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Melissa B

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Everything posted by Melissa B

  1. Ours changes from year to year and child to child. Dd14 - Latin, Literature (next year - Latin, Greek) Dd12 - Music, Math (next year - Music, Latin) Dd8 - Latin, Math (next year - Latin, Math) Ds6 - Reading (next year - Reading, Math)
  2. I decided not to use it with my eldest dd. While she is good in math, she does not enjoy the discovery process. She likes the structure of being taught formulas and applying them. She finds math useful and is quite good at memorizing and applying formulas, but she does NOT consider math "fun." We switched to Saxon and LOF. She does not enjoy LOF either and would prefer to do only Saxon, but I wanted to make sure she could think through the math beyond memorizing the formulas. LOF was the least painful program I could find to supplement Saxon. Now she puts in her 90 minutes of math each day and moves on. :)
  3. Saxon Alg. 1 - 90 min w/corrections Saxon 76 - 90 min w/corrections & timed math sheets Saxon 1 - 30 min w/meeting and both sides of worksheet
  4. I would not consider LOF Fractions to be a year long curriculum. My 6th grade dd is currently using it alongside Saxon 76. I think those using only LOF do at least two books - Fractions and Decimals in one year. Also having used Singapore math with my girls, I've found the move to LOF from Singapore is smoother after finishing Singapore Level 4. HTH!
  5. Check the birthday cutoffs. We wanted our son to play LL, but the birthday cutoff was the day after his birthday so he would have been the youngest on the team. He is too small and immature for that so we are sticking with the YMCA at this time. The LL around here is very competitive too.
  6. I'll have my last 1st grader next year. Here is his plan: Saxon math 2 Life of Fred Apples Life of Fred Butterflies Apologia Zoology 1 (Birds and Insects) Burgess Bird Book Fabre's Insect Book Galore Park Junior History 1 + supplemental literature Hooked on Phonics Levels 3-5 Hooked on Phonics Big Book Grade 2 Pentime Handwriting Level 1B Typing Instructor for Kids Literature Read Alouds Phonics of Drawing --- gymnastics baseball swimming
  7. Doesn't the ACT have a different test that can be taken in 10th grade? Maybe that is what they were meaning?
  8. We do the ACT in 7th and 8th in place of the portfolio review. The price to take the ACT is basically what I pay for a review anyway. We don't do any prepping for it. I think we will do the SAT in 9th and then the ACT "for real" in 10th and the PSAT and SAT "for real" in 11th. I don't think I need to do any reporting for 12th.
  9. We have two choices for teens. 1. Join the YMCA teen leadership committee. Volunteer hours at the Y are required. 2. Become an assistant coach under a parent. (I'm not sure whether any approved adult would work or if it has to be a parent/child relationship.)
  10. Homeschoolers are required to meet the community service hours requirement. I don't know the exact date due - I just wrote down after Dec. 1st and before graduation as that is when all other documentation is due.
  11. ds 6: 1-2 hours, 100% with me dd 8: 3-4 hours, 50% with me dds 12 & 14: 9-10 hours, 10-20% with me
  12. In our home the punishment would stick. But, the family movie would also be pushed back to another time.
  13. Thanks for the suggestions! Dd will take actual architecture/design and math classes at the local CC. I am definitely not in a position to teach those classes. :D Dh and I have also strongly suggested (due to the economy) that she pursue a double major. She is very open to the suggestion as she plans to get her AA while in high school and take advantage of Florida's direct transfer program into UF (along with their Bright Future's scholarship.) She does agree that she has time to double major in something safe like English or Business to provide a bit of a safety net. If my dd is one thing it is VERY practical. :tongue_smilie: I think a history of architecture program is the best I can do on my own. I did bookmark the Landry Academy class, but she already has some online/deadline classes for next year and I think would prefer something she can do more leisurely at home.
  14. I want to put together an ancient architecture credit for dd next year. She is considering architecture as a degree (but is only 14 so not definite) and is doing a Great Books study of ancient Rome next year - so it seems like a good time to put together this class. I know very little about architecture myself. Things I am looking at: Yale open courseware class - Roman Architecture (includes two texts) Lukeion 4-week class - Feats of Roman Engineering Lukeion 4-week class - Right Ratio: Greek Architecture Great Courses - Understanding the World's Greatest Structures Great Courses - The Cathedral If you have opinions on any of the above classes or could recommend some additional resources - especially really great books - I would appreciate any help. Thanks!
  15. Angelicum Academy Great Books Program - It's a Catholic program.
  16. I do all of the clothing in one day, usually six loads. I have four laundry baskets - an individual for each younger child, older two dds share one and dh and I share one. I fold each load as it comes out of the dryer, putting it into the proper basket. Once the laundry is done (around dinnertime) all of the baskets go upstairs and the kids put away their clothes that evening or before school the next morning. I do towels/sheets on other days and send a child up with each load after I fold it.
  17. I added Teaching Company DVDs and a Yale open courseware class. I have dd take notes from the open course class and some of the TC lectures.
  18. Just updated 2nd grade dd's school plan. Here is her history plan (again always subject to change): 3rd - Galore Park Jr. History 1 and 2 + additional resources (ancients through ancient Greece) & Geography 4th - Galore Park Jr. History 2 and 3 + additional resources (ancient Rome) & Geography 5th - Galore Park SYR History 1 and 2 + additional resources (middle ages) & Geography 6th - Galore Park SYR History 2 and 3 + additional resources (early modern history) & Geography 7th - Ancient Greek History & American History (FVS) 8th - Ancient Roman History & World History (FVS) 9th - Ambleside 7 (800 - 1500) & AP Human Geography (FVS) 10th - Ambleside 8/9 (1500 - 1800) & U.S. Government / Economics (FVS) 11th - Ambleside 10/11 (1800 - present) & Humanities (comm. college) 12th - AP Art History (FVS) & U.S. History (comm. college)
  19. Each of my kids has a different schedule, but I'll do dd 6th grade as I am working on her paperwork right now. We generally do two strands of history at the same time. And plans are always subject to change. :D 5th - Ancient civilizations (mainly ancient Egypt) & early American history 6th - Ambleside Year 6 (ancient Greece and Rome) & World Geography 7th - Ambleside year 7 (800 - 1485) & American History 8th - Ambleside year 8 (1485 - 1700) & Global Studies 9th - Ambleside year 9 (1700-1850) & AP Human Geography 10th - Ambleside year 10 (1850-1950) & U.S. History (comm. college) 11th - Ambleside year 11 (1950-present) & U.S. Government / Economics 12th - Humanities (comm. college) & Music History
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