I agree. :scared:
  5. I think it is because you are looking specifically at engineering. That degree has such a large number of required classes, there is no room for electives. Florida tends to be a VERY generous state for credit transfer, but when dd looked into the U of Florida Environmental Engineering degree in order to help her choose which classes to dual enroll, she found out that only 9 classes are transferable, two of those are not offered at the local CC and a third the CC will not allow her to take. If she continues to lean toward an engineering degree the only classes that will transfer are Calc I, Calc II, Chem I, Chem II, Physics I and Physics II. The AA transfer program is for liberal arts degrees.
  6. All day, every day tap water switched from Senseo last January Tulley's French Roast and (someone's?) Hazelnut Cotsco, Walmart, Bed Bath & Beyond or online at Amazon or Coffee Whiz
  7. 8th grade Hits: Florida Virtual School online classes (high school level only) Life of Fred Algebra - claims it has taught her more than Saxon or FLVS Galore Park Latin Exercises - Book 1 - all the writing helped solidify the online class material Misses: Escondido Tutorial Services - Great Books I Loved the class, but the platform used for the weekly discussion wasn't compatable with our computers. After hours (and hours) of attempting to correct the situation including having their own tech guru enter our computer from the other side, we couldn't make it work correctly and had to drop the class during the second semester. 6th grade Hits: piano lessons, guitar lessons, online music theory class Misses: Florida Virtual School online classes all things math OK, basically all things academic :rolleyes: (We're making changes for next year.) 2nd grade Hits: Pentime 2 Singapore Math 2 A/B Life of Fred Math A, B, C Geography (online) - she loves this subject, who knew? :) Misses: Galore Park Junior Science 1 - too much writing, not enough hands-on Little House on the Prairie series - she can't stand it - We will move on after finishing book 2. Kindergarten Hits: Pentime 1 Hooked on Phonics workbooks Misses: Scheduled school times :tongue_smilie:
  8. Not much has changed, although some things have been added. Dropped: TOPS Lentil Science - but added in Oak Meadow 1 Science (with her brother) Swimming - last week she finished swim lessons to the level dh and I require. She was invited to the swim team and declined. So swimming is done. Added: Beast Academy 3 - yes, 3 math programs :willy_nilly: She enjoys math and wants to try and do all three. (We will probably drop one by Christmas break. :D) Connect the Thoughts units (again with her brother) Organizational Skills (fall) / Money (spring) Measurement / Categorization Religion in History / Early Civilizations I Creative Writing I / Visual Arts Recorder and Knitting (Oak Meadow w/ brother)
  9. I would consider the Holt high school science texts to be more standard material and secular. Oak Meadow also has a good syllabus to go along with the Biology and Environmental Science texts.
  10. This is certainly true in our area and could even be the entire state of Florida. The only high school credits a public school will accept are online classes taken through Florida Virtual School and dual enrollment credits issued directly from the college.
  11. There is a next book to The Scarlet Pimpernel? I loved that book. How could I not know that!?!? :D
  12. For the upper level there is a PDF file of additional books and films for history and science. They are listed according to segment. You can view the first segment or two of history online (Prehistory and Early Civilizations.) If you are having trouble viewing the examples from his site you can try Currclick (or vice versa.) Most of what is required is linked through the PDF file. There is occasionally an additional book needed. 99% of the required viewing material is available through Netflix. It is a good program for a visual, creative student. We used it a few years ago for a bit and I am going back to it next year for dd 12 as her primary curriculum. She had a difficult year this year and needs a program more in tune with her abilities and learning style. ETA: There were a lot of typos in the beginning. That was one of the reasons we only used it for a short time. The curriculum has since been expanded and edited. There are still a couple of typos, but nothing like the first couple of years.
  13. AP classes are college level classes generally taken during high school. AP classes are discussed regularly on the high school board. It isn't a curriculum though, it is an exam taken at the end of the school year. If you want to list a course as AP on your high school transcript (as a homeschooler) you either need to submit your syllabus to the AP board for approval or take an online AP level class. However you don't need to take an AP class in order to take the exam. You can use any resources you want and list the class as honors and then give the AP exam score. Here's a link to all of the AP exams currently being offered.
  14. I like the name Erasmus (for a middle name.) If my dh felt strongly about it I would definitely go with it. It does give both boys the same initials. Some people really like that and others don't. Personally, I wouldn't care either way whether or not the initials matched.
  15. All of my kids have two middle names because they have my maiden name as a second middle name. It hasn't been a big deal. Sometimes they list off their whole names and sometimes they just give their first middle name (and sometimes just first or first and last name. :)) I only use their first and last names on any documents and if it asks for a middle name I only use the first initial of the first middle name. In fifteen years we've never run into a problem. If they do run into any problems as adults, they have our blessing to change their names any way they please. :)
  16. Normally, I would agree, but Kolbe history is basically a literature and composition class. The books are: Livy, Plutarch, Tacitus and Augustine and the program requires a paper per week. With an interest in law and government, I would keep the Kolbe history in place of a lit class. And perhaps provide a book list to demonstrate the literature component of the class.
  17. I did not like the middle school sixth grade English class. It was a lot of busy work, no cohesion between lessons and all over the place in levels. I didn't mind the eighth grade English class and the 9th grade English class is pretty good too. My dd is currently finishing up 6th grade science and she enjoyed it. It was much better as far as less busy work and more cohesion. There are six units and each unit does a decent job of covering a topic. You can see every lesson for the entire year as soon as the class begins. So if we do 7th grade science at FLVS next year, I will look ahead in the lessons and add in a few experiments and readings to go along with each unit. I consider the workload of the middle school classes to be fairly light, but the high school classes can be demanding at the honors level, especially if you want to maintain an A average.
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